# Series Season Episode Air Date Episode # Director Synopsis
1 TOS 1 1x01 08 Sep 1966 The Man Trap Marc Daniels A salt creature that can disguise itself in any form stalks the Enterprise.
2 TOS 1 1x02 15 Sep 1966 Charlie X Lawrence Dobkin An adolescent human boy, raised among aliens who have given him supernatural powers, finds it impossible to return to normal human society.
3 TOS 1 1x03 22 Sep 1966 Where No Man Has Gone Before James Goldstone An energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy mutates Kirk's friend, Gary Mitchell, into a Godlike being.
4 TOS 1 1x04 29 Sep 1966 The Naked Time Marc Daniels A mysterious alien virus strips the Enterprise crew of their inhibitions, exposing their innermost thoughts.
5 TOS 1 1x05 06 Oct 1966 The Enemy Within Leo Penn A transporter malfunction splits Kirk into two people, each with half of his personality.
6 TOS 1 1x06 13 Oct 1966 Mudd's Women Harvey Hart The Enterprise recues con man Harry Mudd and his "cargo" of three beautiful women
7 TOS 1 1x07 20 Oct 1966 What Are Little Girls Made Of? James Goldstone In search of exobiologist Dr. Roger Kirby, Nurse Chapel's ex-fiancee, the Enterprise finds that he has constructed androids and given himself an android body in a plan to replace key Federation leaders with android duplicates.
8 TOS 1 1x08 27 Oct 1966 Miri Vincent McEveety The Enterprise encounters an Earth-like planet where a virus has killed all of the adults by causing them to age rapidly, while the aging process in children is slowed.
9 TOS 1 1x09 03 Nov 1966 Dagger of the Mind Vincent McEveety A maniac who escapes from the Tantalus V penal colony uses a brainwashing device in an attempt to gain control of the Enterprise.
10 TOS 1 1x10 10 Nov 1966 The Corbomite Maneuver Joseph Sargent A powerful ship captures the Enterprise, but it is just a test to learn the Federation's intentions.
11 TOS 1 1x11 17 Nov 1966 The Menagerie, Part 1 Marc Daniels Spock commandeers the Enterprise to take Captain Christopher Pike to the off-limits planet Talos IV.
12 TOS 1 1x12 24 Nov 1966 The Menagerie, Part 2 Robert Butler Enroute to Talos IV with Captain Pike, Spock faces a court-martial, during which the story of the first contact with the Talosians is revealed.
13 TOS 1 1x13 08 Dec 1966 The Conscience of the King Gerd Oswald The Enterprise crew discovers that the leader of a traveling theater group is really Kodos the Executioner, who murdered most of the population of Tarsus IV 20 years earlier.
14 TOS 1 1x14 13 Dec 1966 Balance of Terror Vincent McEveety A Romulan Bird of Prey attacks the Federation outposts near the Neutral Zone, starting a cat-and-mouse confrontation with the Enterprise.
15 TOS 1 1x15 29 Dec 1966 Shore Leave Robert Sparr The Enterprise crew takes shore leave on a planet where their thoughts are brought to life by underground machinery of an advanced race.
16 TOS 1 1x16 05 Jan 1967 The Galileo Seven Robert Gist The shuttlecraft Galileo and its seven occupants crash-land on a hostile planet, and Spock must assume command to give them a chance at being rescued.
17 TOS 1 1x17 12 Jan 1967 The Squire of Gothos Don McDougall Four Enterprise crew members are kidnapped by Trelane, an arrogant, impetuous alien who turns out to be a child using the crew members as play things.
18 TOS 1 1x18 19 Jan 1967 Arena Joseph Pevney After chasing a Gorn ship into an uncharted sector of space, Kirk and the Gorn commander are transported to a desert planet, where they are forced to duel to the death.
19 TOS 1 1x19 26 Jan 1967 Tomorrow is Yesterday Michael O'Herlihy The Enterprise is thrown back in time to 20th Century Earth after a close encounter with a black star, and is reported as a UFO by an Air Force pilot.
20 TOS 1 1x20 02 Feb 1967 Court Martial Marc Daniels Kirk is charged with negligence in the death of an Enterprise crewman, but is later acquitted when Spock discovers that the crewman isn't really dead.
21 TOS 1 1x21 09 Feb 1967 The Return of the Archons Joseph Pevney The Enterprise crew beams down to a planet where the zombie-like inhabitants are controlled by a super computer known as Landru.
22 TOS 1 1x22 16 Feb 1967 Space Seed Marc Daniels The Enterprise finds the S.S. Botany Bay, a 1990's sleeper ship carrying a group of genetically bred supermen led by Khan Noonian Singh.
23 TOS 1 1x23 23 Feb 1967 A Taste of Armageddon Joseph Pevney After the Enterprise is declared a victim of an interplanetary war fought only in the memory banks of opposing computers, Kirk and Spock force the warring planets to face the destruction of real war or settle their dispute.
24 TOS 1 1x24 02 Mar 1967 This Side of Paradise Ralph Senensky All of the Enterprise crew, except Captain Kirk, are exposed to spores that induce a feeling of euphoria and a desire to remain on the planet.
25 TOS 1 1x25 09 Mar 1967 The Devil in the Dark Joseph Pevney A mining colony on Janus VI is faced with death and destruction caused by a rock-like creature, the Horta, which turns out to be a mother trying to protect her eggs from the miners' equipment.
26 TOS 1 1x26 23 Mar 1967 Errand of Mercy John Newland The Organians intervene in a conflict between the Federation and the Klingons by imposing a peace treaty that will be enforced by the power of the Organians' minds.
27 TOS 1 1x27 30 Mar 1967 The Alternative Factor Gerd Oswald The Enterprise finds Lazarus on a deserted planet, and soon discovers that he is in a life-and-death struggle with an evil duplicate from a parallel anti-matter universe.
28 TOS 1 1x28 06 Apr 1967 The City on the Edge of Forever Joseph Pevney After an accidental overdose of the stimulant cordrazine, Dr. McCoy jumps through a time portal on a deserted planet and ends up on Earth in the 1930's.
29 TOS 1 1x29 13 Apr 1967 Operation: Annihilate! Herschel Daugherty While investigating the death of Kirk's brother and other colonists on Deneva, Spock is attacked by a flying creature that attaches itself to its victim's nervous system.
30 TOS 2 2x01 15 Sep 1967 Amok Time Joseph Pevney Under the stress of his first "pon far," Spock returns to Vulcan to wed his childhood betrothed, only to find that she has chosen another and forces Spock into a ceremonial fight to the death with Kirk.
31 TOS 2 2x02 22 Sep 1967 Who Mourns for Adonais? Marc Daniels The Enterprise crew is trapped on a planet by the Greek god Apollo, who wants humans to stay on the planet to worship him.
32 TOS 2 2x03 29 Sep 1967 The Changeling Marc Daniels The Enterprise encounters Nomad, a small mutated Earth probe that has been destroying planets in its path in an attempt to sterilize the "imperfect" life forms on them.
33 TOS 2 2x04 06 Oct 1967 Mirror, Mirror Marc Daniels While transporting during an ion storm, Kirk, McCoy, Scott, and Uhura are switched with evil counterparts in a parallel universe, and it is up to the parallel Spocks to get their respective crew members back.
34 TOS 2 2x05 13 Oct 1967 The Apple Joseph Pevney The seeming paradise found by the Enterprise on Gamma Trianguli VI is really controlled by a computer called Vaal, which tries to destroy the Enterprise to prevent intervention from the outside.
35 TOS 2 2x06 20 Oct 1967 The Doomsday Machine Marc Daniels A giant robot ship wandering through the galaxy destroying everything in its path cripples the starship Constellation and then turns on the Enterprise.
36 TOS 2 2x07 27 Oct 1967 Catspaw Joseph Pevney The Enterprise finds a haunted castle inhabited by tiny aliens who have transformed themselves into a witch and a warlock and imprisoned some of the Enterprise crew.
37 TOS 2 2x08 03 Nov 1967 I, Mudd Marc Daniels An android masquerading as an Enterprise crew member hijacks the ship and delivers it to Harry Mudd, who has developed a race of beautiful android women.
38 TOS 2 2x09 10 Nov 1967 Metamorphosis Ralph Senensky The shuttlecraft Galileo, carrying Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Federation Commissioner Nancy Hedford, is drawn to a small planet by a mysterious cloud, which turns out to be a creature that has been caring for shipwrecked warp drive inventor Zefram Cochrane.
39 TOS 2 2x10 17 Nov 1967 Journey to Babel Joseph Pevney The Enterprise is transporting delegates to a Federation conference, when Spock's father, Ambassador Sarek, becomes ill and requires a transfusion from Spock.
40 TOS 2 2x11 01 Dec 1967 Friday Joseph Pevney Attempting to negotiate a mining treaty on Capella IV, the Enterprise crew becomes involved in a Klingon-instigated civil war and must save the pregnant wife of the planet's leader.
41 TOS 2 2x12 08 Dec 1967 The Deadly Years Joseph Pevney Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Scotty undergo accelerated aging after being exposed to radiation on a planet, but Chekov isn't affected and Dr. McCoy must find out why in order to cure the others.
42 TOS 2 2x13 15 Dec 1967 Obsession Ralph Senensky Kirk is obsessed with trying to kill a cloud-like vampire creature similar to one that killed Kirk's commanding officer, Captain Garrovick, 11 years earlier.
43 TOS 2 2x14 22 Dec 1967 Wolf in the Fold Joseph Pevney Scotty is accused of the brutal murder of several women who were really killed by a non-corporeal creature known in Earth's past as Jack the Ripper.
44 TOS 2 2x15 29 Dec 1967 The Trouble With Tribbles Joseph Pevney When the Enterprise stops at the K-7 space station to pick up a shipment of a new type of grain, trader Cyrano Jones introduces the Enterprise crew to tribbles, cute furry creatures that multiply so rapidly that they almost fill the Enterprise to its seam
45 TOS 2 2x16 05 Jan 1968 The Gamesters of Triskelion Gene Nelson While surveying an uncharted planet, Kirk, Uhura, and Chekov are transported to the planet's surface, where they are forced to be gladiators in combats staged for the pleasure of unseen aliens.
46 TOS 2 2x17 12 Jan 1968 A Piece of the Action James Komack The Enterprise crew investigates the progress made by a planet visited by a Federation ship over 100 years earlier, and find that a book on the Chicago mobs of 1930's Earth has served as the role model for the planet's development.
47 TOS 2 2x18 19 Jan 1968 The Immunity Syndrome Joseph Pevney The Enterprise is sent to investigate a giant amoeba-like creature that has killed all life on Starbase 6 and the Vulcan-crewed starship Intrepid, and Spock penetrates the amoeba in a shuttlecraft.
48 TOS 2 2x19 02 Feb 1968 A Private Little War Marc Daniels The Enterprise crew becomes involved in a civil war on Neural, and must arm the tribe of an old friend of Kirk's in order to maintain a balance of power with the opposing tribe that is receiving arms from the Klingons.
49 TOS 2 2x20 09 Feb 1968 Return to Tomorrow Ralph Senensky On a long-dead planet, the Enterprise finds three disembodied entities who ask for assistance in constructing android bodies for their brains, but one of the entities tries to steal Spock's body instead.
50 TOS 2 2x21 16 Feb 1968 Patterns of Force Vincent McEveety On a routine visit to the planet where a Federation historian has been stationed, the Enterprise finds that the planet's culture has been patterned after Nazi Germany.
51 TOS 2 2x22 23 Feb 1968 By Any Other Name Marc Daniels The Enterprise crew is captured by a group of Kelvans from the Andromeda Galaxy, who are scouting this galaxy for possible colonization.
52 TOS 2 2x23 01 Mar 1968 The Omega Glory Vincent McEveety The Enterprise crew finds the empty starship Exeter in orbit around Omega IV, and beams down to discover that the Exeter's captain has provided advanced weapons to the Kohms in their battle against the Yangs.
53 TOS 2 2x24 08 Mar 1968 The Ultimate Computer John Meredyth Lucas The Enterprise is fitted for tests of an advanced computer containing the erratic brain patterns of its inventor, Dr. Richard Daystrom, and begins a real attack on other starships during what is supposed to be a war game.
54 TOS 2 2x25 15 Mar 1968 Bread and Circuses Ralph Senensky The Enterprise crew encounters the abandoned S.S. Beagle in orbit around Planet 892-IV, and beams down to find that its captain has introduced a Roman-like gladiator culture to the planet.
55 TOS 2 2x26 29 Mar 1968 Assignment: Earth Marc Daniels The Enterprise travels back in time to 1968, where Kirk and Spock help a mysterious stranger named Gary Seven avert a nuclear crisis.
56 TOS 3 3x06 20 Sep 1968 Spectre of the Gun Vincent McEveety Kirk and company are trapped in a bizarre re-creation of the ancient American West and forced to fight in the gunfight at OK Corral.
57 TOS 3 3x04 27 Sep 1968 And the Children Shall Lead Marvin Chomsky Children who have survived the bizarre death of their parents are possessed by the evil spirit that killed their parents.
58 TOS 3 3x03 04 Oct 1968 The Paradise Syndrome Jud Taylor Kirk loses his memory on a peaceful planet inhabited by descendants of American Indians from Earth.
59 TOS 3 3x05 11 Oct 1968 Is There In Truth No Beauty? Marvin Senensky The sight of a Medusan ambassador causes insanity.
60 TOS 3 3x07 18 Oct 1968 Day of the Dove Marvin Chomsky When the Enterprise brings aboard Klingon prisoners, an alien entity pits both sides against each other in an ever-escalating struggle.
61 TOS 3 3x01 25 Oct 1968 Spock's Brain Marc Daniels A mysterious woman steals Spock's brain.
62 TOS 3 3x11 01 Nov 1968 Wink of an Eye Jud Taylor The Enterprise is commandeered by aliens who exist in a hyperaccelerated time frame.
63 TOS 3 3x10 08 Nov 1968 Plato's Stepchildren David Alexander Enterprise crew members are held captive by a race with psychokinetic powers.
64 TOS 3 3x09 15 Nov 1968 The Tholian Web Herb Wallerstein Kirk disappears and is presumed dead while Spock tries to keep the Enterprise from being the victim of a weblike alien weapon.
65 TOS 3 3x12 22 Nov 1968 The Empath John Erman On a planet doomed to destruction, Kirk, Spock & McCoy become involved with two aliens who use them as laboratory animals in a bizarre series of tests on an alien empath who may be the savior of her planet.
66 TOS 3 3x13 29 Nov 1968 Elaan of Troyius John Meredyth Lucas The Enterprise must transport Elaan, the beautiful Dohlman of Elas, to an arranged marriage on the planet Troyius.
67 TOS 3 3x08 06 Dec 1968 For the World Is Hollow and I have Touched the Sky Tony Leader Dr McCoy, striken with a fatal disease, finds love on a doomed asteroid spaceship
68 TOS 3 3x02 20 Dec 1968 The Enterprise Incident John Meredyth Lucas Kirk and Spock are captured by the Romulans while on a secret mission to steal a new Romulan cloaking device.
69 TOS 3 3x16 03 Jan 1969 The Mark of Gideon Jud Taylor Kirk beams down on a diplomatic mission...and finds himself on an Enterprise where all the crew have vanished and only a mysterious woman resides.
70 TOS 3 3x15 10 Jan 1969 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield Jud Taylor The Enterprise finds itself host to two alien beings from the same planet, who share an intense and self-destructive hatred of each other.
71 TOS 3 3x17 17 Jan 1969 That Which Survives Herb Wallerstein Kirk, McCoy, and Sulu are stranded on a barren planet where a mysterious woman attempts to kill them one at a time, while the Enterprise must travel halfway across the galaxy to rescue them.
72 TOS 3 3x14 24 Jan 1969 Whom Gods Destroy Herb Wallerstein Kirk and Spock investigate an insane asylum where a former Starfleet captain is being held, only to discover that he has freed the inmates and is running the place.
73 TOS 3 3x18 31 Jan 1969 The Lights of Zetar Herb Kenwith The Enterprise must deal with discorporeal cloud-like aliens who have already destroyed the inhabitants of a library planet and plan to eliminate the Enterprise crew if they cannot acquire a human host.
74 TOS 3 3x21 14 Feb 1969 The Cloud Minders Jud Taylor Kirk must resolve a mining dispute on a the cloud city of Stratos to acquire the resources to cure a space plague.
75 TOS 3 3x20 21 Feb 1969 The Way to Eden David Alexander The Enterprise picks up a group of space "hippies" looking for Eden.
76 TOS 3 3x19 28 Feb 1969 Requiem for Methuselah Murray Golden While seeking a cure for a fever ravaging the Enterprise, Kirk and Spock encounter Flint, a hermit-like Earthman, and his beautiful young ward.
77 TOS 3 3x22 07 Mar 1969 The Savage Curtain Herschel Daugherty Kirk and Spock meet Abraham Lincoln and Surak of Vulcan and must do battle with some of history's most terrible villains.
78 TOS 3 3x23 14 Mar 1969 All Our Yesterdays Marvin Chomsky Spock and McCoy are trapped in a planet's distant past, where Spock finds love with an exiled woman.
79 TOS 3 3x24 03 Jun 1969 Turnabout Intruder Herb Wallerstein The Enterprise is in danger when Janice Lester, one of Kirk's former lovers, steals his body.
80 TAS 1 101 08 Sep 1973 Beyond the Farthest Star Hal Sutherland While exploring on the outermost rim of the galaxy the USS Enterprise is pulled into the orbit of a dead star. Trapped there, the crew discovers that there is an ancient derelict pod ship trapped with them as well.
81 TAS 1 102 15 Sep 1973 Yesteryear Hal Sutherland Spock must travel to the past to rescue his younger self from danger.
82 TAS 1 103 22 Sep 1973 One of Our Planets Is Missing Hal Sutherland The Enterprise encounters a giant cloud creature that feeds on the energy of the planets that lie in its path. They determine it is heading for Mantilles, home to a Federation colony governed by former Starfleet officer Bob Wesley (featured in the TOS episode "The Ultimate Computer)".
83 TAS 1 104 29 Sep 1973 The Lorelei Signal Hal Sutherland Investigating a sector of space where starships have disappeared every 27 years, the Enterprise finds a race of beautiful women living on the planet Taurus II.
84 TAS 1 105 06 Oct 1973 More Tribbles, More Troubles Hal Sutherland While the USS Enterprise escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the Enterprise rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon and demand that the pilot be handed over to them.
85 TAS 1 106 13 Oct 1973 The Survivor Hal Sutherland Patrolling near the Romulan Neutral Zone, the USS Enterprise finds a ship manned by Carter Winston, a Federation citizen and philanthropist who has been missing for five years.
86 TAS 1 107 20 Oct 1973 The Infinite Vulcan Hal Sutherland While visiting the newly discovered planet Phylos, Lieutenant Sulu picks up a walking plant, called a Retlaw, and is poisoned. The alien species that inhabit the planet, who are plantlike beings, approach and save Sulu's life, but kidnap Mr. Spock.
87 TAS 1 108 27 Oct 1973 The Magicks of Megas-tu Hal Sutherland While exploring near the center of the galaxy, the USS Enterprise is caught inside an energy/matter vortex and all her computer systems fail. A being named Lucien appears on the bridge, repairs the ship's systems and takes the crew to explore his planet, Megas-Tu.
88 TAS 1 109 03 Nov 1973 Once Upon a Planet Hal Sutherland The Enterprise crew revisits the "amusement park" planet first seen in the Classic Trek episode "Shore Leave" hoping for some rest and relaxation.
89 TAS 1 110 10 Nov 1973 Mudd's Passion Hal Sutherland The USS Enterprise receives orders to arrest Federation outlaw Harry Mudd, who is accused of selling fake love crystals. Intercepting Harry on the mining colony of Motherlode, they bring him aboard the Enterprise.
90 TAS 1 111 17 Nov 1973 The Terratin Incident Hal Sutherland While observing a burnt-out supernova, the USS Enterprise picks up a strange message transmitted in a two-hundred-year-old code.
91 TAS 1 112 24 Nov 1973 The Time Trap Hal Sutherland While exploring the Delta Triangle, where many starships have disappeared, the USS Enterprise is attacked by several Klingon vessels. During the battle, they are caught in an ion storm. The Enterprise and one Klingon battlecruiser are drawn into a spacetime vortex and end up in a timeless dimension.
92 TAS 1 113 01 Dec 1973 The Ambergris Element Hal Sutherland While exploring the water planet Argo, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are transformed into water breathers by the planet's undersea inhabitants, the Aquans. In order to return to their normal selves, they must enlist the help of the Aquans to capture a giant sur-snake, whose venom holds the antidote.
93 TAS 1 114 15 Dec 1973 The Slaver Weapon Hal Sutherland In the shuttlecraft Copernicus, Mr. Spock, Uhura and Sulu are en route to Starbase 25 to deliver a stasis box—a rare artifact of the Slaver culture when the Kzinti intervene.
94 TAS 1 115 05 Jan 1974 The Eye of the Beholder Hal Sutherland The disappearance of a scientific team lures the USS Enterprise to investigate near Lactra VII. The starship Ariel is located there, abandoned, with its captain having transported to the planet's surface.
95 TAS 1 116 12 Jan 1974 The Jihad Hal Sutherland The USS Enterprise arrives at the Vedala asteroid, where Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock have been summoned to learn about a stolen religious artifact, the "Soul of the Skorr", whose theft could ignite a galactic holy war.
96 TAS 2 201 07 Sep 1974 The Pirates of Orion Bill Reed Spock contracts a fatal illness, and the cure can only be found with dangerous Orion pirates.
