Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)


Heart of Glory

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Fugitive Klingons seeking battle attempt to hijack the Enterprise, and ask Worf to join them.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 41503.7
Air Date: 03/21/88
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
Here we have our first look at Klingon culture. TNG really did some amazing things with the Klingons across all seven seasons and you can tell by this episode that the writers really had this species nailed down well.

A Matter of Honor

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Will Riker is assigned to a Klingon vessel via an officer exchange program.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 42506.5
Air Date: 02/06/89
Director: Rob Bowman

Jack's Review
Man, I love this one. Riker cemented himself as my favorite TNG character with this episode. You can't help but enjoy his banter with the Klingons. Trivia tidbit: the Klingon Captain is played by Christopher Collins who plays the Pakled captain, Grebnedlog in "Samaritan Snare", and who also voiced Cobra Commander and Starscream in the 80s GI Joe and Transformers cartoons.

The Emissary

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf's former lover comes aboard Enterprise to help deal with a cryogenically frozen Klingon crew from 70 years in the past.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 42901.3
Air Date: 06/29/89
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
Ah, Susie Plakson. How much different the show would have been has they let K'Ehleyr stay on board. This episode is another well above average season two outing.

Yesterday's Enterprise

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Enterprise-C arrives from the past, causing a shift in reality and the return of the deceased Tasha Yar.

Features: The Klingons Time Travel
Stardate: 43625.2
Air Date: 02/19/90
Director: David Carson

Jack's Review
An absolute masterpiece of storytelling. I have listed this as my favorite episode several times and it still stands in my top 5. When Star Trek gets time travel right it really gets it right.

Sins of the Father

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf goes on trial to prove his father's innocence after the Klingon High Council declares that Worf's father is a traitor, and worked with the Romulans all along.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 43685.2
Air Date: 03/19/90
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
Among the best Klingon episodes in Trek. Tony Todd is, as always, incredible as Kurn. This episode shows one of the reasons I dislike the Generations film. Picard kicks the crap out of two assassins....but he can't whip Malcolm McDowell?


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Worf's ex-girlfriend returns, and along with Picard, the two mediate a Klingon power dispute and Worf discovers more family.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 44246.3
Air Date: 11/05/90
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Jack's Review
This is another of the best Klingon episodes for sure.

The Drumhead

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A witchhunt ensues for suspected Romulan spies aboard the Enterprise.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 44769.2
Air Date: 04/29/91
Director: Jonathan Frakes

The Mind's Eye

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The Romulans brainwash Geordi to carry out a covert mission.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 44885.5
Air Date: 05/27/91
Director: David Livingston

Redemption (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Worf leaves the Enterprise to fight on behalf of Gowron in a Klingon civil war.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 44995.3
Air Date: 06/17/91
Director: Cliff Bole

Redemption (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A fleet of 23 Federation ships blockades Romulan support to the Duras family, resulting in Gowron's installation as Chancellor.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 45021.3
Air Date: 09/23/91
Director: David Carson


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf becomes paralyzed and suicidal and Dr. Crusher consults a risk-taking researcher to save his life.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 45587.3
Air Date: 03/02/92
Director: Chip Chalmers


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

Geordi falls for an alien Starfleet officer who is suspected of murder.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 46461.3
Air Date: 02/01/93
Director: Cliff Bole

Birthright (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf is told on Deep Space Nine his father is alive, and being held prisoner by the Romulans. Meanwhile an engineering experiment accidentally results in Data's first dream.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 46578.4
Air Date: 02/22/93
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Birthright (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

Worf, now a prisoner, tries to teach the Klingon refugees the ways of the warrior.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 46579.2
Air Date: 03/01/93
Director: Dan Curry

Jack's Review
This one really shines with the new HD effects! The over the top acting by William Windom is terrific. I usually dislike episodes where someone pushes Kirk and the crew around but this one makes sense. The overall peril of the planet eater is so palpable that it should make you nervous.

The Chase

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Picard tries to solve an ancient genetic mystery uncovered by his archaeological mentor, and faces stiff competition.

Features: The Klingons The Romulans
Stardate: 46731.5
Air Date: 04/26/93
Director: Jonathan Frakes


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Dr. Crusher risks her career to solve the murder of Ferengi scientist Dr. Reyga and vindicate his research.

Features: The Klingons The Ferengi
Stardate: 46830.1
Air Date: 05/10/93
Director: Cliff Bole

Rightful Heir

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf experiences a crisis of faith, and travels to a Klingon holy site where the mythic figure Kahless returns to lead the Klingon people.

Features: The Klingons
Stardate: 46852.2
Air Date: 05/17/93
Director: Winrich Kolbe


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Worf attempts to convince his son Alexander to embrace his warrior heritage.

Features: The Klingons Time Travel
Stardate: 47779.4
Air Date: 04/25/94
Director: Jonathan West

Jack's Review
A terrific fun episode once again showcasing why James Sloyan is the king of Trek guest stars.

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