Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)


Encounter at Farpoint

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The new starship Enterprise begins its maiden voyage by uncovering the mysteries of an advanced space station. The crew's mission is threatened by an omnipotent being named Q, who puts them (and specifically, Captain Picard) on trial for the crimes of all humanity.

Features: The Q Entity
Stardate: 41153.7
Air Date: 09/28/87
Director: Corey Allen

Jack's Review
Easily one of the best episodes of the first season, Farpoint is an instant classic. The episode feels a bit like the first issue of a comic book. It's obvious that the characters weren't fleshed out yet and there is a slight odd feel to the editing. Despite these issues, this is still one of my favorites.

Where No One Has Gone Before

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Warp efficiency tests send the Enterprise traveling far beyond known space, where the crew's imagination takes on real form.

Stardate: 41263.1
Air Date: 10/26/87
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
One of the episodes I remembered most from the first time it aired. I enjoyed the Traveler character and although I didn't care for Wesley back then, I really enjoy the introduction to his character now. The odd thing is, Wil Wheaton and I are exactly one week apart in age....so I am not sure why I initially disliked Wesley. I guess with age comes wisdom - now I watch and each episode is like a time capsule.

The Big Goodbye

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip Jack's Favorite

A computer malfunction traps Picard, Data, and Beverly in a Dixon Hill holodeck program set in early 20th-century Earth.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 41997.7
Air Date: 01/11/88
Director: Joseph L. Scanlan

Jack's Review
One of the best episodes of the first season, this is also the first "Holodeck" episode ever. While there are a few rough patches here and there the story works well. If you know your Trek Tech you will understand that once the holodeck is shut down, any real solid matter created while inside...food, clothes, etc. is destroyed. Since the safety feature was turned off, the people would have counted as random solid matter and would have been transported into nothingness.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise crew finds a disassembled android identical to Data at the site of the Omicron Theta colony,?where Data was found,?which was destroyed by a life form dubbed "the Crystalline Entity." The reassembled android, Lore, brings the Crystalline Entity to the Enterprise.

Stardate: 41242.4
Air Date: 01/18/88
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
An absolute classic. Introducing a second Data - and an evil one at that - makes for a lot of fun throughout the series. I just wish he had used Lore a bit more.

The Arsenal of Freedom

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Trapped on the surface of an abandoned planet, an away team becomes unwitting participants in the demonstration of an advanced weapons system.

Stardate: 41798.2
Air Date: 04/11/88
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
Another one I remember watching when it first aired! Man, I love this episode. It's like watching a comic book play out on screen. It's funny when it should be, heartwarming when it has to be, and thrilling when it needs to be. Overall one of my favorites.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Picard tries to mediate a trade dispute between two neighboring planets, one of which is the sole supplier of a drug to treat the other's apparently fatal disease.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 04/18/88
Director: Win Phelps

Jack's Review
How fun is this? We get David Marcus and Joachim from Wrath of Khan back in Trek and in the same episode! The episode is a tad preachy and melodramatic at times but the premise is sound and the story is well played out.

Skin of Evil

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

An evil, tar-like creature holds Troi hostage on an alien world. During a rescue mission, one of the Enterprise crew is killed.

Stardate: 41601.3
Air Date: 04/25/88
Director: Joseph L. Scanlan

Jack's Review
I never really warmed up to the Tasha Yar character until the end of this episode. The writers really never did get a handle on where they wanted to go with her character, and it still shows all these years later. I have to admit this episode chokes me up. And...personally, I always wonder what happened to Armus after the Enterprise torpedoed the shuttlecraft remains from orbit....I mean, he feeds on energy.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The strange behavior of high-ranking officers, which earlier prompted the investigation of the crew (in "Coming of Age"),?leads Picard to uncover a conspiracy within Starfleet.

Stardate: 41775.5
Air Date: 05/09/88
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
You know, I never was a fan of the uber-conspiracy stories....but wow this one works! It's creepy and strange from start to finish....and that effect...you know the one I mean....I remember watching this one in college and my friends and I all looked at each other with our mouths hanging open. The only thing I dislike about it....they never came back to this storyline again.