97 TAS 2 202 14 Sep 1974 Bem Bill Reed
98 TAS 2 203 21 Sep 1974 The Practical Joker Bill Reed A strange energy field causes the Enterprise computer to play practical jokes on the crew, but the humor soon turns to danger.
99 TAS 2 204 28 Sep 1974 Albatross Bill Reed Doctor McCoy is arrested for allegedly causing a deadly plague which once ravaged the planet Dramia.
100 TAS 2 205 05 Oct 1974 How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth Bill Reed A mysterious being threatens to destroy the Enterprise if the crew is unable to solve an ancient puzzle.
101 TAS 2 206 12 Oct 1974 The Counter-Clock Incident Bill Reed An unusual spaceship pulls the Enterprise into a "negative universe" where time seems to flow backwards.
102 TNG 1 101/102 28 Sep 1987 Encounter at Farpoint Corey Allen The new starship Enterprise begins its maiden voyage by uncovering the mysteries of an advanced space station. The crew's mission is threatened by an omnipotent being named Q, who puts them (and specifically, Captain Picard) on trial for the crimes of all humanity.
103 TNG 1 103 05 Oct 1987 The Naked Now Paul Lynch A mysterious, communicable contaminant causes the crew to experience symptoms similar to alcohol intoxication.
104 TNG 1 104 12 Oct 1987 Code of Honor Russ Mayberry Lt. Yar is abducted by the leader of a people who abide by a strict code of honor, which requires her participation in a fight to the death.
105 TNG 1 105 19 Oct 1987 The Last Outpost Richard Colla An unknown force immobilizes the Enterprise during the Federation's first encounter with a new alien threat, the Ferengi.
106 TNG 1 106 26 Oct 1987 Where No One Has Gone Before Rob Bowman Warp efficiency tests send the Enterprise traveling far beyond known space, where the crew's imagination takes on real form.
107 TNG 1 107 02 Nov 1987 Lonely Among Us Cliff Bole An alien entity possesses Dr. Crusher, Worf, and Picard while the Enterprise is transporting delegates from two feuding planets.
108 TNG 1 108 09 Nov 1987 Justice James L. Conway Wesley breaks an idyllic world's trivial law by accidentally stepping on flowers and faces the death sentence.
109 TNG 1 109 16 Nov 1987 The Battle Rob Bowman A Ferengi captain returns the abandoned Stargazer to its former captain, Jean-Luc Picard. Picard, who experiences severe headaches, begins to relive the "Battle of Maxia" in which he lost the ship.
110 TNG 1 110 23 Nov 1987 Hide and Q Cliff Bole Q returns to the Enterprise to tempt Commander Riker into joining the Q Continuum with the lure of Q's powers.
111 TNG 1 111 30 Nov 1987 Haven Richard Compton Lwaxana Troi visits her daughter, Counselor Troi, and prepares her for an arranged marriage.
112 TNG 1 112 11 Jan 1988 The Big Goodbye Joseph L. Scanlan A computer malfunction traps Picard, Data, and Beverly in a Dixon Hill holodeck program set in early 20th-century Earth.
113 TNG 1 113 18 Jan 1988 Datalore Rob Bowman The Enterprise crew finds a disassembled android identical to Data at the site of the Omicron Theta colony,?where Data was found,?which was destroyed by a life form dubbed "the Crystalline Entity." The reassembled android, Lore, brings the Crystalline Entity to the Enterprise.
114 TNG 1 114 25 Jan 1988 Angel One Michael Rhoades The Enterprise visits a world dominated by women to rescue survivors of a downed freighter.
115 TNG 1 115 01 Feb 1988 11001001 Paul Lynch Bynars upgrade the Enterprise's computers in spacedock. Riker and Picard become distracted by a surprisingly realistic holodeck character.
116 TNG 1 116 08 Feb 1988 Too Short a Season Rob Bowman The Enterprise transports a legendary geriatric admiral who must once again negotiate a hostage situation involving a man from decades earlier in his career. The admiral is mysteriously growing younger; by the time the Enterprise arrives he is a young man.
117 TNG 1 117 15 Feb 1988 When the Bough Breaks Kim Manners A planet formerly existing only in legend uncloaks and requests help from the Enterprise. Their cloaking device causes sterility, and they want to adopt children from the Enterpriseâ??by force, if necessary.
118 TNG 1 118 22 Feb 1988 Home Soil Corey Allen The crew of the Enterprise discovers a crystalline lifeform with murderous intelligence that has been killing the scientists on a terraforming project.
119 TNG 1 119 14 Mar 1988 Coming of Age Mike Vejar While Wesley takes a Starfleet Academy entrance exam, the senior staff of the Enterprise are placed under investigation by Starfleet.
120 TNG 1 120 21 Mar 1988 Heart of Glory Rob Bowman Fugitive Klingons seeking battle attempt to hijack the Enterprise, and ask Worf to join them.
121 TNG 1 121 11 Apr 1988 The Arsenal of Freedom Les Landau Trapped on the surface of an abandoned planet, an away team becomes unwitting participants in the demonstration of an advanced weapons system.
122 TNG 1 122 18 Apr 1988 Symbiosis Win Phelps Picard tries to mediate a trade dispute between two neighboring planets, one of which is the sole supplier of a drug to treat the other's apparently fatal disease.
123 TNG 1 123 25 Apr 1988 Skin of Evil Joseph L. Scanlan An evil, tar-like creature holds Troi hostage on an alien world. During a rescue mission, one of the Enterprise crew is killed.
124 TNG 1 124 02 May 1988 We'll Always Have Paris Robert Becker Picard meets an old flame, whose husband has been affected by a dimensional experiment accident.
125 TNG 1 125 09 May 1988 Conspiracy Cliff Bole The strange behavior of high-ranking officers, which earlier prompted the investigation of the crew (in "Coming of Age"),?leads Picard to uncover a conspiracy within Starfleet.
126 TNG 1 126 16 May 1988 The Neutral Zone James L. Conway A derelict satellite is found containing cryonically frozen humans from the 20th century as the Enterprise is sent to investigate the destruction of outposts near Romulan space.
127 TOS 1 1x00 04 Oct 1988 The Cage Robert Butler Captain Pike is captured by the illusion-creating Talosians, who want Pike as a prize specimen in their zoo.
128 TNG 2 201 21 Nov 1988 The Child Rob Bowman Dr. Pulaski joins the Enterprise while La Forge prepares the Enterprise to transport dangerous plague specimens; Deanna spontaneously becomes pregnant and gives birth to a mysterious child.
129 TNG 2 202 28 Nov 1988 Where Silence Has Lease Winrich Kolbe The Enterprise becomes trapped in a "hole in space", where the crew encounter strange spatial phenomena and crewless ships materialising in and out of existence. The crew suspect they are akin to lab rats.
130 TNG 2 203 05 Dec 1988 Elementary, Dear Data Rob Bowman After Data easily solves an ordinary Sherlock Holmes holodeck mystery, Geordi asks the computer to make a Holmes villain capable of defeating Data. The resultant Professor Moriarty soon becomes far more powerful than expected.
131 TNG 2 204 12 Dec 1988 The Outrageous Okona Robert Becker The Enterprise encounters a flamboyant space rogue on the run, while Data explores humor with the help of a holodeck comedian (played by Joe Piscopo).
132 TNG 2 205 09 Jan 1989 Loud as a Whisper Larry Shaw The Enterprise hosts a deaf, telepathic ambassador who mediates difficult peace negotiations with the assistance of his trio of telepathic interpreters.
133 TNG 2 206 23 Jan 1989 The Schizoid Man Les Landau A brilliant scientist and former mentor of Data's creator, Dr. Ira Graves, cheats death by uploading his memories and personality into the android Data.
134 TNG 2 207 30 Jan 1989 Unnatural Selection Paul Lynch The Enterprise receives a distress call from the USS Lantree where the crew find all hands dead from, apparently, old age. The cause of the accelerated aging must be found before scientists on a research colony suffer the same fate.
135 TNG 2 208 06 Feb 1989 A Matter of Honor Rob Bowman Will Riker is assigned to a Klingon vessel via an officer exchange program.
136 TNG 2 209 13 Feb 1989 The Measure of a Man Robert Scheerer When Data refuses orders to be dismantled for research purposes, a hearing is convened to determine if he is a legal citizen or property of the Federation.
137 TNG 2 210 20 Feb 1989 The Dauphin Rob Bowman The Enterprise hosts a young world leader and her mysterious chaperone. Wesley soon falls in love with the young leader.
138 TNG 2 211 20 Mar 1989 Contagion Joseph L. Scanlan A dangerous alien computer virus runs rampant through the Enterprise after causing the destruction of her sister ship, the USS Yamato.
139 TNG 2 212 27 Mar 1989 The Royale Cliff Bole Riker, Worf, and Data investigate a structure on an icy gas giant. Inside, they find a casino reconstructed from a bad Earth novel.
140 TNG 2 213 03 Apr 1989 Time Squared Joseph L. Scanlan Picard encounters his future self, when the Enterprise becomes caught in a time loop.
141 TNG 2 214 24 Apr 1989 The Icarus Factor Robert Iscove Riker's estranged father visits to brief him on the command he has been offered, and Worf's friends discover he is about to miss an important Klingon rite of passage.
142 TNG 2 215 01 May 1989 Pen Pals Winrich Kolbe Data befriends a child from a doomed planet, breaking the Prime Directive.
143 TNG 2 216 08 May 1989 Q Who? Rob Bowman Q flings the ship 7,000 light years from Federation space and introduces the crew of the Enterprise to the deadly Borg.
144 TNG 2 217 15 May 1989 Samaritan Snare Les Landau A group of dimwitted aliens, the Pakleds, kidnap Geordi to fix their malfunctioning ship.
145 TNG 2 218 22 May 1989 Up the Long Ladder Winrich Kolbe Picard must find a way to bring two radically incompatible cultures together, lest both of them face extinction.
146 TNG 2 219 19 Jun 1989 Manhunt Rob Bowman Deanna's mother seeks a new husband, and she has her eyes on Picard.
147 TNG 2 220 29 Jun 1989 The Emissary Cliff Bole Worf's former lover comes aboard Enterprise to help deal with a cryogenically frozen Klingon crew from 70 years in the past.
148 TNG 2 221 10 Jul 1989 Peak Performance Robert Scheerer The Enterprise and USS Hathaway face off in simulated combat maneuvers. Data fails to beat a humanoid at a game of Strategema.
149 TNG 2 222 17 Jul 1989 Shades of Gray Rob Bowman Riker is poisoned by an alien plant and, as he lies comatose, he relives various memories of his life serving the Enterprise.
150 TNG 3 301 25 Sep 1989 Evolution Winrich Kolbe Nanites escape Wesley's lab and form a collective intelligence, threatening an astrophysicist's only chance at performing a stellar experiment.
151 TNG 3 302 02 Oct 1989 The Ensigns of Command Cliff Bole Data must persuade a stubborn colony to evacuate their homeland under threat of a powerful and mysterious race.
152 TNG 3 303 09 Oct 1989 The Survivors Les Landau The Enterprise investigates the last two survivors of an annihilated world, as the entire surface has been transformed to dust except their one little garden and house.
153 TNG 3 304 16 Oct 1989 Who Watches the Watchers Robert Wiemer Deanna and Riker must rectify the damage done when two primitives from Mintaka III catch glimpse of a Federation observation team and eventually conclude that Captain Picard is a god.
154 TNG 3 305 23 Oct 1989 The Bonding Winrich Kolbe A mysterious entity seeks to comfort a boy who has lost his mother in an accident on its planet.
155 TNG 3 306 30 Oct 1989 Booby Trap Gabrielle Beaumont The Enterprise falls victim to an ancient booby trap set to snare starships; while in an effort to find an escape, Geordi finds himself falling for the holodeck's representation of a famous Federation engineer.
156 TNG 3 307 06 Nov 1989 The Enemy David Carson Geordi is trapped on a harsh planet with a hostile Romulan, and the two must work together to survive.
157 TNG 3 308 13 Nov 1989 The Price Robert Scheerer Troi falls in love with a charismatic negotiator who vies for rights to a wormhole. But several different groups are after the wormhole as it may be the only known stable wormhole in existence.
158 TNG 3 309 20 Nov 1989 The Vengeance Factor Timothy Bond Riker exposes an assassin in the midst of critical peace talks.
159 TNG 3 310 01 Jan 1990 The Defector Robert Scheerer Determined to avert a war, a Romulan officer defects to warn Picard of his Empire's invasion plans.
160 TNG 3 311 08 Jan 1990 The Hunted Cliff Bole A genetically modified soldier reveals the social problems of a world hoping to join the Federation.
161 TNG 3 312 29 Jan 1990 The High Ground Gabrielle Beaumont Dr. Crusher is kidnapped by terrorists who want the Federation to get involved in their struggle.
162 TNG 3 313 05 Feb 1990 Deja  Q Les Landau The Q Continuum strips Q of his powers, and dumps him aboard the Enterprise.
163 TNG 3 314 12 Feb 1990 A Matter of Perspective Cliff Bole Riker is accused of murder, and the holodeck is used to reconstruct the events from different perspectives.
164 TNG 3 315 19 Feb 1990 Yesterday's Enterprise David Carson The Enterprise-C arrives from the past, causing a shift in reality and the return of the deceased Tasha Yar.
165 TNG 3 316 12 Mar 1990 The Offspring Jonathan Frakes Data creates a young android, which he considers his daughter, "Lal". But a Starfleet admiral arrives demanding she be removed from the Enterprise.
166 TNG 3 317 19 Mar 1990 Sins of the Father Les Landau Worf goes on trial to prove his father's innocence after the Klingon High Council declares that Worf's father is a traitor, and worked with the Romulans all along.
167 TNG 3 318 26 Mar 1990 Allegiance Winrich Kolbe Aliens kidnap Picard and replace him with a duplicate, who sends the Enterprise to a pulsar. Meanwhile, the real Picard and three other captives try to escape from their prison, but one of them turns out to be Picard's captor.
168 TNG 3 319 02 Apr 1990 Captain's Holiday Chip Chalmers Picard is convinced to take some much needed shore leave, but gets wrapped up in a woman's treasure hunt.
169 TNG 3 320 23 Apr 1990 Tin Man Robert Scheerer A gifted telepath whom Deanna Troi once treated as a patient comes aboard to establish first contact with an unknown vessel near an unstable star before the Romulans do.
170 TNG 3 321 30 Apr 1990 Hollow Pursuits Cliff Bole Lt. Barclay's use of the holodeck as an escape interferes with his duties. Meanwhile, the Enterprise suffers from mysterious and random malfunctions.
171 TNG 3 322 07 May 1990 The Most Toys Tim Bond An obsessed collector is determined to add Data to his private collection of unique items.
172 TNG 3 323 14 May 1990 Sarek Les Landau The Enterprise hosts Ambassador Sarek, but his deteriorating mental health causes unforeseen problems.
173 TNG 3 324 28 May 1990 Menage a  Troi Robert Legato The Ferengi kidnap Deanna, her mother and Riker.
174 TNG 3 325 04 Jun 1990 Transfigurations Tom Benko The Enterprise rescues a humanoid with amnesia and incredible healing powers.
175 TNG 3 326 18 Jun 1990 The Best of Both Worlds (Part I) Cliff Bole Picard is kidnapped by the Borg, who begin their invasion of Federation space.
176 TNG 4 401 24 Sep 1990 The Best of Both Worlds (Part II) Cliff Bole Picard is rescued from the Borg as the Enterprise races to save Earth. A great number of Starfleet ships are destroyed by the lone Borg ship, although an away team finally rescues Picard. Data interfaces with the half-Borg Picard and finds a way to shut down the Borg ship.
177 TNG 4 402 01 Oct 1990 Family Les Landau Picard visits his family in France and Worf's human parents come aboard the Enterprise.
178 TNG 4 403 08 Oct 1990 Brothers Rob Bowman Data is summoned by his creator Noonien Soong who is still alive, and they are joined by Lore.
179 TNG 4 404 15 Oct 1990 Suddenly Human Gabrielle Beaumont Picard must help a human boy raised by aliens decide his fate.
180 TNG 4 405 22 Oct 1990 Remember Me Cliff Bole After an apparent failure of a warp-field experiment, people begin to disappear from the Enterprise with only Dr. Crusher remembering they ever existed.
181 TNG 4 406 29 Oct 1990 Legacy Robert Scheerer Tasha Yar's sister Ishara seeks to restore order on their conflict-ridden colony world.
182 TNG 4 407 05 Nov 1990 Reunion Jonathan Frakes Worf's ex-girlfriend returns, and along with Picard, the two mediate a Klingon power dispute and Worf discovers more family.
183 TNG 4 408 12 Nov 1990 Future Imperfect Les Landau Riker finds himself sixteen years in the future, his memory of the interim erased by a dormant virus.
184 TNG 4 409 19 Nov 1990 Final Mission Corey Allen Wesley sets off on his final mission with the Enterprise accompanied by Picard, but they become stranded on a desert planet.
185 TNG 4 410 31 Dec 1990 The Loss Chip Chalmers An unknown force captures the Enterprise and causes Deanna to lose her empathic powers.
186 TNG 4 411 07 Jan 1991 Data's Day Robert Weimer Data gets dancing lessons from Dr. Crusher in preparation of Chief O'Brien's wedding as the Enterprise brings Ambassador T'Pel to the Romulans for negotiations.
187 TNG 4 412 28 Jan 1991 The Wounded Chip Chalmers A rogue Starfleet Captain jeopardizes the Cardassian peace treaty.
188 TNG 4 413 04 Feb 1991 Devil's Due Tom Benko A powerful mythic figure from a millennium ago returns to enslave a planet in accordance with a contract. However Picard is convinced she is an opportunistic charlatan.
189 TNG 4 414 11 Feb 1991 Clues Les Landau The crew is rendered unconscious for 30 seconds except for Data after going through a localized wormhole. However, various clues suggest they were unconscious for an entire day.
190 TNG 4 415 18 Feb 1991 First Contact Cliff Bole Riker is hospitalized during a botched pre-first contact mission. Xenophobia results in increasing hostility toward his presence.
191 TNG 4 416 11 Mar 1991 Galaxy's Child Rick Kolbe The Enterprise accidentally kills a space creature, and the crew rush to save its unborn child. Meanwhile, Geordi meets the engineer he fell in love with and finds to his shock, she's nothing like the woman he encountered on the holodeck.
192 TNG 4 417 18 Mar 1991 Night Terrors Les Landau The Enterprise is trapped in a rift. The crew succumbs to REM sleep deprivation, while Deanna has a recurring nightmare.
193 TNG 4 418 25 Mar 1991 Identity Crisis Rick Kolbe Geordi transforms into an alien creature with strong instinct to return to its planet of origin.
194 TNG 4 419 01 Apr 1991 The Nth Degree Rob Legato After an encounter with an alien probe Barclay experiences great leaps in confidence and intelligence.
195 TNG 4 420 22 Apr 1991 Qpid Cliff Bole Q returns to test Picard's love for an old flame.
196 TNG 4 421 29 Apr 1991 The Drumhead Jonathan Frakes A witchhunt ensues for suspected Romulan spies aboard the Enterprise.
197 TNG 4 422 06 May 1991 Half a Life Les Landau Lwaxana Troi finally finds love, but discovers her man must undergo a ritualistic suicide.
198 TNG 4 423 13 May 1991 The Host Marvin Rush Dr. Crusher falls in love with Odan, only to discover that Odan is a symbiote, which is implanted into Riker after his original host dies. Odan continues peace negotiations using Riker as a temporary host.
199 TNG 4 424 27 May 1991 The Mind's Eye David Livingston The Romulans brainwash Geordi to carry out a covert mission.
200 TNG 4 425 03 Jun 1991 In Theory Patrick Stewart Data participates in a romantic relationship with a fellow crew member.
201 TNG 4 426 17 Jun 1991 Redemption (Part I) Cliff Bole Worf leaves the Enterprise to fight on behalf of Gowron in a Klingon civil war.
202 TNG 5 501 23 Sep 1991 Redemption (Part II) David Carson A fleet of 23 Federation ships blockades Romulan support to the Duras family, resulting in Gowron's installation as Chancellor.
203 TNG 5 502 30 Sep 1991 Darmok Winrich Kolbe Picard must learn to communicate with an alien captain who speaks in metaphors before a dangerous beast kills them both.
204 TNG 5 503 07 Oct 1991 Ensign Ro Les Landau After an attack on a Federation outpost, Picard is sent to locate a Bajoran terrorist, with the help of Ensign Ro Laren.
205 TNG 5 504 14 Oct 1991 Silicon Avatar Cliff Bole The crew, with the help of a scientist whose son lived on Data's home world, attempt to communicate with the Crystalline Entity.
206 TNG 5 505 21 Oct 1991 Disaster Gabrielle Beaumont The Enterprise is without power, trapping Picard in a turbolift with three children and trapping others in various locations. Command of the bridge falls to Counselor Troi, who feels ill-prepared.
207 TNG 5 506 28 Oct 1991 The Game Corey Allen Wesley visits the Enterprise, but finds the crew addicted to a mind-altering computer game.
208 TNG 5 507 04 Nov 1991 Unification (Part I) Les Landau Spock is reported to have defected to the Romulans. Picard and Data travel to Romulus on a cloaked Klingon vessel to investigate.
209 TNG 5 508 11 Nov 1991 Unification (Part II) Cliff Bole Spock attempts to unify the Vulcans and Romulans in peace, but falls into a Romulan trap.
