Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)

Thine Own Self

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip Jack's Favorite

Data loses his memory after retrieving radioactive fragments on a planet's surface and endangers the primitive natives he encounters, while Deanna studies to become a bridge officer.

Stardate: 47611.2
Air Date: 02/14/94
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
This is one of the best Data-centric episodes in the series. The interplay between Data and Ronnie Claire Edwards' Talur is just fantastic and the story is something that would have worked in TOS with Spock - with some modifications to the story, of course. The promotion of Troi to Commander is very fun but it feels a tad too late this deep into the last season. If they had done it a season or two prior it could have led to some interesting and fun episodes with her in command of the ship.

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