The Neutral Zone

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A derelict satellite is found containing cryonically frozen humans from the 20th century as the Enterprise is sent to investigate the destruction of outposts near Romulan space.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 41986
Air Date: 05/16/88
Director: James L. Conway

Jack's Review
I'll admit that this episode feels like two stories patched together. I will also admit that it is a really fun watch. The three folks from the past are terrific and their stories are easy to identify with. Overall, a fun end to the season. Leon Rippy's Clemonds character is so much fun that I really wish he would have shown up on other episodes of the series.

Where Silence Has Lease

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise becomes trapped in a "hole in space", where the crew encounter strange spatial phenomena and crewless ships materialising in and out of existence. The crew suspect they are akin to lab rats.

Stardate: 42193.6
Air Date: 11/28/88
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
A terrific episode that shows off the quality of what this series would be capable of in the coming years. Plenty of thought-provoking dialogue with an interesting mystery. I would have loved to see Nagilum show up again in a later season.

Elementary, Dear Data

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

After Data easily solves an ordinary Sherlock Holmes holodeck mystery, Geordi asks the computer to make a Holmes villain capable of defeating Data. The resultant Professor Moriarty soon becomes far more powerful than expected.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 42286.3
Air Date: 12/05/88
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
Such a fun episode! Spiner's play as Data doing Holmes is a blast and the overall premise of the episode - a simple misspoken command to the computer - works great.

The Outrageous Okona

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

The Enterprise encounters a flamboyant space rogue on the run, while Data explores humor with the help of a holodeck comedian (played by Joe Piscopo).

Stardate: 42402.7
Air Date: 12/12/88
Director: Robert Becker

Jack's Review
I am a big Billy Campbell fan - great actor, loads of on-screen charisma...which is evident in this interesting sci-fi take on Gulliver's Travels. Campbell's wandering scoundrel, Okona is so fun it almost makes me want to leave the Enterprise and follow him for a few episodes....Can't wait to see the character again in the new Prodigy series.

Unnatural Selection

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The Enterprise receives a distress call from the USS Lantree where the crew find all hands dead from, apparently, old age. The cause of the accelerated aging must be found before scientists on a research colony suffer the same fate.

Stardate: 42494.8
Air Date: 01/30/89
Director: Paul Lynch

Jack's Review
Here we have the second accelerated aging episode - unless you count "Too Short a Season"...but that has reverse aging, so. Anyway, this is a terrific Pulaski episode too. Lots of folks dislike her character, but her early abrasiveness and disdain for Data softens over the course of season two. She is exactly what the series needed at the time - a mild injection of Dr. McCoy's grouchy demeanor and moral compass.

A Matter of Honor

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Will Riker is assigned to a Klingon vessel via an officer exchange program.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 42506.5
Air Date: 02/06/89
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
Man, I love this one. Riker cemented himself as my favorite TNG character with this episode. You can't help but enjoy his banter with the Klingons. Trivia tidbit: the Klingon Captain is played by Christopher Collins who plays the Pakled captain, Grebnedlog in "Samaritan Snare", and who also voiced Cobra Commander and Starscream in the 80s GI Joe and Transformers cartoons.

The Measure of a Man

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

When Data refuses orders to be dismantled for research purposes, a hearing is convened to determine if he is a legal citizen or property of the Federation.

Stardate: 42523.7
Air Date: 02/13/89
Director: Robert Scheerer

Jack's Review
Worthy of my list of Top 5 episodes of TNG, easily. An amazing courtroom drama with loads of emotion, sentiment, and some downright incredible acting from Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Amanda McBroom, and Brian Brophy. This episode was used as the premise for the first season of "Picard", but that season really went off the rails. Thankfully, even after that train wreck, this episode still stands as one of the best Trek episodes of all time.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A dangerous alien computer virus runs rampant through the Enterprise after causing the destruction of her sister ship, the USS Yamato.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 42609.1
Air Date: 03/20/89
Director: Joseph L. Scanlan

Jack's Review
"Personal Log..." will be stuck in your head after watching this one. A great episode with a story arc revisited in DS9. This one never gets old. This classic episode also marks the first Star Trek appearance of Carolyn Seymour, who shows up as a Romulan again in "Face of the Enemy" and Mirasta in "First Contact" (the episode), as well as Mrs. Templeton in Voyager.

The Royale

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Riker, Worf, and Data investigate a structure on an icy gas giant. Inside, they find a casino reconstructed from a bad Earth novel.