210 TNG 5 509 18 Nov 1991 A Matter of Time Paul Lynch A historian from the 26th century visits the Enterprise, while they help a planet prevent a nuclear winter.
211 TNG 5 510 06 Jan 1992 New Ground Robert Scheerer Worf tries to be a father to his son, Alexander, while the Enterprise helps to test a new propulsion technology.
212 TNG 5 511 27 Jan 1992 Hero Worship Patrick Stewart Data saves the life of an orphaned boy, who begins to emulate him.
213 TNG 5 512 03 Feb 1992 Violations Robert Wiemer An alien traveling aboard the Enterprise telepathically molests Troi and invades the minds of Beverly Crusher and William Riker.
214 TNG 5 513 10 Feb 1992 The Masterpiece Society Winrich Kolbe The Enterprise helps a far-flung eugenic human colony avoid destruction, but upsets its delicate balance by ending 200 years of isolation.
215 TNG 5 514 17 Feb 1992 Conundrum Les Landau The crew's memory is erased, and they discover they are being manipulated into being the key part of a war.
216 TNG 5 515 24 Feb 1992 Power Play David Livingston Troi, O'Brien, and Data are possessed by entities who want control of the ship.
217 TNG 5 516 02 Mar 1992 Ethics Chip Chalmers Worf becomes paralyzed and suicidal and Dr. Crusher consults a risk-taking researcher to save his life.
218 TNG 5 517 16 Mar 1992 The Outcast Robert Scheerer Riker falls in love with an androgynous person after rescuing some others trapped in "null space."
219 TNG 5 518 23 Mar 1992 Cause and Effect Jonathan Frakes The Enterprise becomes stuck in a causality loop, but the crew retain some memory of previous instances.
220 TNG 5 519 30 Mar 1992 The First Duty Paul Lynch Wesley is questioned over a Starfleet Academy flight-training accident.
221 TNG 5 520 20 Apr 1992 Cost of Living Winrich Kolbe Deanna's mother, Lwaxana, arrives to marry a man she has never met. Worf has difficulty rearing Alexander, which is exacerbated when Lwaxana takes the boy under her wing.
222 TNG 5 521 27 Apr 1992 The Perfect Mate Cliff Bole Picard forces himself to resist the charms of a female empathic metamorph, who is sent to marry an alien leader as a peace offering.
223 TNG 5 522 04 May 1992 Imaginary Friend Gabrielle Beaumont A child's imaginary playmate takes on real form and threatens the well-being of the Enterprise.
224 TNG 5 523 11 May 1992 I, Borg Robert Lederman The Enterprise rescues a Borg survivor, and Picard plans to use him as a weapon against his nemesis by exposing him to a computer virus.
225 TNG 5 524 18 May 1992 The Next Phase David Carson A transporter accident traps Geordi and Ensign Ro out of phase; while the others plan their funeral they must find a way to reverse the process and save the Enterprise from destruction.
226 TNG 5 525 01 Jun 1992 The Inner Light Peter Lauritson A space probe creates a telepathic tether and causes Picard to experience, in twenty-five minutes, a lifetime as a married man on a world that was destroyed a millennium ago.
227 TNG 5 526 15 Jun 1992 Time's Arrow (Part I) Les Landau A 500-year-old artifact is uncovered on Earth: Data's severed head. The Enterprise investigates alien involvement in Earth's past and Data fulfills his destiny.
228 TNG 6 601 21 Sep 1992 Time's Arrow (Part II) Les Landau The Enterprise crew follow Data to San Francisco of the 1890s. The crew deal with Samuel Clemens (and run into Jack London), while trying to find a way to prevent aliens from interfering with 19th-century Earth.
229 TNG 6 602 28 Sep 1992 Realm of Fear Cliff Bole Barclay must overcome his fear of the transporter to solve a mystery.
230 TNG 6 603 05 Oct 1992 Man of the People Winrich Kolbe A psychic ambassador uses Deanna's mind to influence the outcome of his mission.
231 TNG 6 604 12 Oct 1992 Relics Alexander Singer The Enterprise investigates a vessel that crashed on the surface of a Dyson sphere 75 years ago. An undegraded pattern is found in the transporter buffer, that of Mr. Scott. Feeling out of place and obsolete, Scotty agrees to return to his vessel with Geordi to help restore the logs, and they become the only hope when the Enterprise is accidentally pulled inside the sphere.
232 TNG 6 605 19 Oct 1992 Schisms Robert Wiemer Several members of the crew are abducted and experimented on while they sleep.
233 TNG 6 606 26 Oct 1992 True Q Robert Scheerer Q reveals a secret about a young woman from Kansas who is visiting the Enterprise.
234 TNG 6 607 02 Nov 1992 Rascals Adam Nimoy A transporter malfunction turns Picard, Keiko, Ro and Guinan into children, who become the ship's only hope when they are left aboard while the adult crew are forced to perform dangerous labor by Ferengi pirates.
235 TNG 6 608 09 Nov 1992 A Fistful of Datas Patrick Stewart Data's mind is connected to the ship's computer, which creates unforeseen effects on the holodeck.
236 TNG 6 609 16 Nov 1992 The Quality of Life Jonathan Frakes Data observes self-guided "tools" used at a mining station display signs of sentience, and fights for their preservation, even risking Captain Picard's life on the ground that it is unacceptable to kill one sentient being to save another.
237 TNG 6 610 14 Dec 1992 Chain of Command (Part I) Robert Scheerer Captain Jellico is assigned command of the Enterprise, while Picard is sent on a covert mission into Cardassian territory.
238 TNG 6 611 21 Dec 1992 Chain of Command (Part II) Les Landau Picard, having been captured, is tortured by a sadistic Cardassian interrogator (played by David Warner).
239 DS9 1 101/102 03 Jan 1993 Emissary David Carson A new crew is assigned to a former Cardassian space station: Deep Space Nine. It is a joint Federation/Bajoran force| with Commander Sisko in charge| but his life is dramatically changed when he is declared the Emissary to the Prophets by a Bajoran priest.
240 DS9 1 103 10 Jan 1993 Past Prologue Winrich Kolbe A Bajoran terrorist with ties to Kira arrives on Deep Space Nine and is pursued by the Cardassians. Garak is introduced.
241 DS9 1 104 17 Jan 1993 A Man Alone Paul Lynch Odo is accused of the murder of a Bajoran murderer.
242 DS9 1 105 24 Jan 1993 Babel Paul Lynch A mysterious virus plagues the station| causing speech distortions and eventually death.
243 TNG 6 612 25 Jan 1993 Ship in a Bottle Alexander Singer Barclay accidentally awakens Prof. Moriarty on the holodeck, who uses the powers at his disposal to coerce the crew into finding a way to allow him to leave the holodeck.
244 DS9 1 106 31 Jan 1993 Captive Pursuit Corey Allen O'Brien befriends an alien from the Gamma Quadrant who is being hunted.
245 TNG 6 613 01 Feb 1993 Aquiel Cliff Bole Geordi falls for an alien Starfleet officer who is suspected of murder.
246 DS9 1 107 07 Feb 1993 Q-Less Paul Lynch Q and Vash arrive on Deep Space Nine. However| Vash has realized the annoyance of Q and wants him to leave her alone.
247 TNG 6 614 08 Feb 1993 Face of the Enemy Gabrielle Beaumont Deanna is involuntarily recruited to assist in the transport of Romulan defectors across the border.
248 DS9 1 108 14 Feb 1993 Dax David Carson Jadzia Dax is accused of a murder committed by her symbiont in another lifetime.
249 TNG 6 615 15 Feb 1993 Tapestry Les Landau An accident kills Picard, and he finds an afterlife with Q analyzing his past choices.
250 DS9 1 109 21 Feb 1993 The Passenger Paul Lynch A sinister criminal is hiding in the mind of someone on Deep Space Nine| but Bashir struggles to understand how it works.
251 TNG 6 616 22 Feb 1993 Birthright (Part I) Winrich Kolbe Worf is told on Deep Space Nine his father is alive, and being held prisoner by the Romulans. Meanwhile an engineering experiment accidentally results in Data's first dream.
252 TNG 6 617 01 Mar 1993 Birthright (Part II) Dan Curry Worf, now a prisoner, tries to teach the Klingon refugees the ways of the warrior.
253 DS9 1 110 14 Mar 1993 Move Along Home David Carson Quark is forced to play a game by the Wadi| a newly encountered species| and the lives of the crew depend on the outcome.
254 DS9 1 111 21 Mar 1993 The Nagus David Livingston Quark is named as the head of the Ferengi Alliance by Grand Nagus Zek| but he is now surrounded by enemies.
255 TNG 6 618 29 Mar 1993 Starship Mine Cliff Bole Thieves attempt to steal trilithium from Enterprise during a Baryon sweep at the Remmler Array, and the lone Enterprise crewman onboard must thwart them.
256 TNG 6 619 05 Apr 1993 Lessons Robert Wiemer Picard becomes involved with a woman who is serving on the Enterprise, but he must send her into a dangerous mission.
257 DS9 1 112 18 Apr 1993 Vortex Winrich Kolbe Odo discovers he might not be the only one of his kind when a visitor from the Gamma Quadrant claims he can contact Odo's people.
258 DS9 1 113 25 Apr 1993 Battle Lines Paul Lynch The spiritual leader of Bajor| Kai Opaka| travels with Sisko on a trip to the Gamma Quadrant but is stranded with him on a world where the dead are resurrected.
259 TNG 6 620 26 Apr 1993 The Chase Jonathan Frakes Picard tries to solve an ancient genetic mystery uncovered by his archaeological mentor, and faces stiff competition.
260 DS9 1 114 02 May 1993 The Storyteller David Livingston O'Brien is recruited to save a Bajoran village from destruction by a mysterious cloud creature.
261 TNG 6 621 03 May 1993 Frame of Mind James L. Conway Riker finds himself prisoner in an alien mental institution, which resembles scenes from Beverly's play.
262 DS9 1 115 09 May 1993 Progress Les Landau Kira has to deal with a stubborn farmer (Brian Keith) who refuses to leave his home even though it is slated for demolition.
263 TNG 6 622 10 May 1993 Suspicions Cliff Bole Dr. Crusher risks her career to solve the murder of Ferengi scientist Dr. Reyga and vindicate his research.
264 DS9 1 116 16 May 1993 If Wishes Were Horses Robert Legato Deep Space Nine is put in jeopardy when the crew's thoughts manifest themselves| and such figures as Rumpelstiltskin appear.
265 TNG 6 623 17 May 1993 Rightful Heir Winrich Kolbe Worf experiences a crisis of faith, and travels to a Klingon holy site where the mythic figure Kahless returns to lead the Klingon people.
266 DS9 1 117 23 May 1993 The Forsaken Les Landau The Federation ambassador from Betazed| Lwaxana Troi| visits the station| and develops an affection for Odo.
267 TNG 6 624 24 May 1993 Second Chances LeVar Burton Riker encounters a duplicate of himself created by a transporter malfunction stranded on a planet. "Thomas" vies for Deanna's affections.
268 DS9 1 118 30 May 1993 Dramatis Personae Cliff Bole A Klingon ship comes through the wormhole and explodes. A mutiny is considered.
269 DS9 1 119 13 Jun 1993 Duet James L. Conway A visiting Cardassian| Marritza| may in fact be the notorious war criminal Gul Darhe'el| butcher of Gallitep Labor camp| and Kira is determined to bring him down.
270 TNG 6 625 14 Jun 1993 Timescape Adam Nimoy The Enterprise is caught in temporal stasis, and on the brink of destruction by the Romulans.
271 DS9 1 120 20 Jun 1993 In the Hands of the Prophets David Livingston Friction escalates when Vedek Winn arrives on Deep Space Nine and discovers schoolteacher Keiko O'Brien is teaching about aliens in the Bajoran wormhole.
272 TNG 6 626 21 Jun 1993 Descent (Part I) Alexander Singer The crew encounter a group of Borg acting individually, and Data briefly experiences emotions.
273 TNG 7 701 20 Sep 1993 Descent (Part II) Alexander Singer The Borg are being led by Lore. Data falls under his control by being fed negative emotions.
274 DS9 2 201 26 Sep 1993 The Homecoming Winrich Kolbe Quark gives Kira a Bajoran earring he claims was sent as a message from a Cardassian mining planet.
275 TNG 7 702 27 Sep 1993 Liaisons Cliff Bole Worf and Troi reluctantly play host to two Lyraan ambassadors, while Picard crashes in a shuttle with another Lyraan. He is rescued by a human female who exhibits strange behavior.
276 DS9 2 202 03 Oct 1993 The Circle Corey Allen The Circle attempts to topple the Bajoran government| but there is more to the situation than meets the eye.
277 TNG 7 703 04 Oct 1993 Interface Robert Wiemer Geordi tries to rescue his mother's starship via a remotely controlled probe.
278 DS9 2 203 10 Oct 1993 The Siege Winrich Kolbe Sisko and Li Nalas help stop Deep Space Nine from being commandeered by the Bajorans| while Kira and Dax try to put an end to the Circle by presenting evidence that Minister Jaro is being backed by the Cardassians.
279 TNG 7 704 11 Oct 1993 Gambit (Part I) Peter Lauritson The Enterprise crew investigate the apparent murder of Captain Picard during an archaeological trip. Riker is kidnapped by mercenaries and finds Picard working as part of their crew.
280 DS9 2 204 17 Oct 1993 Invasive Procedures Les Landau A plasma storm leads to the evacuation of most of the station| but a Trill refugee has his own plans.
281 TNG 7 705 18 Oct 1993 Gambit (Part II) Alexander Singer Picard and Riker help mercenaries collect archaeological artifacts to prevent an ancient Vulcan weapon falling into the wrong hands.
282 DS9 2 205 24 Oct 1993 Cardassians Cliff Bole Garak investigates the identity of a Cardassian boy| Rugal| abandoned on Bajor| who has been raised by a Bajoran.
283 TNG 7 706 25 Oct 1993 Phantasms Patrick Stewart Data experiences strange dreams, while the Enterprise has issues with its new Warp-core. But all is not as it seems.
284 DS9 2 206 31 Oct 1993 Melora Winrich Kolbe Bashir tries to help Ensign Melora Pazlar| the first Elaysian to join Starfleet| adjust to normal gravity.
285 TNG 7 707 01 Nov 1993 Dark Page Les Landau A psychic breakdown puts Lwaxana Troi in a coma, and Deanna works to save her life.
286 DS9 2 207 07 Nov 1993 Rules of Acquisition David Livingston Quark represents Grand Nagus Zek in a plot to establish a Ferengi business presence in the Gamma Quadrant. Pel| a young Ferengi| teams up with Quark and they learn that to do business in the Gamma Quadrant they must contact the Keremma| a member race of the Dominion.
287 TNG 7 708 08 Nov 1993 Attached Jonathan Frakes Reclusive aliens imprison Picard and Dr. Crusher on charges of espionage, and experimental implants linking their minds telepathically cause them to face their latent feelings for each other.
288 DS9 2 208 14 Nov 1993 Necessary Evil James L. Conway When Quark is shot| Odo re-opens a five-year-old murder case of Mr. Vaatrik who was a Cardassian collaborator.
289 TNG 7 709 15 Nov 1993 Force of Nature Robert Lederman A pair of scientists show that warp drives are harming the fabric of space.
290 DS9 2 209 21 Nov 1993 Second Sight Alexander Singer A mysterious woman| Fenna| catches Sisko's eye during their fleeting meetings.
291 TNG 7 710 22 Nov 1993 Inheritance Robert Scheerer Data encounters a woman claiming to be his "mother".
292 DS9 2 210 28 Nov 1993 Sanctuary Les Landau The Skrreea| displaced humanoid farmers from the Gamma Quadrant| claim Bajor as Kentanna| their legendary homeland.
293 TNG 7 711 29 Nov 1993 Parallels Robert Wiemer Worf finds himself randomly shifting between alternate realities.
294 DS9 2 211 02 Jan 1994 Rivals David Livingston Quark feels threatened when a charming swindler| Martus Mazur| opens a competing bar (Club Martus).
295 DS9 2 212 09 Jan 1994 The Alternate David Carson A scientist| Dr. Mora Pol of the Bajoran Science Institute| finds a life-form in the Gamma Quadrant that may be related to Odo.
296 TNG 7 712 10 Jan 1994 The Pegasus LeVar Burton Riker's former Captain boards the Enterprise to retrieve the USS Pegasus. Picard investigates the circumstances of its loss and finds that there has been a cover-up.
297 TNG 7 713 17 Jan 1994 Homeward Alexander Singer Worf's human stepbrother violates the Prime Directive to save a doomed primitive race.
298 DS9 2 213 30 Jan 1994 Armageddon Game Winrich Kolbe O'Brien and Bashir help two warring races| the Kellerans and T'lani| erase all knowledge of a deadly biological weapon| but are not trusted to keep what they have learned a secret.
299 TNG 7 714 31 Jan 1994 Sub Rosa Jonathan Frakes Dr. Crusher attends her grandmother's funeral, and takes on an unusual family tradition.
300 DS9 2 214 06 Feb 1994 Whispers Les Landau While preparing the station for upcoming peace talks| O'Brien discovers that the crew have been hiding information from him and giving orders behind his back. O'Brien begins to suspect everyone on the station is gradually being altered or replaced by an unknown force.
301 TNG 7 715 07 Feb 1994 Lower Decks Gabrielle Beaumont Junior officers buck for promotion as one of them is assigned the dangerous task of helping a Cardassian spy.
302 DS9 2 215 13 Feb 1994 Paradise Corey Allen Commander Sisko and Chief O'Brien are stranded on a planet| Aurelius| where their leader| Alixus| rejects technology| even when it means the death of others.
303 TNG 7 716 14 Feb 1994 Thine Own Self Winrich Kolbe Data loses his memory after retrieving radioactive fragments on a planet's surface and endangers the primitive natives he encounters, while Deanna studies to become a bridge officer.
304 DS9 2 216 20 Feb 1994 Shadowplay Robert Scheerer Odo and Dax investigate why a village's residents are disappearing.
305 TNG 7 717 21 Feb 1994 Masks Robert Wiemer The Enterprise finds an ancient library that recreates its civilization by taking possession of Data and transforming the ship.
306 DS9 2 217 27 Feb 1994 Playing God David Livingston A proto-universe threatens to destroy the station and Bajor. Dax has a field docent (a Trill candidate initiate)| named Arjin| whom she helps find his voice — to discover what he wants from life and from joining.
307 TNG 7 718 28 Feb 1994 Eye of the Beholder Cliff Bole Deanna investigates the suicide of a crewman and uncovers a murder that took place during construction of the Enterprise.
308 DS9 2 218 20 Mar 1994 Profit and Loss Robert Wiemer Quark is reunited with his former Cardassian lover| Natima Lang| but she is engaged in dangerous political intrigue with her students Rekela and Hogue: they want to reduce the political power of the Cardassian military.
309 TNG 7 719 21 Mar 1994 Genesis Gates McFadden A routine medical treatment inadvertently creates a virus that begins to de-evolve the Enterprise crew while Picard and Data are on an away mission.
310 DS9 2 219 27 Mar 1994 Blood Oath Winrich Kolbe Jadzia Dax honors an oath made by Curzon Dax to three Klingons (Kor| Koloth| and Kang)| and goes with them on a crusade against their sworn enemy the Albino who murdered their firstborn children as revenge for stopping his raid on a Klingon colony.
311 TNG 7 720 28 Mar 1994 Journey Corey Allen Wesley considers his future, as the Enterprise is ordered to remove Native American colonists from a planet that is about to fall under Cardassian jurisdiction.
312 DS9 2 220 24 Apr 1994 The Maquis (Part I) David Livingston Federation colonists reject a treaty with Cardassia and take matters into their own hands| forming a terrorist group called 'The Maquis'.
313 TNG 7 721 25 Apr 1994 Firstborn Jonathan West Worf attempts to convince his son Alexander to embrace his warrior heritage.
314 DS9 2 221 01 May 1994 The Maquis (Part II) Corey Allen Federation colonists reject a treaty with Cardassia and take matters into their own hands by planning to destroy a weapons depot at the Cardassian Bryma colony.
315 TNG 7 722 02 May 1994 Bloodlines Les Landau DaiMon Bok returns to exact revenge on Picard, by trying to kill the son Picard never knew he had.
316 DS9 2 222 08 May 1994 The Wire Kim Friedman In order to save Garak's life| Bashir must unravel some of the secrets in the Cardassian's past.
317 TNG 7 723 09 May 1994 Emergence Cliff Bole The Enterprise becomes an emergent intelligence.
318 DS9 2 223 15 May 1994 Crossover David Livingston Kira and Bashir accidentally cross to the Mirror Universe| where a Klingon-Cardassian alliance rules. A century before| James T. Kirk had made a similar crossover| affecting human and galactic history. Terrans are slaves on the station.
319 TNG 7 724 16 May 1994 Preemptive Strike Patrick Stewart Ensign Ro graduates from advanced tactical training, and is sent by Picard to lure Maquis terrorists into a trap.
320 DS9 2 224 22 May 1994 The Collaborator Cliff Bole A Bajoran secretary named Kubus| who aided the Cardassian occupation forces wants to return home from exile. Vedek Winn engages in a power play to become Kai against Vedek Bareil.
321 TNG 7 725 & 726 23 May 1994 All Good Things... Winrich Kolbe Picard finds himself alternating between three time periods thanks to Q, with a spacetime distortion that threatens to destroy humanity growing larger in the past, and smaller in the future.
322 DS9 2 225 05 Jun 1994 Tribunal Avery Brooks O'Brien is declared guilty of an unspecified crime and later tried at a tribunal held on Cardassia Prime.
