Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)


Q Who?

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Q flings the ship 7,000 light years from Federation space and introduces the crew of the Enterprise to the deadly Borg.

Features: The Borg The Q Entity
Stardate: 42761.3
Air Date: 05/08/89
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
An absolute must watch episode for any new Trek fan. Q, Guinan, The Borg....easily not one to miss.

The Best of Both Worlds (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard is kidnapped by the Borg, who begin their invasion of Federation space.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 43989.1
Air Date: 06/18/90
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
One of, if not the, most iconic Star Trek episodes in the entire franchise. This one moves The Borg to the top villan in the show while also starting the cliffhanger series endings we get each following season. I typically don't list this as a favorite but after several viewings it has moved into my must-watch episodes.

The Best of Both Worlds (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard is rescued from the Borg as the Enterprise races to save Earth. A great number of Starfleet ships are destroyed by the lone Borg ship, although an away team finally rescues Picard. Data interfaces with the half-Borg Picard and finds a way to shut down the Borg ship.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 44001.4
Air Date: 09/24/90
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
A masterful ending to a great story. The full circle aspect is terrific and after watching several times you'll realize this is a Riker story more than the Borg or Picard. We see Riker questioning his place and his motivation, become Captain and then end up right where he belongs by the end.

I, Borg

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise rescues a Borg survivor, and Picard plans to use him as a weapon against his nemesis by exposing him to a computer virus.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 45854.2
Air Date: 05/11/92
Director: Robert Lederman

Descent (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

The crew encounter a group of Borg acting individually, and Data briefly experiences emotions.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 46982.1
Air Date: 06/21/93
Director: Alexander Singer

Descent (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

The Borg are being led by Lore. Data falls under his control by being fed negative emotions.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 47025.4
Air Date: 09/20/93
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
A worthy conclusion to the two-part season finale. Great performances overall and some terrific dialog between Alex Datcher and James Horan leading up to a great moment for Beverly in command.

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