Stardate: 42625.4
Air Date: 03/27/89
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
The Royale has the the charm of a classic original series episode. It's downright silly at times but so much fun. The light-hearted premise makes it easy to watch and fun to rewatch. Over the years this one has become one of my go-to episodes.

Pen Pals

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Data befriends a child from a doomed planet, breaking the Prime Directive.

Stardate: 42695.3
Air Date: 05/01/89
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
This is actually a beautiful episode - Star Trek at its best. It also contains the only curse word in the series - even if it is spoken in French.

Q Who?

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Q flings the ship 7,000 light years from Federation space and introduces the crew of the Enterprise to the deadly Borg.

Features: The Borg The Q Entity
Stardate: 42761.3
Air Date: 05/08/89
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
An absolute must watch episode for any new Trek fan. Q, Guinan, The Borg....easily not one to miss.

Samaritan Snare

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A group of dimwitted aliens, the Pakleds, kidnap Geordi to fix their malfunctioning ship.

Stardate: 42779.1
Air Date: 05/15/89
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
I absolutely adore this episode. It's hilarious. The Pakled way of speaking has become a running joke at work, we learn some of Picard's past, and see some bonding between the Captain and Wesley. Overall a must-see episode.

The Emissary

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf's former lover comes aboard Enterprise to help deal with a cryogenically frozen Klingon crew from 70 years in the past.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 42901.3
Air Date: 06/29/89
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
Ah, Susie Plakson. How much different the show would have been has they let K'Ehleyr stay on board. This episode is another well above average season two outing.

Peak Performance

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise and USS Hathaway face off in simulated combat maneuvers. Data fails to beat a humanoid at a game of Strategema.

Features: The Ferengi
Stardate: 42923.4
Air Date: 07/10/89
Director: Robert Scheerer

Jack's Review
This one is right up at the top of the episodes of TNG that I absolutely love. It contains perhaps the single best Picard quote in the entire series, as well as one of the best endings. The upbeat end on a freeze-frame is just perfect classic TV.

The Ensigns of Command

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Data must persuade a stubborn colony to evacuate their homeland under threat of a powerful and mysterious race.

Stardate: 43133.3
Air Date: 10/02/89
Director: Cliff Bole

The Survivors

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

The Enterprise investigates the last two survivors of an annihilated world, as the entire surface has been transformed to dust except their one little garden and house.

Stardate: 43152.4
Air Date: 10/09/89
Director: Les Landau

Who Watches the Watchers

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Deanna and Riker must rectify the damage done when two primitives from Mintaka III catch glimpse of a Federation observation team and eventually conclude that Captain Picard is a god.

Stardate: 43173.5
Air Date: 10/16/89
Director: Robert Wiemer

Booby Trap

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise falls victim to an ancient booby trap set to snare starships; while in an effort to find an escape, Geordi finds himself falling for the holodeck's representation of a famous Federation engineer.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 43205.6
Air Date: 10/30/89
Director: Gabrielle Beaumont

Jack's Review
This one is really fun. Oh, sure, from the outside it may seem a bit strange falling for a holodeck character, but I bet it happens very often. Great acting and direction makes this one wort watching several times.

The Enemy

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Geordi is trapped on a harsh planet with a hostile Romulan, and the two must work together to survive.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 43349.2
Air Date: 11/06/89
Director: David Carson

The Defector

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Determined to avert a war, a Romulan officer defects to warn Picard of his Empire's invasion plans.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 43462.5
Air Date: 01/01/90
Director: Robert Scheerer

The Hunted

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A genetically modified soldier reveals the social problems of a world hoping to join the Federation.

Stardate: 43489.2
Air Date: 01/08/90
Director: Cliff Bole

Deja  Q

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

The Q Continuum strips Q of his powers, and dumps him aboard the Enterprise.

Features: The Q Entity
Stardate: 43539.1
Air Date: 02/05/90
Director: Les Landau

Yesterday's Enterprise

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise-C arrives from the past, causing a shift in reality and the return of the deceased Tasha Yar.

Features: The Klingons Time Travel
Stardate: 43625.2
Air Date: 02/19/90
Director: David Carson

Jack's Review
An absolute masterpiece of storytelling. I have listed this as my favorite episode several times and it still stands in my top 5. When Star Trek gets time travel right it really gets it right.

The Offspring

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Data creates a young android, which he considers his daughter, "Lal". But a Starfleet admiral arrives demanding she be removed from the Enterprise.