323 DS9 2 226 12 Jun 1994 The Jem'Hadar Kim Friedman Sisko| Jake| Nog| and Quark go camping on a Gamma Quadrant world| but are captured by mysterious soldiers called the Jem'Hadar and meet a force| the Dominion| to rival the Federation.
324 DS9 3 301 26 Sep 1994 The Search (Part I) Kim Friedman Sisko takes the new USS Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant to find the mysterious leaders of the Dominion and avert a war| while Odo is drawn by instinct towards his home planet in the Omarion Nebula.
325 DS9 3 302 03 Oct 1994 The Search (Part II) Jonathan Frakes Odo begins to connect with his fellow Changelings as Sisko attempts to negotiate peace with the Dominion.
326 DS9 3 303 10 Oct 1994 The House of Quark Les Landau Quark lies about killing a Klingon| Kozak| and is then forced to marry the widow| Grilka| founding his own 'House of Quark'.
327 DS9 3 304 17 Oct 1994 Equilibrium Cliff Bole A secret from Dax's past could mean the end of the current host's life.
328 DS9 3 305 24 Oct 1994 Second Skin Les Landau Kira is kidnapped by Cardassians| surgically altered to look Cardassian and told she is actually an undercover Cardassian agent.
329 DS9 3 306 31 Oct 1994 The Abandoned Avery Brooks Quark purchases a salvaged ship from the Gamma Quadrant and discovers an infant on board.
330 DS9 3 307 07 Nov 1994 Civil Defense Reza Badiyi Deep Space Nine is progressively locked down after O'Brien| Jake and Sisko accidentally activate an automated Cardassian security program. The program's counter-insurgency measures keep escalating until it initiates an auto-destruct. Gul Dukat beams on board| but is unable to stop the self-destruct sequence.
331 DS9 3 308 14 Nov 1994 Meridian Jonathan Frakes Dax falls in love with Deral who will soon disappear because he is a member of Meridian| a planet that phases between dimensions every 60 years.
332 DS9 3 309 21 Nov 1994 Defiant Cliff Bole Commander William Riker shows up unannounced and Kira shows him the Defiant| where he reveals his true motives for coming to Deep Space Nine.
333 DS9 3 310 28 Nov 1994 Fascination Avery Brooks Lwaxana Troi pursues Odo during the Bajoran Gratitude Festival as members of the crew suddenly become infatuated with one another.
334 DS9 3 311 02 Jan 1995 Past Tense (Part I) Reza Badiyi A transporter accident sends Sisko| Bashir| and Dax three centuries into Earth's dark past to a time just before the Bell riots| a violent civil disturbance in opposition to Sanctuaries which are controlled ghettos for the dispossessed.
335 DS9 3 312 09 Jan 1995 Past Tense (Part II) Jonathan Frakes Sisko assumes the role of a pivotal historical figure| Gabriel Bell| in order to restore the timeline.
336 VOY 1 101/102 16 Jan 1995 Caretaker Winrich Kolbe On a mission to the Badlands, the USS Voyager, along with a Maquis ship, is stranded in the Delta Quadrant, more than 70,000 light-years from home by an incredibly powerful being known as Caretaker.
337 VOY 1 103 23 Jan 1995 Parallax Kim Friedman Voyager is trapped in a quantum singularity's event horizon, and Captain Janeway must decide between Lt. Carey and former Maquis B'Elanna Torres to be the new chief engineer.
338 VOY 1 104 30 Jan 1995 Time and Again Les Landau Captain Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris are sent back in time one day before an alien planet is annihilated. They attempt to stop the explosion that destroys the planet.
339 DS9 3 313 31 Jan 1995 Life Support Reza Badiyi Bashir's ethics are put to the test as he keeps Vedek Bareil alive long enough to help Kai Winn complete negotiations for a peace treaty with Cardassia.
340 DS9 3 314 06 Feb 1995 Heart of Stone Alexander Singer When Kira's life is put in jeopardy Odo expresses the depth of his feelings for her. Meanwhile| back on the station| Nog requests a letter of recommendation to Starfleet.
341 VOY 1 105 06 Feb 1995 Phage Winrich Kolbe An organ-harvesting species known as the Vidiians steal Neelix's lungs, leaving him to die.
342 DS9 3 315 13 Feb 1995 Destiny Les Landau Despite Trakor's Bajoran prophecy of destruction| Sisko assists in a joint scientific venture with the Cardassians to open communications through the Bajoran wormhole.
343 VOY 1 106 13 Feb 1995 The Cloud David Livingston The crew enter a nebula to collect samples before realizing it is a living organism.
344 DS9 3 316 20 Feb 1995 Prophet Motive Rene Auberjonois Quark discovers that Grand Nagus Zek has written a new virtuous and benevolent set of the Rules of Acquisition| which would put an end to the traditional Ferengi ways.
345 VOY 1 107 20 Feb 1995 Eye of the Needle Winrich Kolbe A micro-wormhole is discovered that leads to the Alpha Quadrant, and the crew make contact with a Romulan ship on the other side.
346 DS9 3 317 27 Feb 1995 Visionary Reza Badiyi Exposure to radiation causes O'Brien to jump five hours into the future for brief periods| as Deep Space Nine hosts Romulan and Klingon delegations.
347 VOY 1 108 27 Feb 1995 Ex Post Facto LeVar Burton Tom Paris is convicted of murder on an alien world, and his punishment is reliving the murder from the victim's perspective every 14 hours.
348 VOY 1 109 13 Mar 1995 Emanations David Livingston Harry Kim is transported to an alien world at the same time a dead body arrives on Voyager.
349 VOY 1 110 20 Mar 1995 Prime Factors Les Landau A race that could shorten Voyager's journey with a transportation device will not share its technology.
350 DS9 3 318 10 Apr 1995 Distant Voices Alexander Singer Julian Bashir is subjected to a telepathic attack by an alien seeking a restricted substance.
351 VOY 1 111 10 Apr 1995 State of Flux Robert Scheerer Janeway and the other senior officers attempt to flush out a spy who is sending information to the Kazon.
352 DS9 3 319 17 Apr 1995 Through the Looking Glass Winrich Kolbe Sisko is convinced by Smiley O'Brien from a parallel universe to assume the role of the dead Captain Sisko.
353 DS9 3 320 24 Apr 1995 Improbable Cause Avery Brooks Garak's tailor shop is bombed| forcing Odo to investigate who is trying to kill the Cardassian exile – and why.
354 VOY 1 112 24 Apr 1995 Heroes and Demons Les Landau The holographic doctor must rescue crew members who were turned to energy in the Holodeck, by entering a holodeck program of Beowulf.
355 DS9 3 321 01 May 1995 The Die is Cast David Livingston Garak reluctantly tortures Odo for information to prove his loyalty to his former mentor| Enabran Tain| as a joint Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order attack on the Founders in the Omarian Nebula is underway| without Starfleet's involvement.
356 VOY 1 113 01 May 1995 Cathexis Kim Friedman An alien mind takes over crew-members' bodies, and Chakotay is left apparently brain-dead after something attacks his shuttlecraft.
357 DS9 3 322 08 May 1995 Explorers Cliff Bole Sisko builds a replica of an ancient Bajoran space vessel and with Jake attempts to prove that the Bajorans developed interstellar travel before Cardassians.
358 VOY 1 114 08 May 1995 Faces Winrich Kolbe B'Elanna Torres is split into her human and Klingon halves by the Vidiians.
359 DS9 3 323 15 May 1995 Family Business Rene Auberjonois Quark returns to his home planet to confront his mother after hearing from the Ferengi Commerce Authority that she broke the law by earning profit.
360 VOY 1 115 15 May 1995 Jetrel Kim Friedman A member of the Haakonians, a race warring with the Talaxians arrives on Voyager, much to the dismay of Neelix, whose family was killed by them.
361 DS9 3 324 22 May 1995 Shakaar Jonathan West Kai Winn needs Kira to convince her former resistance leader| Shakaar| now a farmer on Bajor| to return soil reclamators needed elsewhere in Rakantha| which used to be Bajor's most productive agricultural region.
362 VOY 1 116 22 May 1995 Learning Curve David Livingston Tuvok trains several Maquis members who have not fully integrated into the Voyager crew.
363 DS9 3 325 12 Jun 1995 Facets Cliff Bole Jadzia Dax deals with feelings of inferiority as she encounters past hosts in a Trill Zhian'tara ceremony which is able to transfer the memories of former hosts into another recipient.
364 DS9 3 326 19 Jun 1995 The Adversary Alexander Singer Ambassador Krajensky informs newly promoted Captain Sisko that there has been a coup on Tzenketh. A Changeling hides on board the Defiant and sabotages the ship.
365 VOY 2 201 28 Aug 1995 The 37's James L. Conway A group of humans from the 1930s is found in stasis on an abandoned planet, including the lost Amelia Earhart.
366 VOY 2 202 04 Sep 1995 Initiations Winrich Kolbe Chakotay encounters a Kazon youth who is on an initiation rite; to earn his name by killing an enemy or to be killed in the attempt.
367 VOY 2 203 11 Sep 1995 Projections Jonathan Frakes The Doctor becomes delusional after an accident, causing him to believe that he is a flesh-and-blood person and his time on USS Voyager is a holodeck program.
368 VOY 2 204 18 Sep 1995 Elogium Winrich Kolbe Space-dwelling life-forms cause Kes to enter the Ocampan fertile phase called Elogium, putting pressure on her relationship with Neelix when she wants to have his child.
369 VOY 2 205 25 Sep 1995 Non Sequitur David Livingston Harry Kim wakes up in 24th century San Francisco with no record of him on Voyager.
370 DS9 4 401 02 Oct 1995 The Way of the Warrior James L. Conway A Klingon fleet arrives on its way to expand the Klingon Empire at the expense of the Cardassians in the face of the Dominion threat| and Worf is brought to DS9 to negotiate.
371 VOY 2 206 02 Oct 1995 Twisted Kim Friedman A region of space distorts the interior of Voyager.
372 DS9 4 403 09 Oct 1995 The Visitor David Livingston An elderly Jake Sisko relates the story of how he lost his father to a temporal displacement accident.
373 VOY 2 207 09 Oct 1995 Parturition Jonathan Frakes Neelix and Tom Paris fight over Kes, but are sent on an away mission together.
374 DS9 4 404 16 Oct 1995 Hippocratic Oath Rene Auberjonois Bashir assists a rogue group of Jem'Hadar led by Goran'Agar attempting to overcome their genetic addiction to Ketracel White. Goran'Agar is able to survive without the White and enlists the aid of Bashir to try to understand why.
375 DS9 4 405 23 Oct 1995 Indiscretion LeVar Burton Forced to bring along Dukat on a personal mission to investigate the fate of the Ravinok| Kira discovers the real reason her old enemy wants to accompany her.
376 DS9 4 406 30 Oct 1995 Rejoined Avery Brooks Dax is reunited with Lenara Kahn| whose previous host was the wife of one of Dax's former hosts| Torias Dax| and the two struggle with their feelings for one another.
377 VOY 2 208 30 Oct 1995 Persistence of Vision James L. Conway The crew experience hallucinations brought on by an alien that puts them into a trance-like state.
378 DS9 4 407 06 Nov 1995 Starship Down Alexander Singer The USS Defiant becomes trapped in a planet's radiation-filled atmosphere after battling with the Jem'Hadar.
379 VOY 2 209 06 Nov 1995 Tattoo Alexander Singer Chakotay encounters non-humans that have the same tattoo on their foreheads that he has.
380 DS9 4 408 13 Nov 1995 Little Green Men James L. Conway Quark| Rom| Nog| and Odo are accidentally thrust back in time to Roswell| New Mexico| Earth| in 1947.
381 VOY 2 210 13 Nov 1995 Cold Fire Cliff Bole An Ocampan helps Kes with her mental abilities as the crew encounter a being who appears to be the Caretaker's female counterpart.
382 DS9 4 409 20 Nov 1995 The Sword of Kahless LeVar Burton Worf| Dax and a revered Klingon Dahar master| Kor| search for the Sword of Kahless to unite the Klingon Empire.
383 VOY 2 211 20 Nov 1995 Maneuvers David Livingston Kazon Nistrim board Voyager and steal a transporter module in an attempt to unite the Kazon sects.
384 DS9 4 410 27 Nov 1995 Our Man Bashir Winrich Kolbe Bashir plays a 1960s secret agent in a holosuite| when Garak unexpectedly intrudes| but his help is needed when the DS9 computer uses the holosuite to store the patterns of other crew members during a teleporting accident.
385 VOY 2 212 27 Nov 1995 Resistance Winrich Kolbe A mission to acquire Tellurium goes wrong causing Tuvok and B'Elanna to be captured and believed to be with the resistance.
386 DS9 4 411 01 Jan 1996 Homefront David Livingston Sisko and Odo are brought to Earth when it's suspected Changelings are infiltrating Starfleet.
387 DS9 4 412 08 Jan 1996 Paradise Lost Reza Badiyi As Sisko and Odo prepare for a Dominion invasion they discover a plot to place the Federation under military control.
388 VOY 2 213 15 Jan 1996 Prototype Jonathan Frakes The crew find and repair a robot that was adrift in space only to find themselves in the middle of a war when B'Elanna is abducted.
389 VOY 2 214 22 Jan 1996 Alliances Les Landau Janeway attempts to form an alliance with the Kazon to improve Voyager's standing in the Delta Quadrant.
390 DS9 4 413 29 Jan 1996 Crossfire Les Landau Odo's hidden feelings for Kira surface when the visiting Bajoran First Minister| Shakaar Edon| begins to court her.
391 VOY 2 215 29 Jan 1996 Threshold Alexander Singer Tom Paris breaks the transwarp threshold in the Shuttlecraft Cochrane, designed to reach warp 10, but there are some peculiar side effects.
392 DS9 4 414 05 Feb 1996 Return to Grace Jonathan West Dukat seeks Kira's help in regaining his rank in the Cardassian Empire.
393 VOY 2 216 05 Feb 1996 Meld Cliff Bole In order to quell the temper of a Voyager crew member, Tuvok performs a mind-meld.
394 DS9 4 415 12 Feb 1996 Sons of Mogh David Livingston Cast out of Klingon society because of Worf's dishonor| his outcast brother| Kurn| asks Worf to kill him.
395 VOY 2 217 12 Feb 1996 Dreadnought LeVar Burton A highly advanced Cardassian AI missile that had been reprogrammed by B'Elanna Torres is found in the Delta Quadrant.
396 DS9 4 416 19 Feb 1996 Bar Association LeVar Burton Rom creates a union for Quark's employees and goes on strike.
397 VOY 2 218 19 Feb 1996 Death Wish James L. Conway The crew encounter a member of the Q Continuum seeking to end his immortal life.
398 DS9 4 417 26 Feb 1996 Accession Les Landau A famous Bajoran poet| Akorem Laan| who disappeared over 200 years ago appears from the wormhole and convinces Sisko that he is the true Emissary.
399 VOY 2 219 26 Feb 1996 Lifesigns Cliff Bole The Doctor helps a Phage-ridden Vidiian woman.
400 VOY 2 220 13 Mar 1996 Investigations Les Landau The crew try to flush out the traitor on board who has been talking to the Kazon Nistrim.
401 VOY 2 221 18 Mar 1996 Deadlock David Livingston A duplicate Voyager is created after it passes through a spatial scission.
402 DS9 4 418 08 Apr 1996 Rules of Engagement LeVar Burton Worf accidentally destroys a civilian ship during battle and faces a hearing to determine whether he should be extradited to the Klingon Empire.
403 VOY 2 222 08 Apr 1996 Innocence James L. Conway Tuvok crash-lands on a moon and finds children who have been abandoned.
404 DS9 4 419 15 Apr 1996 Hard Time Alexander Singer O'Brien's mind has been altered to create memories of being incarcerated for 20 years on an alien world on charges of espionage and sedition.
405 DS9 4 420 22 Apr 1996 Shattered Mirror James L. Conway Sisko attempts to rescue Jake after he is lured into a war-torn mirror universe by his mother's living counterpart.
406 DS9 4 421 29 Apr 1996 The Muse David Livingston While Odo assists a pregnant Lwaxana Troi| Jake falls under the spell of a mysterious woman| Onaya.
407 VOY 2 223 29 Apr 1996 The Thaw Marvin V. Rush The crew find aliens mentally connected to a computer that has created a being that feeds on their fear.
408 DS9 4 422 06 May 1996 For the Cause James L. Conway Sisko learns that his girlfriend Kasidy might be a Maquis smuggler.
409 VOY 2 224 06 May 1996 Tuvix Cliff Bole A transporter accident merges Tuvok and Neelix into a new person.
410 DS9 4 423 13 May 1996 To the Death LeVar Burton Sisko and the Defiant crew join forces with the Jem'Hadar to stop a group of Jem'Hadar renegades from gaining power.
411 VOY 2 225 13 May 1996 Resolutions Alexander Singer Janeway and Chakotay must be quarantined on a planet after they contract a disease.
412 DS9 4 424 20 May 1996 The Quickening Rene Auberjonois Bashir tries to free the population of a Gamma Quadrant world in the Teplan system of an engineered disease left by the Dominion 200 years previously.
413 VOY 2 226 20 May 1996 Basics (Part I) Winrich Kolbe Seska and the Kazon-Nistrim take control of Voyager and maroon its crew on a primitive planet.
414 DS9 4 425 10 Jun 1996 Body Parts Avery Brooks Quark is diagnosed with a terminal disease| Dorek's Syndrome| and given a week to live.
415 DS9 4 426 17 Jun 1996 Broken Link Les Landau Odo collapses and is taken to the Infirmary. The doctor discovers Odo is losing his ability to maintain solid form.
416 VOY 3 301 04 Sep 1996 Basics (Part II) Winrich Kolbe The crew must learn to survive on the inhospitable planet as the Doctor, Crewman Suder and Paris attempt to regain control of the ship.
417 VOY 3 302 11 Sep 1996 Flashback David Livingston Tuvok experiences brain-damaging flashbacks to his service on the Excelsior. He and the captain attempt to find the reason for the flashbacks, believed to be a suppressed memory, through a joint mindmeld.
418 VOY 3 303 18 Sep 1996 The Chute Les Landau Tom Paris and Harry Kim are trapped in a prison. Tom gets stabbed trying to protect Kim leaving Kim trying to find an escape plan alone. Simultaneously Voyager is trying to find a way to prove their innocence.
419 VOY 3 304 25 Sep 1996 The Swarm Alexander Singer Voyager encounters a swarm of ships while trying to take a shortcut through a space belonging to a hostile species, while the Doctor begins to experience memory loss.
420 DS9 5 501 30 Sep 1996 Apocalypse Rising James L. Conway Starfleet assigns Sisko to expose the Changeling infiltrator in the Klingon Empire.
421 VOY 3 305 02 Oct 1996 False Profits Cliff Bole The crew encounter two Ferengi posing as gods.
422 DS9 5 502 07 Oct 1996 The Ship Kim Friedman While exploring in the Gamma Quadrant| Sisko| Dax| Worf| and O'Brien see a Jem'Hadar warship crash on a planet's surface.
423 VOY 3 306 09 Oct 1996 Remember Winrich Kolbe B'Elanna experiences vivid dreams manifested by telepathic aliens.
424 DS9 5 503 14 Oct 1996 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places Andrew J. Robinson Worf finds himself attracted to Grilka| Quark's ex wife| when she visits the station.
425 DS9 5 504 21 Oct 1996 ...Nor the Battle to the Strong Kim Friedman Dr. Bashir has been away at a conference and Jake Sisko has accompanied him to research a profile he is writing about the doctor. Returning in a runabout| they get a distress call from a Federation colony under Klingon attack.
426 DS9 5 505 28 Oct 1996 The Assignment Allan Kroeker Keiko returns from a journey and informs O'Brien that she is really an entity that has taken possession of his wife's body.
427 VOY 3 307 30 Oct 1996 Sacred Ground Robert Duncan McNeill Kes is left comatose after contacting an energy field around a rock.
428 DS9 5 506 04 Nov 1996 Trials and Tribble-ations Jonathan West Darvin| a disgraced Klingon spy| travels back in time. The DS9 crew must prevent him from altering the timeline.
429 VOY 3 308 06 Nov 1996 Future's End (Part I) David Livingston A 29th century timeship causes a time paradox when it accidentally sends itself and Voyager to two different periods in 20th century Earth.
430 DS9 5 507 11 Nov 1996 Let He Who Is Without Sin... Rene Auberjonois Worf and Dax vacation on the pleasure planet| Risa| and encounter unexpected dangers.
431 VOY 3 309 13 Nov 1996 Future's End (Part II) Cliff Bole Janeway must prevent the destruction of the solar system by a 20th century entrepreneur who has acquired the timeship.
432 DS9 5 508 18 Nov 1996 Things Past LeVar Burton Sisko| Odo| Dax and Garak are found unconscious. While Bashir attempts to revive their bodies| the four wake up during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor several years earlier.
433 VOY 3 310 20 Nov 1996 Warlord David Livingston Kes is controlled by an alien warlord named Tieran.
434 DS9 5 509 25 Nov 1996 The Ascent Allan Kroeker Forced to crash land on a desolate planet| Odo and Quark learn they lost their communications system| replicator| and most rations in an explosion.
435 VOY 3 311 27 Nov 1996 The Q and the Grey Cliff Bole Q visits Voyager with a proposal for Janeway as civil war breaks out in the Q Continuum.
436 VOY 3 312 11 Dec 1996 Macrocosm Alexander Singer Voyager answers help from a mining colony about a viral outbreak that manages to sneak onto Voyager through the transporter, leaving only Janeway and the doctor to stop it.
437 DS9 5 510 30 Dec 1996 Rapture Jonathan West An accident causes Sisko to have prophetic visions.
438 DS9 5 511 06 Jan 1997 The Darkness and the Light Mike Vejar Someone is killing Kira's friends off and she might be next.
439 VOY 3 313 08 Jan 1997 Fair Trade Jesús Salvador Treviño Voyager approaches the edge of Neelix's knowledge and a trading station.
440 VOY 3 314 15 Jan 1997 Alter Ego Robert Picardo The crew enjoys a luau on the holodeck and Tuvok discovers an unusual hologram.
441 DS9 5 512 27 Jan 1997 The Begotten Jesus Salvador Treviao When Quark discovers an infant Changeling| it has a profound effect on Odo. Meanwhile| Kira goes into labor.
442 VOY 3 315 29 Jan 1997 Coda Nancy Malone Janeway appears to be trapped in a time-loop with different events, but all ending in her death.
443 DS9 5 513 03 Feb 1997 For the Uniform Victor Lobl Michael Eddington returns and Sisko becomes obsessed with catching him.
444 VOY 3 316 05 Feb 1997 Blood Fever Andrew J. Robinson Vorik passes on the Pon farr to B'Elanna.
445 DS9 5 514 10 Feb 1997 In Purgatory's Shadow Gabrielle Beaumont Worf and Garak journey to the Gamma Quadrant to investigate a coded Cardassian message.
446 VOY 3 317 12 Feb 1997 Unity Robert Duncan McNeill Chakotay answers a call for help on a planet and finds himself in the middle of a shoot-out between two groups of people while the Voyager crew discover an abandoned Borg ship.
447 DS9 5 515 17 Feb 1997 By Inferno's Light Les Landau Gul Dukat aligns the Cardassians with the Dominion. The station must deal with a Changeling infiltrator.
448 VOY 3 318 19 Feb 1997 Darkling Alexander Singer The Doctor tries to graft other personalities into his program, but the resulting 'upgrade' causes him to develop an evil alternate personality.
449 DS9 5 516 24 Feb 1997 Doctor Bashir, I Presume? David Livingston Julian Bashir is selected to become the model for a Long-term Medical Hologram| until a family secret is revealed.
450 VOY 3 319 26 Feb 1997 Rise Robert Scheerer Voyager helps a planet with asteroid problems. Tuvok and Neelix crash-land on the planet and attempt to fix a maglev space elevator.
451 VOY 3 320 19 Mar 1997 Favorite Son Marvin V. Rush Harry Kim is contacted by a planet full of women.
452 DS9 5 517 31 Mar 1997 A Simple Investigation John T. Kretchmer Odo falls in love with a woman| Arissa| involved in the Orion Syndicate.
453 DS9 5 518 07 Apr 1997 Business as Usual Siddig El Fadil Quark becomes involved with a group of arms dealers| led by his cousin Gaila.
454 VOY 3 321 09 Apr 1997 Before and After Allan Kroeker Shortly before her death in the future, Kes begins to travel backwards in time, with a portion of events occurring in the Year of Hell.
455 DS9 5 519 14 Apr 1997 Ties of Blood and Water Avery Brooks Tekeny Ghemor arrives on Deep Space Nine and reveals that he is dying.
456 DS9 5 520 21 Apr 1997 Ferengi Love Songs Rene Auberjonois At the end of his rope| Quark returns home and discovers Moogie has a secret lover.
457 VOY 3 322 23 Apr 1997 Real Life Anson Williams The Doctor creates a family on the holodeck.
458 DS9 5 521 28 Apr 1997 Soldiers of the Empire LeVar Burton Martok| Worf| and Dax go on a mission aboard a Klingon ship to search for the B'moth.
459 VOY 3 323 30 Apr 1997 Distant Origin David Livingston A reptilian scientist trying to prove his heretical theories kidnaps Chakotay and draws the entire crew in conflict between his race's doctrine and the startling truth about its origin.
460 DS9 5 522 05 May 1997 Children of Time Allan Kroeker An accident causes the crew to meet their own descendants - and presents them with an ethical dilemma.
461 VOY 3 324 07 May 1997 Displaced Allan Kroeker Crew members are replaced one-by-one with aliens from an unknown race.
462 DS9 5 523 12 May 1997 Blaze of Glory Kim Friedman An act of desperation by the Maquis could plunge the Federation into war. The Maquis have 30 cloaked missiles headed to Cardassia which will cause an outbreak of war in the alpha quadrant.
463 VOY 3 325 14 May 1997 Worst Case Scenario Alexander Singer B'Elanna Torres discovers a holodeck program where Chakotay and the Maquis rebel against Janeway.
464 DS9 5 524 19 May 1997 Empok Nor Mike Vejar O'Brien| Garak| Nog and an engineering team go to Deep Space Nine's abandoned sister space station| Empok Nor| to salvage components. The away team soon discover that all is not as it seems.
465 VOY 3 326 21 May 1997 Scorpion (Part I) David Livingston Voyager must pass through Borg space, but the arrival of a new species causes problems.
466 DS9 5 525 09 Jun 1997 In the Cards Michael Dorn Jake wants to give his father a present to cheer him up| a 1951 Willie Mays baseball card| but runs into complications with a mysterious geneticist| Dr. Giger| and a Dominion ambassador group.
467 DS9 5 526 16 Jun 1997 Call to Arms Allan Kroeker Faced with the realization that the Dominion are taking over the Alpha Quadrant| Sisko decides to mine the entrance to the wormhole with self-replicating cloaked mines| thus beginning the Dominion War.
468 VOY 4 401 03 Sep 1997 Scorpion (Part II) Winrich Kolbe Janeway and Tuvok work with the Borg and meet Seven of Nine as they work on developing a weapon against Species 8472 in exchange for safe passage through Borg space.
469 VOY 4 402 10 Sep 1997 The Gift Anson Williams Kes' mental abilities develop to a point where they endanger Voyager.
470 VOY 4 403 17 Sep 1997 Day of Honor Jesús Salvador Treviño B'Elanna tries to observe the Klingon Day of Honor after the warp core is lost.
471 VOY 4 404 24 Sep 1997 Nemesis Alexander Singer Chakotay helps fight in an alien war.
472 DS9 6 601 29 Sep 1997 A Time to Stand Allan Kroeker Three months into the war| DS9 is still under Dominion control. Sisko and his crew are given a mission to destroy a vital Ketracel White facility deep in Dominion space using a captured Jem'Hadar ship. Jake is working for the Federation News Service. Odo is head of Terok Nor's security supported by the Vorta Weyoun.
473 VOY 4 405 01 Oct 1997 Revulsion Kenneth Biller A hologram contacts Voyager and the Doctor is excited to meet another hologram.
474 DS9 6 602 06 Oct 1997 Rocks and Shoals Mike Vejar Sisko and his tired crew crash on a planet where they encounter a band of Jem'Hadar.
475 VOY 4 406 08 Oct 1997 The Raven LeVar Burton Seven of Nine experiences Borg flashbacks as she attempts to become more human.
476 DS9 6 603 13 Oct 1997 Sons and Daughters Jesus Salvador Treviao While on General Martok's ship Worf is reunited with his estranged son| Alexander.
477 DS9 6 604 20 Oct 1997 Behind the Lines LeVar Burton Sisko creates a risky plan to disable a critical Dominion sensor array able to see 5 sectors out| while on Terok Nor| Kira| Jake| Rom and Odo seek to undermine the Cardassian/Dominion Alliance.
478 DS9 6 605 27 Oct 1997 Favor the Bold Winrich Kolbe Learning of thousands of Dominion reinforcements gathering in the Gamma Quadrant| Sisko initiates a plan to retake Deep Space Nine and secure the wormhole before the minefield is detonated.
479 VOY 4 407 29 Oct 1997 Scientific Method David Livingston The crew have unexplained illnesses as they are closely observed by unseen intruders.
480 DS9 6 606 03 Nov 1997 Sacrifice of Angels Allan Kroeker Sisko commands the Defiant and 600 Federation ships against a Dominion/Cardassian armada to retake Deep Space Nine. Damar has Kira| Jake| and Leeta arrested.
481 VOY 4 408 05 Nov 1997 Year of Hell (Part I) Allan Kroeker Voyager creates a new Astrometrics Lab, which maps a new course that brings them into contact with a Krenim temporal ship that can erase things from history.
482 DS9 6 607 10 Nov 1997 You are Cordially Invited... David Livingston Worf's plans for a traditional Klingon wedding hinge on Martok's demanding wife| Sirella| accepting Dax into their family.
483 VOY 4 409 12 Nov 1997 Year of Hell (Part II) Mike Vejar A badly damaged Voyager hides in a nebula as a skeleton crew attempts repairs; meanwhile the Krenim commander proposes a compromise to Chakotay and Paris.
484 DS9 6 608 17 Nov 1997 Resurrection LeVar Burton The mirror universe counterpart of Kira's dead love| Vedek Bareil| takes her hostage on Deep Space Nine as he is running from the evil Alliance of his universe.
485 VOY 4 410 19 Nov 1997 Random Thoughts Alexander Singer Torres is arrested while visiting a world of telepaths where violent thoughts are a crime.
486 DS9 6 609 24 Nov 1997 Statistical Probabilities Anson Williams Bashir attempts to reintegrate genetically-engineered misfits into society| but they are asked by Starfleet to become a think tank when they provide insightful analysis of upcoming Dominion peace talks.
487 VOY 4 411 26 Nov 1997 Concerning Flight Jesús Salvador Treviño Aliens steal several key components of Voyager, which are retrieved with assistance from a holographic Leonardo Da Vinci.
488 VOY 4 412 17 Dec 1997 Mortal Coil Allan Kroeker Neelix dies in an attempt to sample proto-matter from a nebula. Seven of Nine believes she can revive him using Borg nanoprobes, but Neelix finds it hard to adjust, particularly given that he has no memory of an afterlife of any kind.
489 DS9 6 610 01 Jan 1998 The Magnificent Ferengi Chip Chalmers Quark mounts a rescue mission when his mother| Ishka| is captured by the Dominion and Grand Nagus Zek offers a reward for her return.
490 DS9 6 611 08 Jan 1998 Waltz Rene Auberjonois Sisko meets with the former Cardassian leader Gul Dukat| now a prisoner| as he awaits a war crimes investigation.
491 VOY 4 413 14 Jan 1998 Waking Moments Alexander Singer The crew of Voyager start to have dreams from which they cannot wake, and only Chakotay can save them.
492 VOY 4 414 21 Jan 1998 Message in a Bottle Nancy Malone The Doctor's program is sent to an advanced Starfleet vessel via a vast ancient communications network, but he soon discovers that only he and the ship's own EMH remain to fight against Romulans who have taken over the ship and are attempting to return to Romulan space with it.
493 DS9 6 612 04 Feb 1998 Who Mourns for Morn? Victor Lobl Morn is killed in an ion storm and Sisko informs Quark that Morn left his entire estate to him. But Quark has a little competition.
494 DS9 6 613 11 Feb 1998 Far Beyond the Stars Avery Brooks After Captain Swofford's ship| the Cortez| is destroyed| Sisko considers leaving Starfleet.
495 VOY 4 415 11 Feb 1998 Hunters David Livingston A transmission from Starfleet Command gets held at a Hirogen relay station and Janeway sets course to retrieve it.
496 DS9 6 614 18 Feb 1998 One Little Ship Allan Kroeker Dax| O'Brien| and Bashir board a Runabout| which is shrunken to four inches long as they investigate a rare subspace compression phenomenon.
497 VOY 4 416 18 Feb 1998 Prey Allan Eastman Voyager rescues a Hirogen survivor who tells them a new kind of prey is on the loose.
498 DS9 6 615 25 Feb 1998 Honor Among Thieves Allan Eastman Starfleet Intelligence recruits Chief O'Brien to infiltrate the Orion Syndicate to find a Starfleet informant.
499 VOY 4 417 25 Feb 1998 Retrospect Jesús Salvador Treviño After experiencing unsettling hallucinations, Seven of Nine is hypnotized by the Doctor whose analysis reveals a trader may have extracted Borg technology from Seven without her consent.
500 DS9 6 616 04 Mar 1998 Change of Heart David Livingston When Jadzia Dax is critically injured on an away mission| Worf must choose between saving his wife and completing their assignment.
501 VOY 4 418 04 Mar 1998 The Killing Game (Part I) David Livingston The Hirogen implant devices into the crew making them believe they are characters within the holodecks being used for hunts.
502 VOY 4 419 04 Mar 1998 The Killing Game (Part II) David Livingston The Hirogen implant devices into the crew making them believe they are characters within the holodecks being used for hunts.
503 DS9 6 617 01 Apr 1998 Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night Jonathan West When Dukat reveals to Kira her mother| Kira Meru| did not die when she was three| but was actually his lover| Kira goes into the past using the Bajoran Orb of Time to find the truth.
504 DS9 6 618 08 Apr 1998 Inquisition Michael Dorn Bashir is accused of unknowingly spying for the Dominion.
505 VOY 4 420 08 Apr 1998 Vis à Vis Jesús Salvador Treviño An alien shuttle with a prototype propulsion system suddenly appears and requires assistance. Paris is restless and volunteers to help the pilot, Steth, repair the shuttle.
506 DS9 6 619 15 Apr 1998 In the Pale Moonlight Victor Lobl Sisko asks Garak to help him get the Romulans to join the war against the Dominion.
507 VOY 4 421 15 Apr 1998 The Omega Directive Victor Lobl Janeway undertakes the Omega Directive, an order to destroy the Omega molecules, even if it means violating the Prime Directive.
508 DS9 6 620 22 Apr 1998 His Way Allan Kroeker Bashir shows off a new Holosuite program of a martini lounge with a 1960s Vegas singer named Vic Fontaine who is very perceptive; and gives advice to Odo when Kira visits her ex-lover Shakaar.
509 VOY 4 422 22 Apr 1998 Unforgettable Andrew J. Robinson An alien female from a cloaked ship asks for Chakotay by name and requests asylum on Voyager from her people.
510 DS9 6 621 29 Apr 1998 The Reckoning Jesus Salvador Treviao Sisko is called to Bajor when an ancient tablet addressing the Emissary is discovered at B'hala.
511 VOY 4 423 29 Apr 1998 Living Witness Tim Russ A Kyrian museum curator 700 years in the future hopes a Voyager relic containing a copy of the Doctor can confirm their version of history.
512 DS9 6 622 06 May 1998 Valiant Mike Vejar Jake and Nog come under attack by the Jem'Hadar and are rescued by a rogue Defiant class starship| the Valiant| under the command of Starfleet Red Squadron cadets.
513 VOY 4 424 06 May 1998 Demon Anson Williams Tom Paris and Harry Kim take a shuttle down to an extremely inhospitable planet to obtain fuel.
514 DS9 6 623 13 May 1998 Profit and Lace Alexander Siddig Quark helps out when Zek's status as the Ferengi Grand Nagus is put in jeopardy by proposing equal rights for Ferengi females.
515 VOY 4 425 13 May 1998 One Kenneth Biller Seven of Nine is left alone on Voyager when a nebula's deadly radiation forces the rest of the crew to stay in stasis and the Doctor's hologram projectors are disrupted.
516 DS9 6 624 20 May 1998 Time's Orphan Allan Kroeker Molly O'Brien disappears in a vortex and reappears as an 18-year-old woman| but she is now feral| bringing great difficulty for her parents.
517 VOY 4 426 20 May 1998 Hope and Fear Winrich Kolbe Paris and Neelix return from a mission with a passenger named Arturis who knows more than 4,000 languages. He manages to decode a message from Starfleet that could lead to a way home.
518 DS9 6 625 10 Jun 1998 The Sound of Her Voice Winrich Kolbe The Defiant picks up a distress call from Captain Lisa Cusak| whose escape pod has crashed on a remote planet following the destruction of her ship| the Olympia.
519 DS9 6 626 17 Jun 1998 Tears of the Prophets Allan Kroeker Starfleet Command begins an offensive against the Dominion| and Sisko is chosen to lead the invasion of Cardassia| but the Cardassian/Dominion Alliance has secretly reinforced their borders with unmanned orbital weapons platforms.
520 DS9 7 701 30 Sep 1998 Image in the Sand Les Landau With the Bajoran wormhole collapsed| Sisko struggles for a way to contact the Bajoran Prophets. Kira opens a Romulan military hospital| and a new Dax appears on the scene.
521 DS9 7 702 07 Oct 1998 Shadows and Symbols Allan Kroeker Sisko's quest leads him to the truth about his existence as Kira sets up a blockade of the Bajoran Moon| Derna| against the Romulans.
522 DS9 7 703 14 Oct 1998 Afterimage Les Landau Everyone who knew Jadzia Dax reacts strongly to Ezri Dax's presence| particularly Worf. Meanwhile Garak suffers from bad claustrophobic attacks.
523 VOY 5 501 14 Oct 1998 Night David Livingston Voyager loses power traversing a dark region of space containing theta radiation.
524 DS9 7 704 21 Oct 1998 Take Me Out to the Holosuite Chip Chalmers Sisko must train his staff to play baseball when the Vulcans| led by Solok| challenge them to a game.
525 VOY 5 502 21 Oct 1998 Drone Les Landau The Doctor's mobile emitter is damaged while beaming back from an away mission, merging with Seven of Nine's Borg nanoprobes and the DNA of a male Ensign to create a 29th century Borg.
526 DS9 7 705 28 Oct 1998 Chrysalis Jonathan West Bashir falls for a genetically enhanced patient| Sarina Douglas| that he brought out of a catatonic state using an experimental medical procedure.
527 VOY 5 503 28 Oct 1998 Extreme Risk Cliff Bole B'Elanna purposely puts herself into increasingly more dangerous situations. Meanwhile the crew decides to build a new shuttlecraft, the Delta Flyer.
528 DS9 7 706 04 Nov 1998 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River Steve Posey A Vorta defector, Weyoun-6, gives Odo valuable information in exchange for asylum. Weyoun-7, the next clone in the series, pursues them. Meanwhile Nog engages in a series of barters to get a Graviton Stabilizer for Miles.
529 VOY 5 504 04 Nov 1998 In the Flesh David Livingston The ship encounters a training facility for an alien invasion of Earth.
530 DS9 7 707 11 Nov 1998 Once More Unto the Breach Allan Kroeker Worf finds a battle assignment for Kor| an aging Klingon hero.
531 VOY 5 505 11 Nov 1998 Once Upon a Time John T. Kretchmer Neelix looks after Naomi Wildman when her mother is injured on an away mission.
532 DS9 7 708 18 Nov 1998 The Siege of AR-558 Winrich Kolbe Sisko and crew relieve Starfleet troops under siege by Jem'Hadar at a key communications outpost| AR-558| the largest dominion communications array in the sector.
533 VOY 5 506 18 Nov 1998 Timeless LeVar Burton Fifteen years in the future, Chakotay and Harry Kim attempt to prevent the Voyager from crash-landing on an ice planet.
534 DS9 7 709 25 Nov 1998 Covenant John Kretchmer Dukat| now a religious leader| holds Kira hostage. Mika| one of Dukat's followers| gives birth to a half-Cardassian child.
535 VOY 5 507 25 Nov 1998 Infinite Regress David Livingston Seven of Nine experiences the Borg version of multiple personality disorder.
536 VOY 5 508 02 Dec 1998 Nothing Human David Livingston A wounded alien is brought on board from a stranded vessel and attaches itself to B'Elanna Torres.
537 VOY 5 509 09 Dec 1998 Thirty Days Winrich Kolbe Tom Paris disregards orders by helping an aquatic world and is demoted to Ensign.
538 VOY 5 510 16 Dec 1998 Counterpoint Les Landau While passing through Devore space, Voyager is routinely searched for telepaths.
539 DS9 7 710 30 Dec 1998 It's Only a Paper Moon Anson Williams Nog struggles with PTSD and begins living with Vic Fontaine.
540 DS9 7 711 06 Jan 1999 Prodigal Daughter Victor Lobl Ezri goes to New Sydney to find O'Brien and uncovers some disturbing family secrets. Miles goes in search of the widow of Liam Bilby| Morica Bilby| whom he befriended in an undercover operation.
541 VOY 5 511 20 Jan 1999 Latent Image Mike Vejar The Doctor finds out that some of his memories have been blocked.
542 VOY 5 512 27 Jan 1999 Bride of Chaotica! Allan Kroecher Paris' latest holodeck adventure The Adventures of Captain Proton takes an unexpected turn.
543 DS9 7 712 03 Feb 1999 The Emperor's New Cloak LeVar Burton Quark and Rom cross into the alternate universe to rescue Grand Nagus Zek.
544 VOY 5 513 03 Feb 1999 Gravity Terry Windell Tuvok and Paris crash on a planet stuck in a pocket of subspace, where they meet a female named Noss.
545 DS9 7 713 10 Feb 1999 Field of Fire Tony Dow Ezri summons Joran| a homicidal Dax incarnation from her past| for help in understanding the mind of a serial killer loose on the station.
546 VOY 5 514 10 Feb 1999 Bliss Cliff Bole A large organism telepathically deceives the Voyager crew into flying into its digestive chamber.
547 DS9 7 714 17 Feb 1999 Chimera Steve Posey A Changeling| Laas| asks Odo to leave the station and join his search for other shapeshifters. Laas was with the Varalans and has learned to assume a space-faring creatures form.
548 VOY 5 515 17 Feb 1999 Dark Frontier (Part I) Cliff Bole Janeway plans to steal a transwarp coil from a disabled Borg ship to shorten their journey home. Seven of Nine experiences memories of her past just before she and her parents are assimilated and plans to re-join the Borg collective.