Stardate: 43657
Air Date: 03/12/90
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Sins of the Father

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf goes on trial to prove his father's innocence after the Klingon High Council declares that Worf's father is a traitor, and worked with the Romulans all along.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 43685.2
Air Date: 03/19/90
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
Among the best Klingon episodes in Trek. Tony Todd is, as always, incredible as Kurn. This episode shows one of the reasons I dislike the Generations film. Picard kicks the crap out of two assassins....but he can't whip Malcolm McDowell?

Captain's Holiday

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard is convinced to take some much needed shore leave, but gets wrapped up in a woman's treasure hunt.

Features: Time Travel The Ferengi
Stardate: 43745.2
Air Date: 04/02/90
Director: Chip Chalmers

Jack's Review
I have watched this episode countless times and I never realized that is basically a Dixon Hill mystery. Totally film noir. Probably why I enjoy it so much.

Hollow Pursuits

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Lt. Barclay's use of the holodeck as an escape interferes with his duties. Meanwhile, the Enterprise suffers from mysterious and random malfunctions.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 43807.4
Air Date: 04/30/90
Director: Cliff Bole

The Most Toys

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

An obsessed collector is determined to add Data to his private collection of unique items.

Stardate: 43872.2
Air Date: 05/07/90
Director: Tim Bond

The Best of Both Worlds (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard is kidnapped by the Borg, who begin their invasion of Federation space.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 43989.1
Air Date: 06/18/90
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
One of, if not the, most iconic Star Trek episodes in the entire franchise. This one moves The Borg to the top villan in the show while also starting the cliffhanger series endings we get each following season. I typically don't list this as a favorite but after several viewings it has moved into my must-watch episodes.

The Best of Both Worlds (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard is rescued from the Borg as the Enterprise races to save Earth. A great number of Starfleet ships are destroyed by the lone Borg ship, although an away team finally rescues Picard. Data interfaces with the half-Borg Picard and finds a way to shut down the Borg ship.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 44001.4
Air Date: 09/24/90
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
A masterful ending to a great story. The full circle aspect is terrific and after watching several times you'll realize this is a Riker story more than the Borg or Picard. We see Riker questioning his place and his motivation, become Captain and then end up right where he belongs by the end.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard visits his family in France and Worf's human parents come aboard the Enterprise.

Stardate: 44012.3
Air Date: 10/01/90
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
The first time I saw this episode I admit, I didn't like it. After several views I will concede that it is another of Trek's best. The human aspect of Star Trek is what makes the show so accessible and amazing and this one is a prime example. Picard's pain is palpable and gut wrenching. And Samantha Eggar as Picard's sister in law is a welcome addition.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Data is summoned by his creator Noonien Soong who is still alive, and they are joined by Lore.

Stardate: 44085.7
Air Date: 10/08/90
Director: Rob Bowman

Remember Me

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

After an apparent failure of a warp-field experiment, people begin to disappear from the Enterprise with only Dr. Crusher remembering they ever existed.

Stardate: 44161.2
Air Date: 10/22/90
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
This one is just terrific fun. A great mystery in the finest Trek fashion that works into a wonderful twist. Gates McFadden is even better than usual in this one as well. I remember seeing this one when it first aired and it stuck with me for years. On my first complete binge-watch of the series, I waited patiently to see this one again and I was not disappointed. While it didn't make my top 10 TNG episodes, I can tell you it was a close call.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Worf's ex-girlfriend returns, and along with Picard, the two mediate a Klingon power dispute and Worf discovers more family.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 44246.3
Air Date: 11/05/90
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Jack's Review
This is another of the best Klingon episodes for sure.

Future Imperfect

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Riker finds himself sixteen years in the future, his memory of the interim erased by a dormant virus.

Features: The Holodeck The Romulans
Stardate: 44286.5
Air Date: 11/12/90
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
This is such a great episode. It shows the creativity of the writers by keeping us guessing to the end.

Final Mission

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Wesley sets off on his final mission with the Enterprise accompanied by Picard, but they become stranded on a desert planet.

Stardate: 44307.3
Air Date: 11/19/90
Director: Corey Allen

The Wounded

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

A rogue Starfleet Captain jeopardizes the Cardassian peace treaty.