549 VOY 5 516 17 Feb 1999 Dark Frontier (Part II) Terry Windell Janeway leads a mission in the Delta Flyer to rescue Seven from the Borg Queen.
550 DS9 7 715 24 Feb 1999 Badda-Bing Badda-Bang Mike Vejar The crew attempt to help Vic Fontaine when Vic's hotel is bought by mobsters Frankie Eyes and Carl Zeemo.
551 VOY 5 517 24 Feb 1999 The Disease David Livingston Kim finds love when the crew encounter a Varro generational ship that needs assistance repairing its warp drive.
552 DS9 7 716 03 Mar 1999 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges David Livingston While attending a diplomatic conference on Romulus| Bashir becomes an unwilling pawn of Section 31.
553 VOY 5 518 03 Mar 1999 Course: Oblivion Anson Williams After Torres and Paris get married, subspace radiation causes the crew and their ship to disintegrate.
554 VOY 5 519 24 Mar 1999 The Fight Winrich Kolbe Chakotay lies in sickbay as he attempts to communicate with aliens through hallucinations.
555 VOY 5 520 31 Mar 1999 Think Tank Terrence O'Hara Voyager is being chased by the Hazari when a think tank offers assistance.
556 DS9 7 717 07 Apr 1999 Penumbra Steve Posey Ezri searches for a missing Worf and Sisko makes plans to marry Kasidy Yates.
557 DS9 7 718 14 Apr 1999 'Til Death Do Us Part Winrich Kolbe Captured by the Breen| Ezri and Worf undergo mental torture. Sisko agonizes over his broken engagement.
558 DS9 7 719 21 Apr 1999 Strange Bedfellows Rene Auberjonois An alliance is born between the Dominion and the Breen which will prove devastating for the Federation. Ezri and Worf are sentenced to death on Cardassia.
559 VOY 5 521 26 Apr 1999 Juggernaut Allan Kroeker The crew respond to a distress call from Malon escape pods contaminated with radiation.
560 DS9 7 720 28 Apr 1999 The Changing Face of Evil Mike Vejar The war reaches a crucial turning point when the Dominion retakes the Chin'Toka system| the only Allied foothold in enemy space. Meanwhile| Winn learns that Dukat plans to release the Pah-Wraiths| and Damar leads a revolt against the Dominion.
561 VOY 5 522 28 Apr 1999 Someone to Watch Over Me Robert Duncan McNeill Seven of Nine explores dating with some help from the Doctor.
562 DS9 7 721 05 May 1999 When It Rains... Michael Dorn Sisko orders Kira to train Cardassians in resistance tactics as Damar's rebellion gains ground; meanwhile| Bashir makes a shocking discovery about the disease that is ravaging the Founders.
563 VOY 5 523 05 May 1999 11:59 David Livingston Janeway reminisces about one of her Earth's ancestors, Shannon O'Donnell from Indiana.
564 DS9 7 722 12 May 1999 Tacking Into the Wind Mike Vejar Kira masterminds a plot to steal the Breen energy dampening weapon and Worf instigates a power shift in the Klingon Empire.
565 VOY 5 524 12 May 1999 Relativity Allan Eastman Captain Braxton recruits Seven of Nine to stop Voyager being sabotaged.
566 DS9 7 723 19 May 1999 Extreme Measures Steve Posey Bashir and O'Brien must get inside the mind of the man who holds Odo's cure.
567 VOY 5 525 19 May 1999 Warhead John T. Kretchmer The crew rescue a device with artificial intelligence embedded in rock, but it then proceeds to take control of The Doctor and reveals itself to be a weapon of mass destruction.
568 DS9 7 724 26 May 1999 The Dogs of War Avery Brooks Sisko takes command of a new ship; Kira and Garak face a Dominion ambush on Cardassia.
569 VOY 5 526 26 May 1999 Equinox (Part I) David Livingston Voyager finds another Federation ship, the USS Equinox, under attack from flying nucleogenic lifeforms.
570 DS9 7 725 02 Jun 1999 What You Leave Behind Allan Kroeker Sisko leads the Federation/Klingon/Romulan alliance in the offensive on the Cardassian homeworld. Dukat and Winn journey to the fire caves to release the Pah'Wraiths| and Damar leads his people in a revolution in an attempt to overthrow their Dominion oppressors.
571 VOY 6 601 22 Sep 1999 Equinox (Part II) David Livingston The crew of the USS Equinox attempt to elude the USS Voyager in order to exploit the nucleogenic lifeforms in a bid to return home.
572 VOY 6 602 29 Sep 1999 Survival Instinct Terry Windell Three Borg from Seven's past appear, and ask to be completely separated from the Collective.
573 VOY 6 603 06 Oct 1999 Barge of the Dead Mike Vejar B'Elanna's shuttle is hit by an ion storm and she awakens to find herself among Klingons in the Barge of the Dead, on the way to Klingon Hell.
574 VOY 6 604 13 Oct 1999 Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy John Bruno The Doctor adds daydreaming to his program, imagining himself as the Emergency Command Hologram (ECH) aboard Voyager; but aliens, tapping into his perceptions to observe the crew, prepare an attack when they believe that what they are seeing in the daydreams is real.
575 VOY 6 605 20 Oct 1999 Alice David Livingston Tom Paris becomes obsessed with a salvaged alien shuttlecraft which appears to have a mind of its own.
576 VOY 6 606 03 Nov 1999 Riddles Roxann Dawson Returning from a diplomatic mission Tuvok is attacked by a cloaked intruder and suffers neurological damage.
577 VOY 6 607 10 Nov 1999 Dragon's Teeth Winrich Kolbe Voyager discovers a network of subspace passageways, but is forced to land on a planet after being attacked.
578 VOY 6 608 17 Nov 1999 One Small Step Robert Picardo Seven helps the crew avoid a huge mass of subspace energy and they theorize the debris of an ancient federation spacecraft is inside.
579 VOY 6 609 24 Nov 1999 The Voyager Conspiracy Terry Windell After assimilating Voyager's data for the past six years, through an enhancement to her Borg implants, Seven of Nine suspects the ship did not arrive in the Delta Quadrant by accident.
580 VOY 6 610 01 Dec 1999 Pathfinder Mike Vejar Barclay gets over-involved with holographic recreations of the Voyager crew in his attempts to contact them. This episode also features Deanna Troi.
581 VOY 6 611 12 Jan 2000 Fair Haven Allan Kroeker The crew enjoy a respite inside a holodeck creation designed by Tom Paris, while Voyager faces the threat of an oncoming storm in space.
582 VOY 6 612 19 Jan 2000 Blink of an Eye Gabrielle Beaumont Voyager is trapped in orbit about a planet with a space-time differential such that, while its inhabitants live through years, Voyager experiences mere minutes. The title of this episode is based upon that of a 1968 episode of Star Trek entitled Wink of an Eye, from which the concept of a race who live at a faster time-rate than the outside universe is borrowed.
583 VOY 6 613 26 Jan 2000 Virtuoso Les Landau Visiting aliens who have never before encountered music become fascinated with the Doctor's Opera singing, and ask him to leave Voyager and join their society.
584 VOY 6 614 02 Feb 2000 Memorial Allan Kroeker Chakotay, Tom Paris, Harry Kim, and Neelix begin to experience weird visions after an away mission.
585 VOY 6 615 09 Feb 2000 Tsunkatse Mike Vejar Seven of Nine and Tuvok are kidnapped while on shore leave, and Seven is forced to fight in a gladiatorial contest to the death. (Guest Stars: Dwayne Johnson)
586 VOY 6 616 16 Feb 2000 Collective Alison Liddi Chakotay, Kim, Paris, and Neelix are taken hostage when the Delta Flyer is captured by Borg children in a derelict Cube.
587 VOY 6 617 23 Feb 2000 Spirit Folk David Livingston Problems arise from running the holographic Irish village of Fair Haven non-stop, when a malfunction leads the holographic characters to become self-aware.
588 VOY 6 618 01 Mar 2000 Ashes to Ashes Terry Windell A deceased crew member resurfaces, claiming to have been resurrected by an alien race who have since adopted her.
589 VOY 6 619 08 Mar 2000 Child's Play Mike Vejar The family of Icheb, one of the Borg children, is found, but he is reluctant to rejoin them. Seven, too, is reluctant for him to leave the ship; and his parents are concealing the real reason for desiring his return.
590 VOY 6 620 15 Mar 2000 Good Shepherd Winrich Kolbe Three crew members who are under-performing are taken on a mission by Janeway.
591 VOY 6 621 19 Apr 2000 Live Fast and Prosper LeVar Burton Con artists impersonate Janeway and Tuvok.
592 VOY 6 622 26 Apr 2000 Muse Mike Vejar Torres is stranded on a bronze-age planet after a crash in the Delta Flyer, where she helps a playwright adapt the story of Voyager to the stage. Also, Kim is missing in an escape pod.
593 VOY 6 623 03 May 2000 Fury John Bruno A much older and more powerful Kes returns to Voyager, and attempts to travel back in time to change her history.
594 VOY 6 624 10 May 2000 Life Line Terry Windell The Doctor's creator, Lewis Zimmerman, is dying in the Alpha Quadrant from a disease similar to the Vidiian phage. The Doctor's matrix is transferred to Zimmerman's lab on the Jupiter station, to assist Mr. Barclay and Counsellor Troi in attempting to treat the illness.
595 VOY 6 625 17 May 2000 The Haunting of Deck Twelve David Livingston As Voyager travels through a nebula all ship's power is turned off, giving Neelix an opportunity to tell the Borg children a ghost story.
596 VOY 6 626 24 May 2000 Unimatrix Zero (Part I) Allan Kroeker Janeway, B'Elanna and Tuvok infiltrate a Borg Cube in an attempt to save Borg drones who are trying to develop individuality.
597 VOY 7 701 04 Oct 2000 Unimatrix Zero (Part II) Mike Vejar Janeway, B'Elanna and Tuvok are assimilated by the Borg while attempting to save the group of drones who have developed individuality.
598 VOY 7 702 11 Oct 2000 Imperfection David Livingston When her cortical implant malfunctions, Seven of Nine needs a life-saving transplant.
599 VOY 7 703 18 Oct 2000 Drive Winrich Kolbe The crew of Voyager enter the Delta Flyer in a sub-warp race, crewed by Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres, and events conspire to encourage Tom to propose to her.
600 VOY 7 704 25 Oct 2000 Repression Winrich Kolbe Ex-Maquis crew members are attacked after a data stream arrives from Starfleet.
601 VOY 7 705 01 Nov 2000 Critical Care Terry Windell The Doctor's program is stolen and he is forced to work in an alien hospital, where he skillfully manipulates the system to provide ethical medical care.
602 VOY 7 706 08 Nov 2000 Inside Man Allan Kroeker A hologram of Reginald Barclay is sent to Voyager, supposedly to implement a dangerous plan to bring them home; but the hologram has been tampered with by some Ferengi, who are trying to steal valuable Borg nanoprobes from Seven of Nine.
603 VOY 7 707 15 Nov 2000 Body and Soul Robert Duncan McNeill During an emergency on a mission, The Doctor is forced to upload his program into Seven of Nine's Borg implants, allowing him to experience real sensations for the first time.
604 VOY 7 708 22 Nov 2000 Nightingale LeVar Burton Harry Kim takes command of an alien ship which has lost its officers in an attack.
605 VOY 7 709 29 Nov 2000 Flesh and Blood (Part I) Mike Vejar Voyager's hologram technology, which Janeway had previously donated to the Hirogen, has been modified to make the holographic prey more cunning, enabling the hologram characters to rebel against their new masters.
606 VOY 7 710 29 Nov 2000 Flesh and Blood (Part II) David Livingston The Doctor decides to join the holograms who have escaped from the Hirogen, but in the process he must betray Voyager.
607 VOY 7 711 17 Jan 2001 Shattered Terry Windell Voyager is fractured into several time periods by an accident, and only Chakotay is able to move between them, in the process meeting old friends and old foes from the previous six seasons.
608 VOY 7 712 24 Jan 2001 Lineage Peter Lauritson Now married to Tom Paris, B'Elanna Torres discovers she is pregnant. The Doctor tells her to expect a daughter; but B'Elanna's unresolved fear of the childhood traumas which she suffered as a part-Klingon girl growing up among humans makes her determined to remove her child's Klingon DNA.
609 VOY 7 713 31 Jan 2001 Repentance Mike Vejar Prisoners are brought onto Voyager from a damaged alien vessel, and the crew must deliver them to their destination - for execution!
610 VOY 7 714 07 Feb 2001 Prophecy Terry Windell Voyager encounters an ancient Klingon battlecruiser. The Klingons aboard it had set out long ago to find their savior, and they believe it to be Tom and B'Elanna's unborn child.
611 VOY 7 715 14 Feb 2001 The Void Mike Vejar Voyager is pulled into a void, where the ships which have become trapped attack each other for food and resources.
612 VOY 7 716 21 Feb 2001 Workforce (Part I) Allan Kroeker The Voyager crew are brainwashed into taking new jobs on an industrialized planet which has a severe labour shortage, leaving only Chakotay, Kim and Neelix (who were on an away mission) and the Doctor (who, in the absence of the crew, has become the Emergency Command Hologram) to save them.
613 VOY 7 717 28 Feb 2001 Workforce (Part II) Roxann Dawson Chakotay and Neelix take jobs on the new planet, and try to rescue their amnesiac crewmates - who don't want to leave.
614 VOY 7 718 07 Mar 2001 Human Error Allan Kroeker Seven practices her social skills, on the holodeck.
615 VOY 7 719 11 Apr 2001 Q2 LeVar Burton Q leaves his son (Q2) on Voyager, to learn from the crew.
616 VOY 7 720 18 Apr 2001 Author, Author David Livingston The Doctor writes a holo-novel to be published in the Alpha Quadrant, featuring characters who closely resemble - but do not flatter - the crew.
617 VOY 7 721 25 Apr 2001 Friendship One Mike Vejar The crew is sent on its first mission by Starfleet in nearly seven years: to find a lost probe sent by Earth in the 21st century that has ended up in the Delta Quadrant.
618 VOY 7 722 02 May 2001 Natural Law Terry Windell Seven and Chakotay are stranded on a planet with primitive humanoids.
619 VOY 7 723 09 May 2001 Homestead LeVar Burton Voyager encounters a Talaxian settlement leaving Neelix with the difficult decision of whether to leave the crew.
620 VOY 7 724 16 May 2001 Renaissance Man Mike Vejar The Doctor is forced to help aliens steal Voyager's warp core.
621 VOY 7 725 23 May 2001 Endgame Allan Kroeker In an alternate future where it took Voyager 23 years to get home, Admiral Janeway devises a plan to alter history. As the crew enter a final showdown with the Borg, the two Janeways implement a risky plan to take out one of the six Borg Transwarp Hubs in the galaxy and simultaneously cross the transwarp threshold to get home.
622 ENT 1 101/102 26 Sep 2001 Broken Bow James Conway Enterprise NX-01 is launched| and Captain Archer finds himself in the middle of a Temporal Cold War involving Klingons and Suliban.
623 ENT 1 103 03 Oct 2001 Fight or Flight Allan Kroeker Ensign Sato faces her fears on an alien ship whose crew was murdered| while Lieutenant Reed tries to upgrade the ship's defense system.
624 ENT 1 104 10 Oct 2001 Strange New World David Livingston A storm traps an away team in a cave on an alien world| and pollen spores cause them to experience psychosis.
625 ENT 1 105 17 Oct 2001 Unexpected Mike Vejar Commander Tucker helps an alien crew fix their engines| has an interspecies encounter in a holodeck| and returns to find himself pregnant.
626 ENT 1 106 24 Oct 2001 Terra Nova LeVar Burton Enterprise is sent to learn what happened to an early Human colony called Terra Nova.
627 ENT 1 107 31 Oct 2001 The Andorian Incident Roxann Dawson Captain Archer| Commander Tucker| and Sub-Commander T'Pol are taken hostage by Andorians in a Vulcan monastery called P'Jem.
628 ENT 1 108 07 Nov 2001 Breaking the Ice Terry Windell Lieutenant Reed and Ensign Mayweather extract a rare chemical on a comet while Sub-Commander T'Pol considers marriage to Koss.
629 ENT 1 109 14 Nov 2001 Civilization Mike Vejar Captain Archer and an away team go undercover to a pre-industrial civilization in order to investigate an unexpected sensor reading.
630 ENT 1 110 21 Nov 2001 Fortunate Son LeVar Burton The cargo ship Fortunate is damaged by Nausicaan pirates and Enterprise offers a helping hand| only to find the acting-captain has secret plans.
631 ENT 1 111 28 Nov 2001 Cold Front Robert Duncan McNeill Captain Archer learns that Crewman Daniels is covertly helping to fight the Temporal Cold War against Silik and members of the Suliban Cabal.
632 ENT 1 112 16 Jan 2002 Silent Enemy Winrich Kolbe Ensign Sato tries to find out what Lieutenant Reed's favorite food is| while Captain Archer deals with a secretive and aggressive alien first contact.
633 ENT 1 113 23 Jan 2002 Dear Doctor James A. Contner Doctor Phlox and Captain Archer must decide the fate of two species suffering from an evolutionary pandemic.
634 ENT 1 114 30 Jan 2002 Sleeping Dogs Les Landau Ensign Sato| Lieutenant Reed and Sub-Commander T'Pol attempt to help an unresponsive Klingon ship escape the crushing pressures of a gas giant.
635 ENT 1 115 06 Feb 2002 Shadows of P'Jem Mike Vejar Sub-Commander T'Pol is recalled to Vulcan. During her final away mission| she and Captain Archer are kidnapped| leading to another confrontation between Vulcans and Andorians.
636 ENT 1 116 13 Feb 2002 Shuttlepod One David Livingston After finding debris from Enterprise| Lieutenant Reed and Commander Tucker are stranded in a shuttlepod far from help.
637 ENT 1 117 27 Feb 2002 Fusion Rob Heddon Enterprise encounters a crew of emotional Vulcans; Sub-Commander T'Pol experiences an illicit mind meld| with unsettling results.
638 ENT 1 118 20 Mar 2002 Rogue Planet Allan Kroeker Enterprise finds a sunless solitary planet with a small group of aliens who are hunting wraiths| an indigenous telepathic and shape-shifting species.
639 ENT 1 119 27 Mar 2002 Acquisition James Whitmore| Jr. A group of Ferengi hijack Enterprise| but Commander Tucker| Captain Archer and Sub-Commander T'Pol resist the pirates in order to win back their ship.
640 ENT 1 120 03 Apr 2002 Oasis Jim Charleston Captain Archer and an away team find a mysterious crew apparently alive on a ship that crash-landed years ago.
641 ENT 1 121 24 Apr 2002 Detained David Livingston Captain Archer and Ensign Mayweather find themselves imprisoned in a Suliban internment camp run by the Tandarans.
642 ENT 1 122 01 May 2002 Vox Sola Roxann Dawson A strange| symbiotic alien creature boards Enterprise and starts kidnapping members of the crew.
643 ENT 1 123 08 May 2002 Fallen Hero Patrick Norris Enterprise finds itself under attack while transporting a controversial Vulcan ambassador.
644 ENT 1 124 08 May 2002 Desert Crossing David Straiton Commander Tucker and Captain Archer are invited to a desert planet by a man named Zobral| only to discover that he has ulterior motives.
645 ENT 1 125 15 May 2002 Two Days and Two Nights Michael Dorn Enterprise finally arrives for shore leave on Risa. While there| the crew experience more than they are later willing to admit.
646 ENT 1 126 22 May 2002 Shockwave (Part I) Allan Kroeker Enterprise is recalled to Earth after the crew is blamed for the accidental destruction of a colony world. En route| it is hijacked by Suliban and Captain Archer is trapped in the future.
647 ENT 2 201 18 Sep 2002 Shockwave (Part II) Allan Kroeker As a group of Suliban take over Enterprise| Captain Archer tries to return to the 22nd century.
648 ENT 2 202 25 Sep 2002 Carbon Creek James A. Contner Sub-Commander T'Pol relates the tale of a Vulcan crew stranded on Earth in the 1950s.
649 ENT 2 203 02 Oct 2002 Minefield James A. Contner Enterprise snags a cloaked mine and Lieutenant Reed and Captain Archer race to disable it during first contact with the Romulan Star Empire.
650 ENT 2 204 09 Oct 2002 Dead Stop Roxann Dawson Heavily damaged by the Romulan mine| Enterprise is repaired by an unmanned and automated sentient alien repair station.
651 ENT 2 205 16 Oct 2002 A Night In Sickbay David Straiton The Captain's beagle| Porthos| becomes ill from an alien pathogen| and Captain Archer frets in Sickbay waiting for him to recover.
652 ENT 2 206 30 Oct 2002 Marauders Mike Vejar Captain Archer barters for deuterium from a mining colony plagued by Klingon marauders| who are seeking deuterium as well.
653 ENT 2 207 06 Nov 2002 The Seventh David Livingston Sub-Commander T'Pol is reactivated as a Vulcan intelligence agent| reawakening a dark secret from her past.
654 ENT 2 208 13 Nov 2002 The Communicator James A. Contner After an away mission| Lieutenant Reed discovers that his communicator was lost on a pre-warp planet; he and Captain Archer are then captured trying to retrieve it.
655 ENT 2 209 20 Nov 2002 Singularity Patrick Norris Enterprise charts a course through a trinary star system to investigate a black hole| and the crew find themselves suffering from a condition similar to OCD.
656 ENT 2 210 27 Nov 2002 Vanishing Point David Straiton After her first trip through the transporter| Ensign Sato finds herself becoming incorporeal| with the crew believing she has perished.
657 ENT 2 211 11 Dec 2002 Precious Cargo David Livingston While answering a distress call| Commander Tucker is kidnapped along with a demanding alien princess.
658 ENT 2 212 18 Dec 2002 The Catwalk Mike Vejar The Enterprise crew takes refuge inside one of the warp nacelles to avoid an inescapable radiation belt.
659 ENT 2 213 08 Jan 2003 Dawn Roxann Dawson Commander Tucker is fired upon by an Arkonian ship and is then stranded on a planet with his attacker.
660 ENT 2 214 05 Feb 2003 Stigma David Livingston Sub-Commander T'Pol learns she has Pa'nar Syndrome| contracted from her mind meld in Fusion| and faces being ostracized by Vulcan society.
661 ENT 2 215 12 Feb 2003 Cease Fire David Straiton Captain Archer negotiates a cease fire between the Andorians and the Vulcans.
662 ENT 2 216 19 Feb 2003 Future Tense James Whitmore| Jr. Enterprise finds a derelict ship| only to be attacked by both Suliban and Tholian ships.
663 ENT 2 217 26 Feb 2003 Canamar James Whitmore| Jr. Mistaken as smugglers| Captain Archer and Commander Tucker find themselves on a prisoner transport ship.
664 ENT 2 218 02 Apr 2003 The Crossing David Livingston Incorporeal aliens attempt to take over Enterprise.
665 ENT 2 219 09 Apr 2003 Judgment James L. Conway Captain Archer is arrested and imprisoned by the Klingons for allegedly conspiring against the Empire.
666 ENT 2 220 16 Apr 2003 Horizon James A. Contner After the death of his father| Ensign Mayweather visits his family on their cargo ship and begins to reconsider his place aboard Enterprise.
667 ENT 2 221 23 Apr 2003 The Breach Robert Duncan McNeill Due to the demands of a militant faction| Enterprise is asked to retrieve Denobulan geologists from an alien cave.
668 ENT 2 222 30 Apr 2003 Cogenitor LeVar Burton Enterprise encounters the Vissians and Commander Tucker finds himself troubled by the fact the Vissians are a three-sexed species.
669 ENT 2 223 07 May 2003 Regeneration David Livingston A group of Borg (from Star Trek: First Contact) are revived after a century frozen in the Arctic ice.
670 ENT 2 224 14 May 2003 First Flight LeVar Burton Upon the death of a close friend| Captain Archer tells Sub-Commander T'Pol about his early career as an experimental warp engine pilot.
671 ENT 2 225 14 May 2003 Bounty Roxann Dawson A Tellarite captures Captain Archer in order to collect a reward from the Klingons who have been searching for him since the events of Judgment.
672 ENT 2 226 21 May 2003 The Expanse Allan Kroeker After an alien attack on Earth| Enterprise is refitted before being sent into the Delphic Expanse. Sub-Commander T'Pol resigns her commission with the Vulcan High Command| and Commander Tucker is troubled by the death of his sister.
673 ENT 3 301 10 Sep 2003 The Xindi Allan Kroeker Captain Archer and Lieutenant Reed visit a mining facility in order to track down a Xindi.
674 ENT 3 302 17 Sep 2003 Anomaly David Straiton The crew of Enterprise encounters the rigours of the Delphic Expanse first-hand| and deal with pirates operating from a giant cloaked alien sphere.
675 ENT 3 303 24 Sep 2003 Extinction LeVar Burton While pursuing the Xindi| three crew members are exposed to an alien virus and begin to mutate into Loque'eque| a long-dead alien race.
676 ENT 3 304 01 Oct 2003 Rajiin Mike Vejar A slave girl Archer rescues from an alien bazaar seeks refuge aboard Enterprise but betrays the crew instead.
677 ENT 3 305 08 Oct 2003 Impulse David Livingston Enterprise encounters a Vulcan ship whose crew has become unstable due to Trellium-D exposure. Sub-Commander T'Pol soon begins to exhibit the same symptoms.
678 ENT 3 306 15 Oct 2003 Exile Roxann Dawson A Beauty and the Beast-like tale involving Ensign Sato encountering a potentially helpful telepathic on a deserted world.
679 ENT 3 307 29 Oct 2003 The Shipment David Straiton Captain Archer learns of kemocite| a key element in a new weapon being built to destroy Earth| and seeks to follow its supply to the superweapon.
680 ENT 3 308 05 Nov 2003 Twilight Robert Duncan McNeill A parasite causes Captain Archer to lose his short-term memory| and he (with the help of T'Pol and Doctor Phlox) seeks a way to change the past.
681 ENT 3 309 12 Nov 2003 North Star David Straiton Investigating a planet found to be inhabited by humans| the crew find a town resembling the American Old West.
682 ENT 3 310 19 Nov 2003 Similitude LeVar Burton Commander Tucker becomes comatose after an accident| and a rapid-growing clone is created for the purpose of harvesting brain tissue.
683 ENT 3 311 26 Nov 2003 Carpenter Street Mike Vejar With the help of Temporal Agent Daniels| Captain Archer and Sub-Commander T'Pol go back to 2004 Detroit to stop a group of Reptilians releasing a biological weapon
684 ENT 3 312 14 Jan 2004 Chosen Realm Roxann Dawson Religious zealots seek to execute Captain Archer| for supposed acts of sphere desecration| after hijacking Enterprise.
685 ENT 3 313 21 Jan 2004 Proving Ground David Livingston Xindi scientists test their new| planet-killing weapon in an asteroid field as Captain Archer is suddenly assisted by Andorians in the Delphic Expanse.
686 ENT 3 314 04 Feb 2004 Stratagem Mike Vejar A Xindi scientist| Degra| is tricked into giving Captain Archer information about the location of the new superweapon.
687 ENT 3 315 11 Feb 2004 Harbinger David Livingston Enterprise encounters a dying alien| one of the Sphere Builders| for the first time.
688 ENT 3 316 18 Feb 2004 Doctor's Orders Roxann Dawson As Enterprise passes through a trans-dimensional disturbance| the crew is put into hibernation| leaving Doctor Phlox in control of the ship.
689 ENT 3 317 25 Feb 2004 Hatchery Michael Grossman Captain Archer becomes overly protective of an Insectoid hatchery| to the point of endangering their mission.
690 ENT 3 318 03 Mar 2004 Azati Prime Allan Kroeker Finding the superweapon on Azati Prime| Captain Archer embarks on a suicide mission to destroy it| and Enterprise suffers a devastating attack by the Xindi.
691 ENT 3 319 21 Apr 2004 Damage James L. Conway Enterprise| now heavily damaged| seeks a warp coil from an alien vessel but is forced to steal it.
692 ENT 3 320 28 Apr 2004 The Forgotten LeVar Burton Captain Archer deals with the loss of 18 crew members and continues negotiations with two of the five Xindi species.
693 ENT 3 321 05 May 2004 E2(squared) Roxann Dawson The Enterprise crew meet their own descendants from an alternate timeline in the past.
694 ENT 3 322 12 May 2004 The Council David Livingston Captain Archer speaks at the Xindi Council| sparking a civil war for control of the superweapon.
695 ENT 3 323 19 May 2004 Countdown Robert Duncan McNeill Captain Archer seeks the support of the Aquatics in order to tip the war in their favor.
696 ENT 3 324 26 May 2004 Zero Hour Allan Kroeker The final showdown with the Reptilians and their Guardian allies occurs.
697 ENT 4 401 08 Oct 2004 Storm Front (Part I) Allan Kroeker After destroying the Xindi weapon| Enterprise finds itself in the 20th century during World War II with Nazis in control of the North Eastern USA.
698 ENT 4 402 15 Oct 2004 Storm Front (Part II) Allan Kroeker Archer joins Silik to stop the alien Nazis| restore the timeline and end the Temporal Cold War.
699 ENT 4 403 22 Oct 2004 Home Allan Kroeker Enterprise is welcomed home after saving Earth and the crew takes a much needed vacation. Tucker and T'Pol visit Vulcan where T'Pol must consider marriage to Koss. Erika Hernandez becomes captain of the Columbia and renews her acquaintance with Archer. Phlox encounters prejudice on Earth.
700 ENT 4 404 29 Oct 2004 Borderland David Livingston Dr. Arik Soong restores his relationship with his genetically-enhanced children| Augments.
701 ENT 4 405 05 Nov 2004 Cold Station 12 Mike Vejar A space station crew is held hostage as Dr. Arik Soong and his Augments work to obtain hundreds of Augment embryos in hopes of creating an Augment population.
702 ENT 4 406 12 Nov 2004 The Augments LeVar Burton Dr. Arik Soong finds himself overthrown as father of the Augments and Archer rushes to prevent the destruction of a Klingon colony. As a result of his dashed hopes of enhancing humans| Soong turns in a new direction of research.
703 ENT 4 407 19 Nov 2004 The Forge Michael Grossman Earth's embassy on Vulcan is partially destroyed by a bomb| killing Admiral Forrest. Archer and T'Pol travel to Vulcan in search of an alleged terrorist group blamed for the explosion| of which T'Pol's mother is a member.
704 ENT 4 408 26 Nov 2004 Awakening Roxann Dawson Archer and T'Pol find T'Pau and T'Pol's mother and learn that Archer is carrying Surak's katra.
705 ENT 4 409 03 Dec 2004 Kir'Shara David Livingston Archer and T'Pol bring back the Kir'Shara (Surak's artifact) that will lead to vast changes in the Vulcan world. T'Pol's Pa'nar Syndrome is cured by T'Pau.
706 ENT 4 410 14 Jan 2005 Daedalus David Straiton Dr. Emory Erickson| inventor of the transporter| conducts a long-range experiment in order to recover his lost son.
707 ENT 4 411 21 Jan 2005 Observer Effect Mike Vejar Organians test the Enterprise crew by observing their reactions to a deadly silicon-based infection.
708 ENT 4 412 28 Jan 2005 Babel One David Straiton Andorians threaten war on the Tellarites after apparently being attacked by a Tellarite vessel en route to trade talks.
709 ENT 4 413 04 Feb 2005 United David Livingston Archer and Shran engage in mortal combat as Archer tries to unite the Andorians and Tellarites who are being set at each other's throats by a remote-controlled Romulan vessel.
710 ENT 4 414 11 Feb 2005 The Aenar Mike Vejar The drone Romulan ship that attacked the Andorians is under the control of an Aenar| an offshoot race of the Andorians. Archer and Shran join forces to rescue the Aenar and stop the Romulan plot.
711 ENT 4 415 18 Feb 2005 Affliction Michael Grossman Phlox is kidnapped by the Klingons who are seeking to cure a disease caused by an attempt to create Klingon/Augment hybrids. T'Pol's mental abilities grow after she conducts her first mind meld.
712 ENT 4 416 25 Feb 2005 Divergence David Barrett With the Columbia's help| the Enterprise crew grapples with sabotage to their ship as they pursue the truth behind the kidnapping of Phlox. The disease is cured| but genetic mutations will make many Klingons appear human-like for generations to come.
713 ENT 4 417 15 Apr 2005 Bound Allan Kroeker As a gift for negotiating with the Orion Syndicate| Archer receives three Orion Slave Girls| but these gifts have their own agenda. Meanwhile| Trip and T'Pol come to terms with the psychic bond that has been created between them.
714 ENT 4 418 22 Apr 2005 In a Mirror, Darkly (Part I) James L. Conway In the Mirror Universe| Commander Archer mutinies against Captain Forrest in order to capture a future Earth ship found in Tholian space.
715 ENT 4 419 29 Apr 2005 In a Mirror, Darkly (Part II) Marvin V. Rush In the Mirror Universe| Archer commandeers the 23rd-century Defiant from the Tholians and uses it in a nefarious power grab.
716 ENT 4 420 06 May 2005 Demons LeVar Burton A xenophobic faction of humanity threatens to undermine talks to form a new coalition of planets.
717 ENT 4 421 13 May 2005 Terra Prime Marvin V. Rush A human isolationist leader threatens to destroy Starfleet Command unless all aliens leave Earth immediately. His bargaining tool: a baby cloned from DNA belonging to Trip and T'Pol.
718 ENT 4 422 13 May 2005 These Are the Voyages... Allan Kroeker Two centuries in the future| two crew members of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (Commander William Riker and Counselor Deanna Troi) observe a holodeck creation of the final voyage of the NX-01 in 2161 (six years after the events of Terra Prime) as it returns to Earth for decommissioning and the signing of the United Federation of Planets charter.
719 DSC 1 101 24 Sep 2017 The Vulcan Hello David Semel While patrolling Federation space, the USS Shenzhou encounters an object of unknown origin, putting First Officer Michael Burnham to her greatest test yet.
720 DSC 1 102 24 Sep 2017 Battle at the Binary Stars Adam Kane Face to face with Klingon vessels, the USS Shenzhou prepares for the possibility of war if negotiations fail. Amidst the turmoil, Burnham looks back to her Vulcan upbringing for guidance.
721 DSC 1 103 01 Oct 2017 Context Is for Kings Akiva Goldsman Michael Burnham finds herself aboard the USS Discovery, where she quickly realizes things are not as they seem, including the mysterious Captain Gabriel Lorca.
722 DSC 1 104 08 Oct 2017 The Butcher Olatunde Osunsanmi With tensions and stakes high as Starfleet continues in their efforts to end the war with the Klingons, Burnham begins to settle into her new position aboard the USS Discovery.
723 DSC 1 105 15 Oct 2017 Choose Your Pain Lee Rose While on a mission, Lorca unexpectedly finds himself in the company of prisoner of war Starfleet Lieutenant Ash Tyler and notorious criminal Harry Mudd. Burnham voices her concerns about the repercussions of the spore drive jumps on "Ripper".
724 DSC 1 106 22 Oct 2017 Lethe Douglas Aarniokoski The USS Discovery crew is intrigued by new addition Lieutenant Ash Tyler. Sarek seeks Burnham's help, rekindling memories from her past. Admiral Cornwell questions Lorca's tactics.
725 DSC 1 107 29 Oct 2017 Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad David M. Barrett As the crew attempts to let loose at a party, Harry Mudd triggers a time loop that repeatedly destroys the ship and kills the crew in an effort to learn the secret of the spore drive and sell the Discovery to the Klingons.
726 DSC 1 108 05 Nov 2017 Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum John S. Scott Burnham, Tyler, and Saru contemplate peace during an away mission to a strange new world.
727 DSC 1 109 12 Nov 2017 Into the Forest I Go Chris Byrne The Discovery stands as Pahvo’s last hope when the Klingon Ship of Death responds to the Pahvans’ call for peace.
728 DSC 1 110 19 Nov 2017 Despite Yourself Jonathan Frakes While in unfamiliar territory, the USS Discovery crew is forced to get creative in their next efforts to survive opposing and unprecedented forces and return home.
729 DSC 1 111 14 Jan 2018 The Wolf Inside TJ Scott Tyler is forced to confront the truth about himself, as Burnham works to get vital information from the resistance.
730 DSC 1 112 21 Jan 2018 Vaulting Ambition Hanelle M. Culpepper Burnham meets the emperor face-to-face, while Stamets searches for a way out of the mycelial network he’s become trapped inside of.
731 DSC 1 113 28 Jan 2018 What's Past is Prologue Olatunde Osunsanmi Michael, Saru, and the rest of the Discovery crew fight to return to their own universe with the help of an unlikely ally.
732 DSC 1 114 04 Feb 2018 The War Without, The War Within David Solomon The crew of the Discovery return to the Prime universe to discover the Federation is losing the war with the Klingons.
733 DSC 1 115 11 Feb 2018 Will You Take My Hand? Akiva Goldsman The Discovery travels to Quo’noS in an attempt to end the war with the Klingons.
734 STST 1 101 04 Oct 2018 Runaway Maja Vrvilo Following a discussion with her mother, Sylvia Tilly encounters a young Xahean stowaway.
735 STST 1 102 08 Nov 2018 Calypso Olatunde Osunsanmi A man named Craft is taken aboard Discovery, which has been adrift and derelict for a thousand years.
736 STST 1 103 06 Dec 2018 The Brightest Star Douglas Aarniokoski On the planet Kaminar, Saru wants to learn about life outside the pre-warp society of his village, where his people are harvested as food by the predatory Ba'ul.
737 STST 1 104 03 Jan 2019 The Escape Artist Rainn Wilson Harry Mudd is captured by a bounty hunter and taken to a Federation ship, but there the hunter finds more than he bargains for.
738 DSC 2 201 17 Jan 2019 Brother Alex Kurtzman The U.S.S. Discovery welcomes aboard Capt. Pike and begins a mission to investigate the red signals.
739 DSC 2 202 24 Jan 2019 New Eden Jonathan Frakes A new signal brings the Discovery to a distant planet, Terralysium, that is inhabited by the descendants of human survivors of World War III, which was fought on Earth 200 years earlier.
740 DSC 2 203 31 Jan 2019 Point of Light Olatunde Osunsanmi A surprise visitor brings shocking news about Spock and dredges up past regrets for Burnham.
741 DSC 2 204 07 Feb 2019 An Obol For Charon Lee Rose A mysterious sphere threatens the U.S.S. Discovery; Pike receives new intel on Spock.
742 DSC 2 205 14 Feb 2019 Saints of Imperfection David Barrett The Discovery crew attempts to rescue Tilly from the mycelial network.
743 DSC 2 206 21 Feb 2019 The Sound of Thunder Douglas Aarniokoski Burnham, Saru and the crew embark on a perilous mission that puts Saru in danger.
744 DSC 2 207 28 Feb 2019 Light and Shadows Marta Cunningham Burnham goes to Vulcan in search of Spock, where she unearths surprising family secrets.
745 DSC 2 208 07 Mar 2019 If Memory Serves TJ Scott Spock and Burnham head to Talos IV, where they are forced to confront their troubled past.
746 DSC 2 209 14 Mar 2019 Project Daedalus Jonathan Frakes Suspicions arise that the crew may have a traitor in their midst; Burnham tries to help Spock.
747 DSC 2 210 21 Mar 2019 The Red Angel Hanelle M. Culpepper Burnham is stunned when she learns her ties to Section 31 run deeper than she ever fathomed.
748 DSC 2 211 28 Mar 2019 Perpetual Infinity Maja Vrvilo Burnham receives the reunion she's been longing for, but it doesn't go quite as she imagined.
749 DSC 2 212 04 Apr 2019 Through the Valley of Shadows Douglas Aarniokoski A fourth signal leads the Discovery to a world where Pike is forced to make a life-changing choice.
750 DSC 2 213 11 Apr 2019 Such Sweet Sorrow Olatunde Osunsanmi When Discovery's crucial mission does not go according to plan, Burnham realizes what must be done.
751 DSC 2 214 18 Apr 2019 Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 Olatunde Osunsanmi The crew of the USS Discovery explores new worlds and civilizations.
752 STST 2 201 05 Oct 2019 Q&A Mark Pellington On his first day aboard the USS Enterprise, Ensign Spock and his new superior officer Number One get trapped in a turbolift.
753 STST 2 202 10 Oct 2019 The Trouble with Edward Daniel Gray Longino On the USS Cabot, science officer Edward Larkin tries to solve a planet's food shortage by adding human DNA to tribbles against his Captain's orders, creating a species that is born pregnant and reproduces at an exponential rate.
754 STST 2 203 14 Nov 2019 Ask Not Sanji Senaka When Starbase 28 is attacked, Cadet Thira Sidhu is given care of a mutinous prisoner: Captain Christopher Pike of the Enterprise!
755 STST 2 204 12 Dec 2019 The Girl Who Made the Stars Olatunde Osunsanmi Young Michael Burnham's father eases her fear of the dark by telling her a story about a young African girl.
756 STST 2 205 12 Dec 2019 Ephraim and Dot Michael Giacchino A tardigrade looking for a place to lay her eggs crosses paths with the USS Enterprise and is attacked by a repair drone named Dot.
757 STST 2 206 09 Jan 2020 Children of Mars Mark Pellington Two schoolgirls on Earth develop a fierce rivalry, but are drawn together by a tragedy when they see news of Mars and its orbital facilities (where both girls have family working) attacked by rogue synthetics.
758 PIC 1 102 29 Jan 2020 Maps and Legends Hanelle M. Culpepper Picard begins investigating the mystery of Dahj as well as what her very existence means to the Federation. Without Starfleet's support, Picard is left leaning on others for help, including Dr. Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) and an estranged former colleague, Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd). Meanwhile, hidden enemies are also interested in where Picard's search for the truth about Dahj will lead.
759 PIC 1 103 05 Feb 2020 The End is the Beginning Hanelle M. Culpepper Completely unaware of her special nature, Soji continues her work and captures the attention of the Borg cube research project's executive director. After rehashing past events with a reluctant Raffi, Picard seeks others willing to join his search for Bruce Maddox, including pilot and former Starfleet officer Cristóbal Rios (Santiago Cabrera).
760 PIC 1 104 12 Feb 2020 Absolute Candor Jonathan Frakes The crew's journey to Freecloud takes a detour when Picard orders a stop at the planet Vashti, where Picard and Raffi relocated Romulan refugees 14 years earlier. Upon arrival, Picard reunites with Elnor (Evan Evagora), a young Romulan he befriended during the relocation. Meanwhile, Narek continues his attempts to learn more about Soji while Narissa's impatience with his lack of progress grows.
761 PIC 1 105 19 Feb 2020 Stardust City Rag Jonathan Frakes The La Sirena crew begin an unpredictable and lively expedition on Freecloud to search for Bruce Maddox. When they learn Maddox has found himself in a precarious situation, a familiar face offers her assistance.