Stardate: 44429.6
Air Date: 01/28/91
Director: Chip Chalmers

Devil's Due

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A powerful mythic figure from a millennium ago returns to enslave a planet in accordance with a contract. However Picard is convinced she is an opportunistic charlatan.

Stardate: 44474.5
Air Date: 02/04/91
Director: Tom Benko


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The crew is rendered unconscious for 30 seconds except for Data after going through a localized wormhole. However, various clues suggest they were unconscious for an entire day.

Stardate: 44502.7
Air Date: 02/11/91
Director: Les Landau

First Contact

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Riker is hospitalized during a botched pre-first contact mission. Xenophobia results in increasing hostility toward his presence.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 02/18/91
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
An excellent episode specifically because of Caroline Seymour. Her wide eyed wonder as the lead warp scientist is terrific.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Q returns to test Picard's love for an old flame.

Features: The Q Entity
Stardate: 44741.9
Air Date: 04/22/91
Director: Cliff Bole

In Theory

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Data participates in a romantic relationship with a fellow crew member.

Stardate: 44932.3
Air Date: 06/03/91
Director: Patrick Stewart

Redemption (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Worf leaves the Enterprise to fight on behalf of Gowron in a Klingon civil war.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 44995.3
Air Date: 06/17/91
Director: Cliff Bole

Redemption (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A fleet of 23 Federation ships blockades Romulan support to the Duras family, resulting in Gowron's installation as Chancellor.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 45021.3
Air Date: 09/23/91
Director: David Carson


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard must learn to communicate with an alien captain who speaks in metaphors before a dangerous beast kills them both.

Stardate: 45047.2
Air Date: 09/30/91
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Ensign Ro

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

After an attack on a Federation outpost, Picard is sent to locate a Bajoran terrorist, with the help of Ensign Ro Laren.

Stardate: 45076.3
Air Date: 10/07/91
Director: Les Landau


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise is without power, trapping Picard in a turbolift with three children and trapping others in various locations. Command of the bridge falls to Counselor Troi, who feels ill-prepared.

Stardate: 45156.1
Air Date: 10/21/91
Director: Gabrielle Beaumont

Jack's Review
Easily one of my favorites. It has humor, thrills, and emotional moments. Quintessential Trek.

The Game

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Wesley visits the Enterprise, but finds the crew addicted to a mind-altering computer game.

Stardate: 45208.2
Air Date: 10/28/91
Director: Corey Allen

Unification (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Spock is reported to have defected to the Romulans. Picard and Data travel to Romulus on a cloaked Klingon vessel to investigate.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 45236.4
Air Date: 11/04/91
Director: Les Landau

Unification (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Spock attempts to unify the Vulcans and Romulans in peace, but falls into a Romulan trap.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 45245.8
Air Date: 11/11/91
Director: Cliff Bole

A Matter of Time

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A historian from the 26th century visits the Enterprise, while they help a planet prevent a nuclear winter.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 45349.1
Air Date: 11/18/91
Director: Paul Lynch


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The crew's memory is erased, and they discover they are being manipulated into being the key part of a war.

Stardate: 45494.2
Air Date: 02/17/92
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
This episode has become one of my favorites over the years. It is terrific fun, playful at times, and exciting.

Cause and Effect

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise becomes stuck in a causality loop, but the crew retain some memory of previous instances.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 45652.1
Air Date: 03/23/92
Director: Jonathan Frakes

The First Duty

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Wesley is questioned over a Starfleet Academy flight-training accident.

Stardate: 45703.9
Air Date: 03/30/92
Director: Paul Lynch

Cost of Living

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Deanna's mother, Lwaxana, arrives to marry a man she has never met. Worf has difficulty rearing Alexander, which is exacerbated when Lwaxana takes the boy under her wing.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 45733.6
Air Date: 04/20/92
Director: Winrich Kolbe

I, Borg

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise rescues a Borg survivor, and Picard plans to use him as a weapon against his nemesis by exposing him to a computer virus.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 45854.2
Air Date: 05/11/92
Director: Robert Lederman

The Next Phase

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A transporter accident traps Geordi and Ensign Ro out of phase; while the others plan their funeral they must find a way to reverse the process and save the Enterprise from destruction.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 45092.4
Air Date: 05/18/92
Director: David Carson

The Inner Light

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A space probe creates a telepathic tether and causes Picard to experience, in twenty-five minutes, a lifetime as a married man on a world that was destroyed a millennium ago.

Stardate: 45944.1
Air Date: 06/01/92
Director: Peter Lauritson

Time's Arrow (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A 500-year-old artifact is uncovered on Earth: Data's severed head. The Enterprise investigates alien involvement in Earth's past and Data fulfills his destiny.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 45959.1
Air Date: 06/15/92
Director: Les Landau

Time's Arrow (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise crew follow Data to San Francisco of the 1890s. The crew deal with Samuel Clemens (and run into Jack London), while trying to find a way to prevent aliens from interfering with 19th-century Earth.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 46001.3
Air Date: 09/21/92
Director: Les Landau


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise investigates a vessel that crashed on the surface of a Dyson sphere 75 years ago. An undegraded pattern is found in the transporter buffer, that of Mr. Scott. Feeling out of place and obsolete, Scotty agrees to return to his vessel with Geordi to help restore the logs, and they become the only hope when the Enterprise is accidentally pulled inside the sphere.

Stardate: 46125.3
Air Date: 10/12/92
Director: Alexander Singer

True Q

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Q reveals a secret about a young woman from Kansas who is visiting the Enterprise.

Features: The Q Entity
Stardate: 46192.3
Air Date: 10/26/92
Director: Robert Scheerer


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

A transporter malfunction turns Picard, Keiko, Ro and Guinan into children, who become the ship's only hope when they are left aboard while the adult crew are forced to perform dangerous labor by Ferengi pirates.

Features: The Ferengi
Stardate: 46235.7
Air Date: 11/02/92
Director: Adam Nimoy

A Fistful of Datas

Jack's Rating:
pip pip

Data's mind is connected to the ship's computer, which creates unforeseen effects on the holodeck.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 46271.5
Air Date: 11/09/92
Director: Patrick Stewart

Chain of Command (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Captain Jellico is assigned command of the Enterprise, while Picard is sent on a covert mission into Cardassian territory.

Stardate: 46357.4
Air Date: 12/14/92
Director: Robert Scheerer

Chain of Command (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard, having been captured, is tortured by a sadistic Cardassian interrogator (played by David Warner).

Stardate: 46360.8
Air Date: 12/21/92
Director: Les Landau

Ship in a Bottle

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Barclay accidentally awakens Prof. Moriarty on the holodeck, who uses the powers at his disposal to coerce the crew into finding a way to allow him to leave the holodeck.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 46424.1
Air Date: 01/25/93
Director: Alexander Singer

Face of the Enemy

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Deanna is involuntarily recruited to assist in the transport of Romulan defectors across the border.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 46519.1
Air Date: 02/08/93
Director: Gabrielle Beaumont

Jack's Review
A story trope that we will see in various forms in other Trek shows, I think this one does it pretty darn well. Only DS9's take on it could be better.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

An accident kills Picard, and he finds an afterlife with Q analyzing his past choices.

Features: Time Travel The Q Entity
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 02/15/93
Director: Les Landau

Birthright (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf is told on Deep Space Nine his father is alive, and being held prisoner by the Romulans. Meanwhile an engineering experiment accidentally results in Data's first dream.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 46578.4
Air Date: 02/22/93
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Birthright (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

Worf, now a prisoner, tries to teach the Klingon refugees the ways of the warrior.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 46579.2
Air Date: 03/01/93
Director: Dan Curry

Jack's Review
This one really shines with the new HD effects! The over the top acting by William Windom is terrific. I usually dislike episodes where someone pushes Kirk and the crew around but this one makes sense. The overall peril of the planet eater is so palpable that it should make you nervous.

Starship Mine

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Thieves attempt to steal trilithium from Enterprise during a Baryon sweep at the Remmler Array, and the lone Enterprise crewman onboard must thwart them.

Stardate: 46682.4
Air Date: 03/29/93
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
A terrific episode that turns into a rather hilarious "die hard in space" romp. The acting by Brent Spiner in this one is a blast. Just plain fun from start to finish.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard becomes involved with a woman who is serving on the Enterprise, but he must send her into a dangerous mission.

Stardate: 46693.1
Air Date: 04/05/93
Director: Robert Wiemer

The Chase

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Picard tries to solve an ancient genetic mystery uncovered by his archaeological mentor, and faces stiff competition.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 46731.5
Air Date: 04/26/93
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Second Chances

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Riker encounters a duplicate of himself created by a transporter malfunction stranded on a planet. "Thomas" vies for Deanna's affections.