762 PIC 1 106 26 Feb 2020 The Impossible Box Maja Vrvilo Picard and the crew track Soji to the Borg cube in Romulan space, resurfacing haunting memories for Picard. Meanwhile, Narek believes he finally found a way to safely exploit Soji for information.
763 PIC 1 107 04 Mar 2020 Nepenthe Douglas Aarniokoski Picard and Soji transport to the planet Nepenthe, home to some old and trusted friends. As the rest of the La Sirena crew attempt to join them, Picard helps Soji make sense of her recently unlocked memories. Meanwhile, Hugh and Elnor are left on the Borg cube and must face an angered Narissa.
764 PIC 1 108 11 Mar 2020 Broken Pieces Maja Vrvilo When devastating truths behind the Mars attack are revealed, Picard realizes just how far many will go to preserve secrets stretching back generations, all while the La Sirena crew grapples with secrets and revelations of their own. Narissa directs her guards to capture Elnor, setting off an unexpected chain of events on the Borg cube.
765 PIC 1 109 18 Mar 2020 Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 1 Akiva Goldsman Following an unconventional and dangerous transit, Picard and the crew finally arrive at Soji's home world, Coppelius. However, with Romulan warbirds on their tail, their arrival brings only greater danger as the crew discovers more than expected about the planet's inhabitants.
766 PIC 1 110 25 Mar 2020 Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 Akiva Goldsman A final confrontation on the synthetics' homeworld, Coppelius, pits Picard and his team against the Romulans, as well as the synths who seek to safeguard their existence at all costs.
767 LOW 1 101 05 Aug 2020 Second Contact Barry J. Kelly Ensign Tendi has her first day of work on Starfleet's U.S.S. Cerritos, where she meets fellow support crew members, Ensigns Mariner, Boimler and Rutherford. Meanwhile, Boimler is tasked with a secret special assignment and Rutherford attempts to keep his dating life intact while a sci-fi disaster strikes the ship.
768 LOW 1 102 12 Aug 2020 Envoys Kim Arndt After a high profile mission goes awry, Boimler is further plagued with self-doubt when Mariner proves herself to be a more naturally talented sci-fi badass than he. Rutherford quits his job in engineering and explores other departments on the U.S.S. Cerritos.
769 LOW 1 103 19 Aug 2020 Temporal Edict Bob Suarez A new work protocol eliminating "buffer time" has the Lower Decks crew running ragged as they try to keep up with their tightened schedules. Ensign Mariner and Commander Ransom's mutual lack of respect comes to a head during an away mission.
770 LOW 1 104 26 Aug 2020 Moist Vessel Barry J. Kelly Captain Freeman seeks the ultimate payback after Mariner blatantly disrespects her in front of the crew. A well-meaning Tendi accidentally messes up a Lieutenant's attempt at spiritual ascension and tries to make it right.
771 LOW 1 105 02 Sep 2020 Cupid Kim Arndt Mariner is suspicious of Boimler's new girlfriend. Tendi and Rutherford grow jealous of a bigger starship's gear.
772 LOW 1 106 09 Sep 2020 Terminal Provocations Bob Suarez The lovable, but awkward, Ensign Fletcher makes work difficult for Mariner and Boimler. Rutherford introduces Tendi to a holodeck training program he created.
773 LOW 1 107 16 Sep 2020 Much Ado About Boimler Barry J. Kelly Mariner tries to impress her best friend from Starfleet Academy who is now a visiting Captain. Boimler is sent to a Starfleet medical ship after a transporter accident puts him "out of phase."
774 LOW 1 108 23 Sep 2020 Veritas Kim Arndt Mariner, Boimler, Tendi, and Rutherford are caught off guard when aliens force them to testify about a series of seemingly unrelated events.
775 LOW 1 109 30 Sep 2020 Crisis Point Bob Suarez Mariner repurposes Boimler's holodeck program to cast herself as the villain in a Lower Decks style movie.
776 LOW 1 110 07 Oct 2020 No Small Parts Barry J. Kelly Season finale. The U.S.S. Cerritos encounters a familiar enemy. Tendi helps a struggling recruit find her footing.
777 DSC 3 301 14 Oct 2020 That Hope Is You, Part 1 Olatunde Osunsanmi Arriving 930 years in the future, Burnham navigates a galaxy she no longer recognizes while searching for the rest of the U.S.S. Discovery crew.
778 DSC 3 302 21 Oct 2020 Far From Home Olatunde Osunsanmi After the U.S.S. Discovery crash-lands on a strange planet, the crew finds themselves racing against time to repair their ship. Meanwhile, Saru and Tilly embark on a perilous first-contact mission in hopes of finding Burnham.
779 PIC 1 101 22 Oct 2020 Remembrance Hanelle M. Culpepper At the end of the 24th Century, and 14 years after his retirement from Starfleet, Jean-Luc Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) is living a quiet life on his vineyard, Chateau Picard. When he is sought out by a mysterious young woman, Dahj (Isa Briones), in need of his help, he soon realizes she may have personal connections to his own past.
780 DSC 3 303 28 Oct 2020 People of Earth Jonathan Frakes Finally reunited, Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery crew journey to Earth, eager to learn what happened to the Federation in their absence.
781 DSC 3 304 04 Nov 2020 Forget Me Not Hanelle M. Culpepper Burnham and Adira visit the Trill homeworld in hopes of unlocking the secrets trapped within Adira's mind. Back on the U.S.S. Discovery, Saru's efforts to help the crew reconnect with one another take a surprising turn.
782 DSC 3 305 11 Nov 2020 Die Trying Maja Vrvilo After reuniting with what remains of Starfleet and the Federation, the U.S.S. Discovery and its crew must prove that a 930 year old crew and starship are exactly what this new future needs.
783 DSC 3 306 18 Nov 2020 Scavengers Douglas Aarniokoski After receiving a message from Book, Burnham and Georgiou embark on a rogue mission to find him, leaving Saru to pick up the pieces with Admiral Vance. Meanwhile, Stamets forms an unexpected bond with Adira.
784 DSC 3 307 25 Nov 2020 Unification III Jon Dudkowski While grappling with the fallout of her recent actions, and what her future might hold, Burnham agrees to represent the Federation in an intense debate about the release of politically sensitive - but highly valuable - Burn data.
785 DSC 3 308 02 Dec 2020 The Sanctuary Jonathan Frakes Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery crew travel to Book's home planet to help rescue it from Osyraa, the formidable leader of the Emerald Chain. Meanwhile, Stamets and Adira continue their search for valuable information on the origin of the Burn.
786 DSC 3 309 09 Dec 2020 Terra Firma, Part 1 Omar Madha The U.S.S. Discovery crew journey to a mysterious planet in hopes of finding a cure for Georgiou's deteriorating condition. Stamets and Adira make a stunning breakthrough with the newly acquired Burn data.
787 DSC 3 310 16 Dec 2020 Terra Firma, Part 2 Omar Madha Georgiou uncovers the true depths of the plot against her, leading her to a revelation about how deeply her time on the U.S.S. Discovery truly changed her.
788 DSC 3 311 23 Dec 2020 Su Norma Bailey Discovery ventures to the Verubin Nebula, where Burnham, Saru, and Culber make a shocking realization about the origin of the Burn as the rest of the crew faces an unexpected threat.
789 DSC 3 312 30 Dec 2020 There Is A Tide... Jonathan Frakes After capturing the U.S.S. Discovery, Osyraa seeks a meeting with Admiral Vance while Burnham and the crew must overcome unimaginable odds as they attempt to regain command of their ship.
790 DSC 3 313 06 Jan 2021 That Hope Is You, Part 2 Olatunde Osunsanmi As the Emerald Chain tightens its grip and the mystery of the Burn is finally solved, Burnham and the crew have one last chance to save themselves - and the Federation.
791 LOW 2 201 12 Aug 2021 Strange Energies Jason Zurek The USS Cerritos is dispatched on a mission where it ends up in a sci-fi event resulting in "strange energy," which Commander Ransom inadvertently absorbs.
792 LOW 2 202 19 Aug 2021 Kayshon, His Eyes Open Kim Arndt Our Lower Deckers have trouble bonding with Ensign Jet Manhaver, who has been assigned Boimler's bunk and shift duties. Meanwhile, we get a glimpse of Boimler's life on the USS Titan, which is more intense than he thought it would be.
793 LOW 2 203 26 Aug 2021 We'll Always Have Tom Paris Bob Suarez Mariner and Tendi team up for a mission to retrieve an heirloom for Dr. T'Ana. Meanwhile, the Cerritos is visited by Lieutenant Tom Paris, much to the excitement of Boimler, who is hoping to meet him. While all this happens, Rutherford is haunted by the mystery surrounding the reappearance of a familiar presence on the Cerritos.
794 LOW 2 204 02 Sep 2021 Mugato, Gumato Jason Zurek The USS Cerritos is dispatched to a planet to investigate an unexplained sighting of a dangerous Mugato.
795 LOW 2 205 09 Sep 2021 An Embarrassment Of Dooplers Kim Arndt Mariner and Boimler try to track down the location of a legendary Starfleet party while the bridge crew deals with an insecure alien diplomat.
796 LOW 2 206 16 Sep 2021 The Spy Humongous Bob Suarez Anomaly consolidation day on the USS Cerritos leaves the Lower Deckers with mixed emotions. Captain Freeman attempts to negotiate peace on the Pakled home world.
797 LOW 2 207 23 Sep 2021 Where Pleasant Fountains Lie Jason Zurek Mariner and Boimler are stranded on an uninhabited planet with a sentient computer. On the Cerritos, Lt. Commander Billups must prove his engineering abilities to an old adversary.
798 LOW 2 208 30 Sep 2021 I, Excretus Kim Arndt A consultant arrives on the USS Cerritos to run drills that require the lower deckers and bridge crew to swap duties.
799 LOW 2 209 07 Oct 2021 wej Duj Bob Suarez Boimler tries to find a bridge buddy while the USS Cerritos crew has down time during a long warp trip.
800 LOW 2 210 14 Oct 2021 First First Contact Jason Zurek In the season two finale, the USS Cerritos is tasked to aid another starship on a first contact mission.
801 PRO 1 101/102 28 Oct 2021 Lost and Found Ben Hibon A group of lawless teens, exiled on a mining colony outside Federation space, discover a derelict Starfleet ship. Dal must gather an unlikely crew for their newfound ship if they are going to escape Tars Lamora, but the Diviner and his daughter Gwyn have other plans.
802 PRO 1 103 28 Oct 2021 Starstruck Alan Wan Even with the guidance of their hologram advisor Janeway, the crew of the USS Protostar is tested when their ship is on a dangerous cosmic collision course.
803 PRO 1 104 11 Nov 2021 Dreamcatcher Steve Ahn, Sung Shin The crew has their first away mission on an undiscovered planet that manifests their deepest desires, only to realize the planet has desires of its own.
804 DSC 4 401 18 Nov 2021 Kobayashi Maru Olatunde Osunsanmi After months spent reconnecting the Federation with distant worlds, Captain Michael Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery are sent to assist a damaged space station.
805 PRO 1 105 18 Nov 2021 Terror Firma Alan Wan, Olga Ulanova Marooned on a deadly planet, the crew must work together with their captive Gwyn to stay alive, but the planet isn't the only thing in pursuit.
806 DSC 4 402 25 Nov 2021 Anomaly Olatunde Osunsanmi Saru returns to help the U.S.S. Discovery uncover the mystery of an unusually destructive new force; as Burnham leads the crew, she must also find a way to help Book cope with an unimaginable loss.
807 DSC 4 403 02 Dec 2021 Choose to Live Christopher J. Byrne Burnham and Tilly hunt the killer of a Starfleet officer as Stamets and the science team race against the clock to prevent the anomaly from killing anyone else.
808 DSC 4 404 09 Dec 2021 All Is Possible John Ottman Tilly and Adira lead a team of Starfleet Academy cadets on a training mission that takes a dangerous turn. Burnham is pulled into tense negotiations on Ni'Var.
809 DSC 4 405 16 Dec 2021 The Examples Lee Rose Burnham and Book race to evacuate a group of stranded colonists in the anomaly's path as one of the Federation's brightest scientists comes aboard the U.S.S. Discovery to do high-stakes research with Saru and Stamets.
810 DSC 4 406 23 Dec 2021 Stormy Weather Jonathan Frakes Seeking answers, the U.S.S. Discovery ventures into a subspace rift created by the Dark Matter Anomaly. Meanwhile, Book faces a strange visitor from his past.
811 DSC 4 407 30 Dec 2021 ...But to Connect Lee Rose Tensions rise as representatives from across the galaxy gather to confront the threat of the Dark Matter Anomaly; Zora's new sentience raises difficult questions.
812 PRO 1 106 06 Jan 2022 Kobayashi Aaron J. Waltke As Gwyn struggles to find her role aboard the U.S.S. Protostar, Dal tests his leadership skills in the newly discovered holodeck.
813 PRO 1 107 13 Jan 2022 First Con-Tact Steve Ahn and Sung Shin When a mentor from Dal's past persuades him to use their Federation cover for personal gain, they quickly discover Starfleet has protocols for a reason.
814 PRO 1 108 20 Jan 2022 Time Amok Olga Ulanova and Sung Shin When the U.S.S. Protostar is fractured in time by an anomaly, Hologram Janeway must synchronize the disjointed crew and save their ship before it destructs.
815 PRO 1 109 27 Jan 2022 A Moral Star Part 1 Ben Hibon The crew forgo their dreams of Starfleet to return to Tars Lamora in a no-win scenario.
816 PRO 1 110 03 Feb 2022 A Moral Star Part 2 Ben Hibon When the plan goes awry, the crew must improvise; Gwyn discovers a dark truth that will forever jeopardize their quest toward salvation.
817 DSC 4 408 10 Feb 2022 All In Christopher J. Byrne & Jen McGowan Following a hunch, Captain Burnham tracks Book to an old haunt from their courier days and gets drawn into a high-stakes competition for a powerful weapon.
818 DSC 4 409 17 Feb 2022 Rubicon Andi Armaganian Captain Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery race to stop Book and Ruon Tarka from launching a rogue plan that could inadvertently endanger the galaxy.
819 DSC 4 410 24 Feb 2022 The Galactic Barrier Deborah Kampmeier Captain Burnham and her crew must go where few have gone before: beyond the Galactic Barrier. Meanwhile, Book learns the truth of what drives Ruon Tarka.
820 DSC 4 411 03 Mar 2022 Rosetta Jeff Byrd & Jen McGowan While Captain Burnham leads an away mission to a planet that was once home to the aliens responsible for the DMA, Book and Tarka secretly infiltrate the U.S.S. Discovery.
821 PIC 2 201 03 Mar 2022 The Star Gazer Doug Aarniokoski Starfleet must once again call on Jean-Luc Picard after members of his former crew- Cristóbal Rios, Seven of Nine, Raffi Musiker, and Dr Agnes Jurati- discover an anomaly in space that threatens the galaxy.
822 DSC 4 412 10 Mar 2022 Species Ten-C Olatunde Osunsanmi As the DMA approaches Earth and Ni'Var, Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery attempt to make First Contact with the powerful species responsible before it's too late.
823 PIC 2 202 10 Mar 2022 Penance Doug Aarniokoski Picard finds himself transported to an alternate timeline in the year 2400 where his longtime nemesis, Q, has orchestrated one final trial.
824 DSC 4 413 17 Mar 2022 Coming Home Olatunde Osunsanmi The DMA approaches Earth and Ni'Var. With evacuations underway, Burnham and the team aboard the U.S.S. Discovery must find a way to communicate with a species Ten-C before time runs out.
825 PIC 2 203 17 Mar 2022 Assimilation Lea Thompson Picard and the crew travel back to 2024 Los Angeles in search of the "Watcher," who can help them identify the point at which time diverged.
826 PIC 2 204 24 Mar 2022 Watcher Lea Thompson With time running out to save the future, Picard takes matters into his own hands and seeks out an old friend for help. Rios ends up on the wrong side of the law. Jurati makes a deal with the Borg Queen.
827 PIC 2 205 31 Mar 2022 Fly Me To the Moon Jonathan Frakes Picard discovers an important person from his past may be integral to the divergence in the timeline; Q continues his manipulation of the timeline; Seven and Raffi attempt to rescue Rios; Jurati faces the consequences of her deal with the Borg Queen.
828 PIC 2 206 07 Apr 2022 Two of One Jonathan Frakes With Tallinn's help, Picard and the crew infiltrate a gala on the eve of a joint space mission, to protect an astronaut they believe to be integral to the restoration of the timeline.
829 PIC 2 207 14 Apr 2022 Monsters Joe Menendez Tallinn ventures inside Picard's subconscious mind to help wake him from a coma and face his darkest secrets and deepest fears. Seven and Raffi go in search of Jurati.
830 PIC 2 208 21 Apr 2022 Mercy Joe Menendez With time running out before the launch of the Europa Mission, Picard and Guinan must free themselves from FBI custody. Seven and Raffi come face-to-face with Jurati and the horror of what she's become.
831 PIC 2 209 28 Apr 2022 Hide and Seek Michael Weaver With time running out before the launch of the Europa Mission, Picard and Guinan must free themselves from FBI custody; Seven and Raffi come face-to-face with Jurati and the horror of what she's become.
832 PIC 2 210 05 May 2022 Farewell Michael Weaver With just hours until the Europa Launch, Picard and the crew find themselves in a race against time to save the future.
833 SNW 1 101 05 May 2022 Strange New Worlds Akiva Goldsman Captain Christopher Pike comes out of self-imposed exile to rescue an officer gone missing during a secret mission.
834 SNW 1 102 12 May 2022 Children of The Comet Maja Vrvilo While on a survey mission, the USS Enterprise discovers a comet that is going to strike an inhabited planet.
835 SNW 1 103 19 May 2022 Ghosts of Illyria Leslie Hope Una must confront a secret she’s been hiding when a contagion ravages the ship, incapacitating the rest of the crew.
836 SNW 1 104 26 May 2022 Memento Mori Dan Liu Pike must find unconventional Starfleet methods to deal with a malevolent force that attacks the Enterprise.
837 SNW 1 105 02 Jun 2022 Spock Amok Rachel Leiterman A personal visit causes a comedy of errors during Spock & Pike’s crucial negotiations with an unusual alien species.
838 SNW 1 106 09 Jun 2022 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach Andi Armaganian A threat to an idyllic planet reunites Captain Pike with the lost love of his life. To protect her and a scientific holy child from a conspiracy, Pike offers his help and is forced to face unresolved feelings of his past.
839 SNW 1 107 16 Jun 2022 The Serene Squall Sydney Freeland While on a dangerous humanitarian mission, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise stumbles into a harrowing game of leverage with the quadrant's deadliest space pirate.
840 SNW 1 108 23 Jun 2022 The Elysian Kingdom Amanda Row The USS Enterprise becomes stuck in a nebula that is home to an alien consciousness that traps the crew in a fairy tale.
841 SNW 1 109 30 Jun 2022 All Those Who Wander Christopher J. Byrne Mid-celebration, the Enterprise gets called into a priority one search and rescue mission for a crew that's gone missing on a dead zone planet.
842 SNW 1 110 07 Jul 2022 A Quality of Mercy Chris Fisher Pike and the crew of the Enterprise face an unprecedented threat which could change the Federation forever in the season finale of Strange New Worlds.
843 PRO 1 111 27 Oct 2022 Asylum Steve Ahn & Sung Shin At the edge of Federation space, the crew applies for asylum at a comm relay outpost, only for their starship to reveal its shocking true purpose.
844 PRO 1 112 03 Nov 2022 Let Sleeping Borg Lie Olga Ulanova & Sung Shin When the crew encounters a dormant Borg Cube, Zero risks everything to save their ship.
845 PRO 1 113 10 Nov 2022 All the World's a Stage Andrew L. Schmidt The crew answers a distress call to find a colony trapped in Starfleet's past.
846 PRO 1 114 17 Nov 2022 Crossroads Steve Ahn & Sung Shin When the crew attempts to secure transport to the Federation, they unwittingly cross paths with the Vice Admiral who is hunting them.
847 PRO 1 115 24 Nov 2022 Masquerade Sung Shin Trapped in the Neutral Zone, the crew encounters a rogue geneticist who sheds light on Dal's past.
848 PRO 1 116 01 Dec 2022 Preludes Steve Ahn & Sung Shin A Starfleet admiral digs into the past of the Protostar crew. Meanwhile, the Diviner recalls his life's mission.
849 PRO 1 117 08 Dec 2022 Ghost in the Machine Andrew L. Schmidt When the crew gets trapped in the holodeck by a mysterious malfunction, they aren't sure what's programmed or what's real.
850 PRO 1 118 15 Dec 2022 Mindwalk Sung Shin Desperate to warn Starfleet of their dilemma, a daring experiment goes awry as Dal inadvertently swaps mind with a Starfleet Vice Admiral.
851 PRO 1 119 22 Dec 2022 Supernova, Part 1 Andrew L. Schmidt Surrounded by the Federation armada, the crew attempts to stop their ship from destroying all of Starfleet.
852 PRO 1 120 29 Dec 2022 Supernova, Part 2 Ben Hibon As the Federation hangs in the balance, the crew must make the ultimate sacrifice to save Starfleet's future.
853 PIC 3 301 16 Feb 2023 The Next Generation Doug Aarniokoski After receiving a cryptic, urgent distress call from Dr. Beverly Crusher, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard enlists help from generations old and new to embark on one final adventure: a daring mission that will change Starfleet, and his old crew forever.
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