Stardate: 46915.2
Air Date: 05/24/93
Director: LeVar Burton


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise is caught in temporal stasis, and on the brink of destruction by the Romulans.

Features: Time Travel The Romulans
Stardate: 46944.2
Air Date: 06/14/93
Director: Adam Nimoy

Descent (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

The crew encounter a group of Borg acting individually, and Data briefly experiences emotions.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 46982.1
Air Date: 06/21/93
Director: Alexander Singer

Descent (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

The Borg are being led by Lore. Data falls under his control by being fed negative emotions.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 47025.4
Air Date: 09/20/93
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
A worthy conclusion to the two-part season finale. Great performances overall and some terrific dialog between Alex Datcher and James Horan leading up to a great moment for Beverly in command.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf and Troi reluctantly play host to two Lyraan ambassadors, while Picard crashes in a shuttle with another Lyraan. He is rescued by a human female who exhibits strange behavior.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 09/27/93
Director: Cliff Bole

Gambit (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The Enterprise crew investigate the apparent murder of Captain Picard during an archaeological trip. Riker is kidnapped by mercenaries and finds Picard working as part of their crew.

Stardate: 47135.2
Air Date: 10/11/93
Director: Peter Lauritson

Gambit (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Picard and Riker help mercenaries collect archaeological artifacts to prevent an ancient Vulcan weapon falling into the wrong hands.

Stardate: 47160.1
Air Date: 10/18/93
Director: Alexander Singer


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Reclusive aliens imprison Picard and Dr. Crusher on charges of espionage, and experimental implants linking their minds telepathically cause them to face their latent feelings for each other.

Stardate: 47304.2
Air Date: 11/08/93
Director: Jonathan Frakes


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Worf finds himself randomly shifting between alternate realities.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 47391.2
Air Date: 11/29/93
Director: Robert Wiemer

Jack's Review
Yet another of TNG's finest episodes. The inclusion of a possible relationship between Worf and Deanna is very fun as well.

The Pegasus

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Riker's former Captain boards the Enterprise to retrieve the USS Pegasus. Picard investigates the circumstances of its loss and finds that there has been a cover-up.

Features: The Romulans
Stardate: 47457.1
Air Date: 01/10/94
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
One of the best TNG episodes without question. The plot elements are as deep as any Trek episode and Terry O'Quinn's performance as Admiral Pressman is just fantastic. However, we have yet another Starfleet admiral with a skewed moral compass. Perhaps Starfleet should rethink their flag officer training methods.

Lower Decks

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Junior officers buck for promotion as one of them is assigned the dangerous task of helping a Cardassian spy.

Stardate: 47566.7
Air Date: 02/07/94
Director: Gabrielle Beaumont

Jack's Review
Without question, one of the top ten episodes of TNG...Heck, top 25 in all of Trek, easily! A terrific look at some of the rank and filers aboard the Enterprise - bringing back Sito Jaxa from The First Duty. There was a plan to bring her back on DS9....I wish they had followed through with that.

Thine Own Self

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip Jack's Favorite

Data loses his memory after retrieving radioactive fragments on a planet's surface and endangers the primitive natives he encounters, while Deanna studies to become a bridge officer.

Stardate: 47611.2
Air Date: 02/14/94
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
This is one of the best Data-centric episodes in the series. The interplay between Data and Ronnie Claire Edwards' Talur is just fantastic and the story is something that would have worked in TOS with Spock - with some modifications to the story, of course. The promotion of Troi to Commander is very fun but it feels a tad too late this deep into the last season. If they had done it a season or two prior it could have led to some interesting and fun episodes with her in command of the ship.

Preemptive Strike

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Ensign Ro graduates from advanced tactical training, and is sent by Picard to lure Maquis terrorists into a trap.

Stardate: 47941.7
Air Date: 05/16/94
Director: Patrick Stewart

Episode:725 & 726
All Good Things...

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Picard finds himself alternating between three time periods thanks to Q, with a spacetime distortion that threatens to destroy humanity growing larger in the past, and smaller in the future.

Features: Time Travel The Q Entity
Stardate: 47988.1
Air Date: 05/23/94
Director: Winrich Kolbe

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